Chapter 17: Searching for the Future, Mi Zhu Shocked

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Liu Xian's courtyard.

With the weather into the summer, the temperature is gradually rising. Liu Xian saw that the house was stuffy and hot, so he simply carried the table to the courtyard. At this time, he sat opposite Liu Bei and Jian Yong, while Xu Sheng sat next to himself.

Liu Xian boiled dumplings, brought vinegar, let Liu Bei and Jian Yong also taste this latter-day delicacy.

"Ouch, hot hot hot..."

Jian Yong ate a dumpling, hot dumplings immediately let him open his mouth and cried out in pain. Liu Bei saw a burst of laughter:

"Jian Yong, you can not eat slower!"

Jane Yong swallowed the dumplings, only to say.

"You do not know ah, this thing is so delicious, if I do not eat later I'm afraid to be Liu Xian snatched up!"

"Heh heh heh..."

Liu Xian pointed to Jian Yong laughed:

"You Jane Yong ah, a mouth is no good words!" You come to my home as a guest, I can still short you food? "If it is not enough, later I pack some to send your home!"

Jane Yong heard, two eyes light straight up said:

"This is what you said, can not back out!"

Said, and is a long sigh said:

"Unfortunately, Liu Xian has become my army consigliere, or I need to tie up Liu Xian to my home as a chef!"

This again amused Liu Bei and Liu Xian laughed, a table atmosphere is quite harmonious. After talking for a while, Jian Yong felt not happy, and ordered the soldiers to sell some wine. The wine of this era is not high in degree, but also good in the mouth. Liu Bei drank some wine, face slightly red and said:

"This time Liu Xian offered a plan, when the first credit, to be the next day to Guangling (today's Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province)

I will reward you again!" Liu Xian waved his hand carelessly and said:

"The reward thing, you feel free to be, now the family is not rich, do not spread waste!"

"Exactly exactly." Liu Bei hastily responded.

After drinking some more wine, Liu Bei said

"In my opinion, in less than a year, Yuan Shu will not be able to take care of himself! After that, we only need to let General Guan guard Guangling, and with General Guan's strategy, we will not be afraid of Yuan Shu's attack!"

He knows that Yuan Shu will be crowned emperor in the next year, and by that time, all the people in the world will be unconvinced, so Yuan Shu will not have the strength to attack. With Guan Yu's ability, as long as Lu Bu doesn't make a move, it's useless for anyone under Yuan Shu to come. That's why he dared to say that Yuan Shu will come to beg for peace before.

Liu Bei and Jian Yong heard nothing, looked at each other, and simply did not say more. Since Liu Xian had said so, then Yuan Shu definitely didn't need to care! Seeing that the rear are well organized according to Liu Xian's arrangement, Liu Bei busily said:

"Since the rear can not care, then we take Jiangdong, where to start?"

Liu Xian blandly said:

"Guangling and Wu County (present-day Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province), can be directly from Huiji (present-day Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province) to start!

The first step is to start from Huiji (present-day Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province)! Now Wu County (present-day Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Gusu District) Liu Careless is fighting with Yuan Shu's Sun Ce and losing in successive battles, Liu Bei can go straight to Wu County (present-day Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Gusu District)! Although Liu Careless is a member of the Han family, he is not good at fighting, so if Liu Bei goes, he can help him defeat Sun Ce, and then use Wu County (present-day Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) as a springboard to seek other counties!"


Liu Bei praised, after Liu Xian analyzed, the next route has been clear. At that moment, the worries in his heart are gone, so he no longer talks about the military, but continues to drink with the wine.

Liu Bei in this side of the drink, Mi House, Mi Zhu is a face shocked:

"What did you say? Guangling (present-day Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province) won a great victory?"

Mi Fang said with an ugly expression on his handsome face:

"Exactly, just now the order came, said it was a great victory in Guangling! And this battle our army loss is only a few hundred, but captured thousands of people. Brother, I don't think that Liu Xian really has some skills!"

Mi Zhu listened and said.

"What is the Lord's reaction?"

Mi Fang sighed:

"His Lordship is naturally overjoyed, and has now arrived at Liu Xian's courtyard. Brother, what do you call this? We have spent a lot of effort to subsidize Liu Bei, but now after a big victory, Liu Bei's attention has been attracted by that Liu Xian! In this way, we have not funded Liu Bei for nothing?"

Listening to Mi Fang's words, Mi Zhu paced up and down the hall with his hand on his back. After a long time, he sighed and said.

"It seems that this Liu Xian is really a talent!"

Said, another smile and said:

"This matter, may not necessarily be a bad thing ah!"

Mi Fang was immediately puzzled and said:

"Brother this is what he said, that Liu Xian appeared to be trustworthy, is still good for us?"

Mi Zhu heard this and laughed: "Mi Fang ah Mi Fang, you are too obsessed with returns! Don't you think about it, the initial purpose of our financial support to the Lord is to let the Lord recover quickly, isn't it? Now with Liu Xian, you'll be able to accomplish a lot in the future! In my opinion, why don't we move the Mi family to Guangling and support you with all our strength! In this way, after His Excellency's success, my family will surely rise to great heights!"


Mi Fang hesitated for a while:

"Will it be too risky?"

Mi Zhu waved his hand carelessly and said:

"If you want to achieve great things, you don't need to spend this much money... I've made up my mind, so I don't need to say anything more."

After a few days, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei broke through the defenses set up by Chen Lan and Lei Bo, breaking Yuan Shu's reinforcements, and Yuan Shu's letter of truce had also reached Liu Bei, and it was really as Liu Xian said, it was to beg for peace, and finally, when the messenger finished he also had a private chat with Liu Bei, and the content was also to ask him to continue to fight against Lu Bu, and Yuan Shu would fund the money and food. Liu Bei also pretends to agree and forgets about it when the messenger leaves.

Chen Gong and Chen Qun were also appointed, and Jian Yong and Sun Qian also went out on a mission to find Lu Bu, Zang Ba and Minister Chang. Chen Qun also recommended two men: Chen Jiao, a native of Guangling (present-day Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province), and Dai Gan, a native of Danyang (present-day Xichuan County, Henan Province), to whom Liu Bei gave great importance. Under Liu Xian's role, the world's historical line began to deviate a little, and went on an unknown path.

"Traveling through the Three Kingdoms, restoring the Han Dynasty.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ