Chapter 23: Sun Ce's Hasty Journey, Liu Bei's Great Victory

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Qu'a (present-day Danyang City, Jiangsu Province) on its way to Dantu (between present-day Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces). A large army of about 6,000 men was on a rapid march. The red flags of the army were fluttering, causing dust and sand on the road. However, although this army was pursuing, there were few cavalry, mostly infantry, and the speed of the march was not fast. I saw a general wearing red armor, with a mighty figure and a short beard under his jaw, like a tiger or a leopard, it was Sun Ce.

He steered his horse while shouting:

"March! Speed up the march! Today, we must kill Liu Cao in one battle!"

Beside him, generals Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Ling Cao, and Song Lian were also traveling in a hurry.

Cheng Pu saw Sun Ce's impatient behavior, and could not help but persuade him.

", now our army just met a big battle, already exhausted, and then this kind of immediate march, I'm afraid I can't hold up ah!"

Sun Ce sniffed, not caring:

"Eh, Cheng Pu, as the saying goes, speed is of the essence, now that Liu Cao is defeated, I will follow Zhou Yu's plan and have Huang Gai and Zhou Tai ambush him on his way out! Liu Cao is heading towards Dantu (between present day Anhui Province and Jiangsu Province), and if he's ambushed, he'll be in chaos! If our army can catch up and attack from both sides, we can defeat Liu Cao in one battle!"

Cheng Pu saw this, thought for a while, and then said.

"But our army is tired, if the enemy set up an ambush halfway, I'm afraid it's difficult for our army to cope with it!"

"Heh heh heh..."

Sun Ce said disdainfully:

"Cheng Pu is too high on that Liu Carefree! If he had the guts to set up an ambush, would he still be defeated?"

Cheng Pu said:


"No buts!"

Sun Ce waved his spear in his hand and said disdainfully:

"With that defeated army, even if we set up an ambush, I'm sure I can defeat them! All troops continue to speed up! We must catch up with Liu Cao today!"

Once this order was issued, all the generals shouted to advance, and for a while the speed of the whole army increased again.


On top of the heights on both sides of the Qu'a road, Liu Bei and Liu Xian look down the mountain, and a general makes a report:

"My lord, there is a large number of people coming from the front!"

Liu Bei sniffs and says:

"How many enemy troops are there?"

"How much farther to go? "

The scout said:

"My lord, the enemy army is about 5,000 to 6,000 people, all infantry. However, the speed of marching is very fast, when my subordinate probed just now, there are still five miles to go (one mile, that is 500 meters)!"

Liu Xian heard this and laughed:

"That Sun Ce must have been so anxious to catch up with Liu Cao that he allowed his soldiers to march so forcefully! This is self-seeking death!"

Liu Bei was also delighted and said:

"When our two armies engage in battle, consigliere can only stay on this mountain, I will leave a tun (100 men) to protect consigliere!"

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