The Dragon of New York

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"Woah!" Lily yelped, jumping back to avoid being hit.
She took a deep breath, letting the red flames burn the back of her throat. Before she could unleash a fireball, Donnie launched a net, trapping her against the wall while her brothers took care of the little robots.
"That makes it," Leo began, pressing a hand to his chin, "Mad Dogs; 20, Lizard; 0."
Lily pulled herself free from the net and whispered to Donnie, "I know where you live," And to the rest of her brothers, she said, "Until next time Puppy-dogs."
After her brothers left to pick up the pizza they were talking about, Lily went into the sewers. When the guys got home, they were going to be greeted by the Dragon, not their sister. She wasn't certain that they knew she was both, so their reactions would be interesting. She entered the lair, carefully so as not to alert Dad. She sat at the top of the skate ramp and waited.
"We got the pizza!" Mikey cheered from his perch on Raph's shoulder, who asked, "Where's Lily?"
Lily flapped the wings and blew a plume of fire at the firecrackers in her hands. A sharp hiss echoed through the lair as they sparked to life, tiny colored flames dancing in the air. Tossing it upward, she could feel her brothers staring. When it landed, they stared at it for what felt like an eternity before the flames reached the first chamber and a small, colorful explosion began the chain. While sparks rose in the air, Lily snuck down. It wasn't long before her brothers saw her.
"Why are you here?" Leo asked, "And where is Lily?"
She simply smirked and released a plume of fire in the air, before turning heel and leaving. Once she was out of sight, she started sprinting.
"Wha-Hey!" Donnie shouted, "She stole the pizza!"
Lily started laughing, turning to run backwards to watch her brothers stumble over themselves trying to catch her. With a quick twist, they vanished from sight, and she was folding in the wings as she silently lifted the manhole cover.
"Well, that was easier than I expected" Lily said to nobody in particular, removing the box from her arm, "I should probably buy them a fresh one on my way back."
Tucking the box away, Lily climbed one of the buildings and began stretching. The wings altered her center of balance, so she wanted to try her usual routine with them. Taking a deep breath, she planted her hands on the roof and slowly lifted her legs into the air. It only lasted a few seconds before her arms began shaking and she fell over. Flexing the wings as she stood back up, she gave up and started making her way across the rooftops. After 5 minutes, she was in a part of the city that looked completely different. It was near the docks, with most of the buildings having no residents, or, at least no official ones. Once she opened the pizza box, there was the shuffling of little feet and several whispered yells of "Shh, be quiet!". Lily entered one of the 'unoccupied' buildings and set down the pizza before she turned around and began to make her way to the nearest manhole cover.
Lily paused where she stood, and was quickly hugged by a little boy.
She smiled, ruffled his hair, and made her way home, picking up a pizza on the way.

Sorry that this chapter is shorter, but by the end of next week, I will begin transferring this to Ao3. As always, suggestions and prompts are always welcome!

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