The beginning

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The small turtle splashes around happily in the little tub of water with her playmates. One has a softy shell like her, and the other has bright curved thingies over his eyes. They all hatched on the same day, softy shell hatched early in the morning, bright eye hatched around noon, and the little turtle hatched when the sky started to get dark.
A clatter and a grumble stirred the little turtle from her thoughts, Mr. Grumpy must be back. The little turtle tapped her playmates to lead their attention to the person who just came in. He wore a shiny blue suit and something dark on his face. She's couldn't tell what it was from her spot.
The new guy was placed in the cage by her and her playmates. The guy she decided to call sir shiny picked up brighty eye, and spiky, a bad move, he's a biter. Mr. Grumpy said something to sir shiny, and then spiky bit him on the lip. Sir shiny said something, and then the sticky noodles wrapped around her and her playmates, and they got plugged into slimy bubbles up way high.
All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise, a flash of bright light, and a burning pain in every inch of the little turtle. After a few seconds, the slimy bubbles popped, and the little turtle fell into a pile with the others. The burning still riddled the little turtle, and her world was quickly taken over by darkness.

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