Repo Mantis♡

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Leo groaned, "I hate cleaning day."
Lily and Raph didn't listen to their brother's complaint as they watched Lily's pool drain. When it came to household cleaning, there wasn't much of a designated date for it, but the pool was an exception. It was much more likely for there to be all sorts of gunk in the water and on the walls, especially since Leo and Donnie really only listened to the 'No food in pool' rule infront of Lily. So every month, the pool would be drained and deep cleaned. Because it was so large and deep, throughly cleaning it, along with draining and refilling, took the entire day.
"Why do we have to do this again?" Leo moaned, "The pool isn't even that dirty."
"You don't sleep in it every night," Lily said, "And we haven't been able to clean it for 4 months!"
"But why do we have to start cleaning it so early in the morning?" Leo asked, leaning against the wall.
Raph shook his head and said, "It takes over an hour to completely drain it before we start cleaning, plus, Mikey and Donnie will be at the junkyard all day."
20 minutes later, the water in the pool had been sucked up. The cleaning supplies had been set on the floor of the pool with the help of Lily's ribbons. They started by cleaning the ladder, scrubbing away the thin layer of algae and dirt. Lily and Leo were inside the pool and Raph sat by the ladder. Then they added the cleaner that gave the ladder a nice shine. The solution took around 30 minutes to dry enough that it wouldn't cause minor chemical burns. Leo and Lily walked to the far end of the pool and began scrubbing the tiles.
"How is there this much gunk caked in?" Lily asked, "I know you and Donnie rarely listen to my rule, but this is ridiculous!"
Leo said, "This wasn't me or Donnie, sis."
"Riiiight," Lily said sarcastically, rolling her eyes, "Dad's glued to his chair, Raph doesn't like wet food, and Mikey doesn't even know how to swim!"
After two and a half hours, Leo and Lily had made no visible progress.
"Ugh, Lily, can I borrow your shower?" Leo asked, turning to face his sister, who was no longer there, "Where'd you go?"
Lily was in her personal bathroom, -an only girl perk- taking a hot shower and listening to the playlist she made for when she wants to embrace her rage in a constructive manner. She dried off her skin and braided her hair again before she reentered her room.
"I think we should call a day," Raph suggested as Lily started to summon her ribbons to lower her into the pool, "It's taken over two hours and you two haven't made a dent with one of the smallest walls."
Lily sighed in defeat, "You're right Raph. Guess I'll be sleeping in D's room for a while."
"Wanna watch Spirited Away?" Raph asked.
Lily nodded and started to walk to the living room, but paused and said, "C'mon Leo, we're headed to the living room!"
Leo gave a thumbs-up, but gave no indication that he was going to climb the ladder anytime soon.
Lily sighed and said, "Thumbs-up if you want to lay there a while, thumbs-down if you want to be carried out."
Leo gave a second thumbs-up, "Okay, Raph and I will be in the living room if you need us," Lily said.
Raph and Lily walked into the living room and to nobody's surprise, Dad was fast asleep in his chair. Since the projector wasn't being used, they put in the tape and started the movie. They were more focused on the film than Dad, so they didn't notice him slink away.
After a few more movies and lunch, Leo was sitting between the two and watching his favorite of the Jupiter Jim movies. Suddenly, there was a thud and a loud yell coming from Lily's room. The three ran, weapons at the ready, to see the commotion. To their complete and utter surprise, Dad was lying on the floor of the pool in a very uncomfortable position, with what looked like a footlong sandwich smushed beneath him.
"Dad," Lily uttered, her voice a deadly calm, "Why are you lying on a smushed sandwich in my pool?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about White," Dad says, avoiding her gaze.
"Bull shit," Lily said, crossing her arms, "You're the reason why my pool has slime caked into every grove!"
Leo was slowly backing up, and Raph was staring at his little sister in shock, Lily has the cleanest mouth out of the triplets, and when she does swear, it's usually at people who kill-target her for no reason in online games. In other words, Dad was a dead man walking. Rather than verbally attacking, Lily simple pulled her phone out of her pocket, typed a short message, put it back into her pocket, and walked out of her room. Raph was pretty sure that whatever she typed was going to be both impressive and terrifying.
That evening, after dinner, Dad pulled open the curtains that acted as the door to his room to see a wall from ceiling to floor made completely of water. Poking his claw into the water, Dad was knocked over and submerged for a few seconds before the water drained away.
"Vengeance!" Lily yelled, popping out from the vent that led to Leo's room.
Leo pulled himself up enough to see the carnage and said, "Lily, I say this with all the love for you in my heart. When you want to be, you are pure evil."
Lily smiled evily and laughed, but it was her normal laugh, one that was slightly warm and didn't match her current evil persona.
"What did you text D anyway?" Leo questioned, "And how'd you make that water wall?"
"I told him to leave Dad's TV alone for the week," Lily said, smirking, "Dad'll be busy trying to get his room dry. As for the wall, it's a secret."
"You have no idea do you?"
"Just like the ceiling chair."
"Thought so."

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