Mystic mayhem♤

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We have reached cannon! Every chapter that is an official episode in the series will have one of the following symbols at the end. ♤♡◇♧.
"C'mon Lily," Leo called from the entrance, "We gotta leave soon, or we won't get to enjoy cannonball day!"
"Sorry!" Lily exclaimed, shoving something into her bag as she slung it over her shoulder, "I couldn't find my sketchbook."
"What's so important about that sketchbook?" Mikey asked, tilting his head.
"I don't like to do cannonballs, and for sooome reason, I'm not allowed to stay home alone-"
"Lily, you drank 2 redbulls and summoned a horde of animals that took us three hours to get rid of," Raph said, unamused.
"Regardless, I have to have something to keep myself entertained," Lily said, waving her hand carelessly, "And drawing has less things for me to get lost."
"We have wasted enough time," Donnie stated, "To the rooftops!"
Lily sat behind April, an umbrella protecting her sketchbook from getting soaked. The dull thud above her alerted her to the inevitable. The sound of metal on metal was the signal for Lily to close her sketchbook and hold it close.
The issuing splash launched Lily's umbrella off the roof. Picking up her bag, she listened in on what her brothers and friend were saying.
"Ha! You must be this rad to ride that ride," Mikey cheered.
"Well, based on our velocity and entry angle," Donnie stated,  "I concur, rad."
"You guys crushed it. Gimme five!" April yelled, "Or three."
"Couldn't have done it without you, April. Our girl with the plan," Raph said enthusiastically.
"And the keys to the roof," Leo said.
"Let's go bungee dunk on the hoops at Rucker park," Mikey exclaimed.
"Game on! Just one thing first," April said as she set down two signs, "'Wet floor' and 'dry pool'. Donnie, can I hitch a ride?"
"No probbles," Donnie stated, allowing April to climb onto his battle shell.
"Wait," Leo asked as they began to jump acrossthe rooftops, "Didn't you bring an umbrella with you?"
"I did, but it got-" Lily started, but paused when Raph slammed into a building.
"Hey, hey guys, hold up!" Raph exclaimed, pointing toward a small animal in the middle of a construction site, "Poor thing looks lost."
The siblings and April landed behind the animal, startling it. It had the appearance of a Fenix fox with red, blue, and yellow fur and a pair of tusks pointing outward.
Crouching down, Raph said to it in baby talk, "Hey little guy, what'chu doing here? Mm, mm, come to big Raphie."
The others laughed, to which Raph replied, "What? Pets love me alright? I am at one with the animals."
The animal clawed at him, tearing part of his bandana and prompting the others to laugh more. The critter then jumped into April's arms and licked her.
"Aww. I didn't get this drenched from the cannonball."
"It looks so weird. What is it?" Mikey asked.
"Maybe it's some kind of nuclear Saint Bernard," Donnie observed, tapping the small, rounded glass vial on the collar.
There was a scoff nearby from two people rapidly approaching them.
"Humans!" Raph gasped, the siblings hiding behind April, "Initiate plan H."
The brothers stepped out from behind April. Lily just kept hiding.
"Um, excuse me sirs. Can you direct us to the local science fiction convention that we are currently dressed for?" Leo said, putting on a false nerd voice.
"Snazzy alien turtle outfits, huh?" Mikey said in a nasal tone.
"We are just typical, normal humans who got lost in the middle of our normal, everyday human lives," Donnie stated, "Nailed it."
From behind April, Lily facepalmed, and Leo whispered to Donnie, "Dude, you gotta make it to rehearsal."
Lily spaced out for a minute or so, and the only reason she was snapped back to reality was because Raph landed roughly in the dirt beside her. Reaching for her side pocket, she remembered that she left her shurikens at home.
"Oh good, you're back to the land of the living," Donnie said, "We could use your ribbons right about now."
"I kinda can't," Lily said, jumping to avoid getting hit.
"Why not," Raph asked.
Rather than verbally answer, Lily summoned one of her ribbons, and rather than pause to listen for a command, the ribbon balled up and slammed right into her face before zooming up into the sky.
"Why not just make some non-living ones?" Leo suggested.
"I'll try that," Lily said, jumping up to one of the higher levels on the incomplete building.
Holding one hand over the other, Lily focused to summon a ribbon with less sentience. A tiny curl of soft pink started to appear between her hands, and a stabbing pain began in her palms and the soles of her feet. As the ribbon slowly widened and lengthened, the pain spread through her arms and legs. Once the pain reached her shoulders, it increased tenfold and started in her skull. The ribbon started to flicker in and out sight as darkness filled her view. After the ribbon completely disappeared, the darkness fully covered her vision, the pain pusled through her body completely, and she fell unconscious.
When Lily regained consciousness, the first thing she saw was the bright light of the med-bay over her. Sitting up, she started to stretch, but a small pain in her wrist stopped her. Looking at her wrist, she saw a pair of smooth handcuffs linking her right arm to the metal frame of the bed. There was also a note on it from Donnie, stating that she had apparently passed out and that the handcuffs were Raph's idea, with the intent of keeping her from causing chaos. Looking around the medbay, she saw that about 2 and a half hours had passed since she and her brothers left for the surface. She also realized that there was a bowl of cheese crackers and a cup of water beside her sketchbook on the side table. Picking it up, she began to doodle, occasionally grabbing a handful of the crackers or taking a sip of water. After 20 minutes, Leo and Raph entered the medbay.
"Hey hermanita," Leo said, holding a sword over his shoulder.
"Where did you get that sword?" Lily asked, not recognizing it.
"Evil scientist's lab," Leo said, waving the blade around carelessly.
"I didn't know Donnie made swords," Lily said, and lifting her arm, asked, "Oh, and Raph, can you please take off these?"
"Sure," Raph said, picking up a simple key and unlocking the cuffs.
Rubbing her slightly sore wrist, Lily asked, "I fell like I have missed a lot in the last two hours, what happened?"
"April and the dog-thing got taken by the mystic joggers, then you fell off the building, and you hit you noggin pretty good. We found a cool magic city, and entered the lab of an evil scientist, where we got cool magic weapons and the vial on the dog was used to make mutation mosquitoes, then we blew the thing up," Leo said, and tossed Lily a can saying, "For you sis."
"Leo!" Raph exclaimed, exasperated, "Stop giving Lily energy drinks!"
"It's way too fun to see what her caffeine-buzzed brain does for me to stop," Leo said, laughing.
Requests and prompts are always welcome, use common sense though, and if you can't think of a prompt for a full chapter, you can also leave requests or prompts for flash-back scenes. I love hearing your ideas!

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