War and Pizza♧

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"Payday!" Lily cheered, holding a black envelope in her hands.
"You're extra excited for payday this month aren't you," One of her coworkers said.
"Yep!" Lily exclaimed, "My cloaking brooch is ready for pickup."
"Cool," He said.
"Bye," Lily said as she left the room.
Reaching the Hidden city shopping center, Lily saw a familiar face. Walking over to him, Lily saw that Jack was playing on his phone and looked pretty bored.
"Hi Jack," Lily said, "Whatchya doing?"
"Nothing," Jack said, "My Mom is staying late at her office and I ran out of my allowance money."
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Lily said, "I have a few hours before I need to go home, and I just got paid."
"You don't need to rub it in," Jack said.
Suppressing a laugh, Lily said in a sing-song tone, "I got time to spare and money to share!"
"Ah," Jack said, "Thanks."
"No problem!" Lily cheered, "I just need to pick up my brooch. Be right back."
"Be right here," Jack joked, prompting a giggle from Lily as she sprinted to the store.
Opening the door, Lily headed straight to the counter. The swan yokai behind the counter asked what she was here for. After Lily answered the questions and showed her proof of purchase, she got to get her new cloaking brooch. Turning it over in her hands, Lily took in every detail. The brooch was a dragon curling around the gem, the frame was white and the gem was a deep indigo. Pinning it on her shirt, Lily pressed the button and felt the magic swirl around her. Looking in the mirror, Lily saw herself as a human. Her skin was a rich caramel color, and her white speckles were replaced with dark chocolate brown freckles on every inch of her. Pressing the brooch again, Lily waved the clerks goodbye and went to talk to Jack.
"What do you want to do?" Lily asked as she bounced on her heels.
Thinking for a minute, Jack said, "You feeling up for pizza?"
"What kind?" Lily asked.
"Alberto's," Jack said.
"I don't know that place," Lily said, "Where is it?"
"Upper New York," Jack answered, "You have a cloaking brooch now."
Entering Alberto's, Lily said, "This is a kid's birthday restaurant."
"Yeah, but it has the best arcade," Jack said.
There certainly was a large variety of games, but Lily had a sneaking suspicion that all the buttons were incredibly sticky. One kid had somehow gotten stuck in a claw machine, which was utterly baffling. Lily and Jack played some of the games, and they came upon a just dance machine. After playing for half an hour, Lily got message from Donnie saying her brothers were going to Alberto's.
"We should go," Lily said, "And preferably now."
"My brothers are coming here and knowing them, something is going to come to life and attack."
Jack stared blankly for a moment, and followed Lily without much question.
Entering her room, Lily went to her book corner. Grabbing her favorite book, she sat down and wrapped a fuzzy blanket around her shoulders. Once she was comfy, she dove into her book. 25 chapters later, Lily's stomach growled, and she realized that she hadn't eaten lunch that day. Entering the kitchen, she saw a note on the fridge that said there was some salmon inside. Grabbing a bowl, Lily tossed one of the fish inside absent-mindlessly and returned to her room. Munching on her favorite snack, she flipped through the book and occasionally sipping tea.
"Hey Lily," Leo said, sounding confused, "Have you seen a......"
Looking up from the pages, Lily asked, "Have I seen a what?"
Leo blinked a few times and asked, "Do you know what you are eating?"
"A fish."
Leo stared at her like she had an extra head and said, "A raw fish."
"What do you mean?" Lily asked.
"I mean, the fish you are eating is completely raw!" Leo exclaimed, exasperated, "How did you not notice?"
Lily shrugged her shoulders and took another bite.
"Lily! Stop! Eating! The Raw! Fish!" Leo yelled.
As she chewed, Lily said, "I think I like it better raw."
"That doesn't matter, eating raw fish cannot be good for you," Leo objected, storming out of the room.
Lily went back to her fish, unfazed by the fact that it was fully raw. She had only taken a few bites of it when Leo led Donnie in by the wrist.
Munching slowly, Lily said, "What's the problem?"
"Why are you eating raw fish?" Donnie asked in his usual monotone, prepping for lecture mode.
Lily cocked an eyebrow and said, "I've seen you eating raw meat from the freezer several times before, you do not have space to lecture me."
The color drained from Donnie's face as Leo slowly turned to face him. Lily smirked, but Leo said, "Don't think I'm forgetting about you, sis."
Lily swore under her breath and took another bite from the fish. The bones crunched in her mouth in a very satisfying way.
"To be fair, I am fairly certain that our digestive systems are different from those of a human," Donnie said.
"I don't care, no more raw meat or fish for either of you," Leo said, crossing his arms.
Lily just tossed the last of the fish - as she was taking bites throughout the conversation - in her mouth, and chewed it, much to the chagrin of Leo.

Lily just tossed the last of the fish - as she was taking bites throughout the conversation - in her mouth, and chewed it, much to the chagrin of Leo

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Behold! A human Lily!

For the holidays, I'll answer your questions about this AU, so leave them in the comments, along with prompts, requests and suggestions for future chapters.

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