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It was a cold winter day, Leo, Donnie, and April had stolen every blanket in the house, and buried themselves within a giant pile of cloth. Raph and Mikey were watching all the Lou jitsu movies, and Lily was trying to make her ribbons listen to her. It wasn't going very well.
"The red ball," Lily commanded, voice warbling with uncertainty. The four ribbons stilled for a few moments before zooming away. When they returned, there were only three, as one of the ribbons had burrowed itself in the blanket pile, much to the annoyance of the inhabitants.
"That's the tenth one today!" Donnie exclaimed indignantly.
"Sorry Donnie!" Lily apologized, trying and failing to get the ribbons out of the pile, "They won't listen to me."
April asked, "Do you wanna join us?"
Lily thought it over and mumbled, "Yeah."
"Can you grab some snacks?" Leo asked.
Once Lily had shuffled into the pile, the snacks on a small plate infront of it, she snuggled up against Leo. Once she was comfy, she realized that she left her book in the kitchen.
"Why are ya grumpy sis?" Leo asked.
"My book," Lily said, then the ribbons hiding in the pile zoomed up to the kitchen, and when they returned, the book was in their grasp.
"Woah," April gasped as the ribbons set the book into Lily's hands.
"I wonder why they are listening to you now," Donnie commented.
"Don't know," Lily chirped in response.
There was a cry from the second floor. The triplets and April bolted there to find Mikey on the floor, a large gash in his arm, and Raph holding him guiltily, blood on one of his shell spikes.
"Mikey!" Leo exclaimed, "What happened?"
Mikey couldn't answer as he was crying so hard that his breath was short and fast.
Raph answered in his place, "I wasn't paying attention and Mikey got cut on one of my spikes."
"We have to get Dad," Lily said, "But maybe I can use my ribbons to stop the bleeding until then."
Once one of the ribbons touched the wound, it immediately wrapped around Mikey's arm tightly. One end tucked into the layers and the ribbons smoothed out into a cast-like texture, just one complete layer. As everyone tried to comprehend what happened, April put in a movie and said, "Until Splints is ready, how about we watch some movies."
After a few movies, the ribbons on Mikey's arm began to unravel. Once the entire ribbon fell off, the wound was revealed to have disappeared. The siblings were completely confounded.
"Cool!" Leo said, pointing at the smooth, scar-less skin.
"Can we study how this works later?" Donnie asked, eyes wide with curiosity.
"Yeah!" Lily exclaimed, "I want to know what I can do with this!"
Prompts, please.

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