Discovering the library Part II

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"Hello - ke - u - plea -."
"Are - awa - ?"
"Plea - wake up."
"Wake up."
Lily jolted awake at the shout, "Wha? Is the library closed? Where are the people?" She saw the person who woke her up, it was a boy around her age. He had short, deep, tan hair, blue eyes, a pale complextion, and plenty of freckles. She also realized that her hood had fallen off and the boy could see all her turtle features.
"The human lib'a'y is closed fo' the day, but now, it's the yokai night lib'a'y. What kinda yokai are you?"
"Do you not know what a yokai is?"
"I do, but aren't they monsters from legends in Japan?"
"I don't get it."
"In Japan, yokai are like the zombies, skeletons and ghosts in American stories."
"OH..... I still don't get it."
"Forget it, I'm Lily, who are you?"
"I'm Jack, Jack Nowak. Who are they?"
"My brothers."
"Jack, are you bothering them?" A tall lady walked up to Lily and Jack. She had dark brown hair, arching cheekbones, light brown eyes, and a very stern expression on her face.
"No, I'm not Momma, I promise."
"Who are they?"
"This gi'l, she said her name's Lily, and dese a'e her brothers."
"You appear to be some sort of turtle yokai, what kind specifically?"
Lily didn't answer, attempting to hide in her shell to no avail.
"I won't harm you little one, but since you seem to be afraid of me, perhaps I can show you my true form," The woman said, pressing a button on the brooch pinned to her blouse. A dark teal whirlwind swirled around the lady. When it faded, the human was gone and in her place was a lizard, she still had the arching cheekbones and light brown eyes, but her hair was gone and instead, she was covered in jungle green scales from head to toe.
"Wow! What is that?" Lily asked, pointing to the brooch on the blouse that stayed.
"It is called a cloaking brooch, it makes it easier to blend in with the humans, they are easy to get, but slightly on the expensive side."
"What does Jack look like without his?"
In answer, Jack pressed the brooch on his shirt, and Lily saw he had a slightly longer, curled tail, lighter green scales than his mother, and a teal fringe on his head, stopping at the base of his neck.
"Mhm," Donnie groaned, smacking his lips before saying, "What happened to the library?"
"This is the Yokai night library," The woman said, leaning in closer, while still giving them space.
"N-n-n-night library?!" Donnie exclaimed, eyes wide with joy. To his young genius mind, it was like every major holiday rolled into one.
"Yes, how old are you three?"
"We're four," Donnie stated, his tone betraying how excited he was.
"My name is Natalia, I tea-" Natalia started, but she was interrupted by Donnie running into the science aisle,  "-ch classes here to the younger Yokai who are too young to get their own cloaking brooches,"
Leo woke up at this point and initially stared at Natalia, but then his eyes caught the moving bookshelves and he immediately tried to jump on one.
"Your brothers, are they are always like this? Natalia asked, as Leo kept trying unsuccessfully to jump on one if the moving bookshelves and Donnie was running up and down the nonfiction section, screeching in pure joy.
"Yep!" Lily said, kicking her legs, "I like it that way."

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