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Raph and Lily were in the kitchen, spooning the soup dad left on the stove into bowls. The scent of chicken and pepper filled the steam that wafted from the bowls.
The two carried the bowls into the living room, where their brothers were inside a blanket fort and watching Jupiter Jim. As the scent reached them, the movie was paused and they joined their siblings.
"Mmmmm, soup!" Leo exclaimed, bringing the bowl to his mouth, spilling some on his shirt in the process.
"Leo, use a spoon," Donnie said, bringing his own to his lips.
"No way pancake," Leo said, using the nickname with an amused smirk before tilting his head back and drinking his soup in one go.
"Leo, don't do that," Raph said, sipping from his bowl."
"Sooner we finish our food, sooner we can try the swiss!" Mikey squeaked, bouncing his bowl on his legs.
"It's not the swiss, it's the spits," Leo mumbled around his burnt tongue.
"You are both incorrect, it is the splits," Donnie stated, sipping from his spoon.
"What's the splits?" Lily asked, setting her spoon down.
"One foot front, one foot behind, and your tushy on the floor," Leo said, tongue still burnt.
"Cool!" Lily chirped, wagging her tail and setting her bowl on the floor, "Can we please do that now?"
"Finish your soup first," Raph replied.
Lily was silent for a beat, before, wearing a similar smirk to Leo's, tilted her bowl back and gulped down the remainder of her soup in a similar fashion to her middle triplet. With a self-assured hum, she set her bowl down with a clink.
"That's my sis!" Leo cackled, kicking his legs in the air.
"Ugh, there is now two of them," Donnie groaned, finishing his soup.
Once everyone finished their soup, the siblings went to a carpeted area of their home to try the splits. Raph made it only about a quarter of the way before giving up and sitting on the couch, with Mikey joining him shortly after. Leo made it slightly over half way, and walked to the couch, shaking his legs as he went. Shortly after, a loud clang and the sound of cloth being dragged sent them running to the entrance.
"Hello boys," Dad said fatigued, bringing the sack infront of him before silently counting something and saying, "Where is your sister?"
From the other room, Lily cheered, "I DID IT!" And after a beat, "I'M STUUUUUCK!"
Raph and dad entered the living room to see Lily in a very-near perfect split, trying and failing to get back up. After dad helped her back up, Lily sat down on the couch and rubbed her little legs.
"What were you doing White?" Dad asked, leaving to prevent the youngest three brothers from ransaking the goods before Lily could answer.
There wasn't much apart from food, but there was something called a trampoline that was the length of two Raphs end to end without the tail. The youngest three were overjoyed wheen they realized it was bouncy.
"WHOOOOOP!" Leo exclaimed, bounching up and down, waving his arms and legs as he went.
Lily was giggling maniacally as she and Mikey were bounced by their older brother's impact on the black mesh mat. Lily's hands were clasped around her knees and the two of them were chanting at Leo to go higher. With a loud cheer, Raph ran to the trampoline and jumped on, sending the youngest three flying. Lily spun around once, landed and rolled back a few times before giggling. The other two landed flat on their backs. Raph was bouncing with an apologetic look on his face.
"Sorry guys," Raph apologized, trying to pull into himself slightly.
Lily giggled for a few moments before cheering, "That. Felt. AWESOME!"
Donnie walked up to them and said, "Lily, if you found that enjoyable, you might want to look into gymnastics, specifically acrobatics."
"Acrobatics?" Lily asked, cocking her head to one side.
"It is a type of sport where people do the splits and jump and flip and roll and other things."
"Oooohh," Lily said, eyes wide with interest.
"I have a book on it if you would like to see," Donnie stated in monotone, handing the book to his sister who began to read it right away.
As Lily read, with Donnie helping her with the tougher words, the rest of their brothers climbed back onto the trampoline and resumed the bouncing.
🎵I'm back🎵
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