Down with the sickness◇

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Lily was absolutely exausted. She had spent the better part of three days cleaning her pool. Donnie tested one his new inventions to try and expedite the process, but it went haywire and left a bigger mess. So, the pool was finally clean, and Lily has been awake for about 90 hours in a row. She heard Mikey calling her to come and eat, but her stomach churned slightly at the thought. Scratching at her dry skin, Lily squirmed into her pink and white pj's, and shuffled her way to the kitchen.

 Scratching at her dry skin, Lily squirmed into her pink and white pj's, and shuffled her way to the kitchen

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(Lily's Pj's)

Her brothers weren't in the kitchen when Lily entered. The table had nearly empty plates of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes on the table, but Lily figured the best bet would be some yogurt with raspberries and strawberries. Chewing on the sweet and faintly sour berries, Lily sratched the back of her neck as she contemplated what she was going to do that day. Scratching a bit harder, Lily decided to head to the bathroom and grab the hydrating lotion once she finished her food. Once she rinsed out her bowl, Lily started on her way to get the lotion. She didn't get very far before she tripped on one of Leo's action figures and landed on her face. Sighing into the floor, Lily decided that she could make the best of a bad situation and take a nap. It wasn't the most comfortable spot to sleep, but she and her brothers had slept in more inconvenient places.
"You awake sis?" Leo's muffled voice asked, leaning over her.
Lily just rolled onto her side, only distantly realizing that she had not fallen asleep on her back, nor had it been on one of the couch beds that Donnie had in his room.
"She is most definitely sick," Came Donnie's monotonous tone, "She is a feather-light sleeper."
Lily rolled onto her stomach and closed her eyes again, hoping to get some more sleep. Her brothers' voices drifted away, leaving a peaceful and slightly eerie silent for Lily to gather her thoughts and dreams.
Peaking open one eye, Lily winced at the bright white light hanging over her. Slowly sitting up, she realized that a thermometer was sticking out of her mouth. She was about to pull it out, but a hand rested on her head. Looking up, she saw Donnie staring at her. The thermometer beeped and Leo's hand reached out to remove it from her mouth.
He frowned at the display and said, "Lily, as the team medic, I say that you will stay in bed until given the a-okay."
Lily's face scrunched up and she asked, "Why?"
"Cause I say so," Leo said, and in response, Lily flipped him off, a smug little grin on her face.
Donnie cackled at that in the background.
"What's going on here?" Raph asked, leaning in the doorway.
Donnie was still laughing as he explained, "Leo told Lily she had to stay in bed, and then she gave him the middle finger with both hands."
Lily just stuck out her tongue, not lowering her hands.
"Do we have any melatonin gummies left?" Leo asked, keeping his eyes on Lily.
"I don't think so," Mikey called.
Donnie leaned over Lily, "When did you last sleep?"
"Ummmm," Lily puzzled as she stared at the ceiling, "About 3-ish days ago, or was it 4?"
"Either way, you're going to get some sleep," Leo said, tossing a blanket over her.
Rather than argue, Lily simply wrapped herself in the warmth. Her eyes drooped, providing a comforting break from the bright light.
When she woke up again, the room was dimly lit and oddly cold. Looking around, Lily saw a pile of blankets folded beside her. Grabbing the thickest one and wrapping it over her shoulder, Lily checked the doorway to figure out the cold. Her brothers were shivering beneath the giant sun-lamp, with the exception of Leo, who was bundled up and looked rather cozy. He was sipping from a mug, but something he saw made him spit it out. There was a growling from the floor below her, then Dad shot towards her brothers, and for some reason, he was shaved bare. He looked positively feral.
"Welp," Lily whispered to nobody in particular, "My bros are completely and utterly screwed."
She then covered all possible entry points in the med-bay, making sure they were nigh impossible to get rid of from the outside, but easily removed from inside. There was a chance that this year's case of rat-flu would peak at stage 3, but she didn't want to leave anything to chance. Once she was certain that stage 4 Dad couldn't squeeze his way in anywhere, she picked up her phone, plugged in her earbuds, and watched Spirited away. Even after all these years, it was still her favorite movie. Lily also took some time to plan what she was going to do for Raph's next birthday, she liked to plan ahead, so sue her.
After, Lily taped a piece of paper to the floor and blew a plume of red-orange flame on it. The fire flared across the sheet, staying within the lines of tape. There was no smoke, no ash, and no scent of burning while the fire flickered away to nothing. She liked to use the fire for intimidation and nothing else, because, they, much like the blood red wings, were physical, but completely useless. The wings were limp as noodles, with no nerves weaving through beneath the skin and scales. The tail was very similar, dragging on the floor with no way to move it. Overall, when Lily acted as the Dragon, it was like she was in cosplay, with everything added on having no sensation or movement.
Once she heard Dad singing karaoke love songs, she started to take down the cover on the vent so she could get a cup of water. It was stuck on tighter than she expected, so the changes on the ground beneath her went unnoticed. She used her ribbons to get closer to the cord that should have pulled down the vent cover. With a sharp tug, the rope slipped out of Lily's hands and she fell into the rust-colored puddle that was growing on the floor.

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