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Once August had passed, Dad made the dumbest decision since giving the triplets high-sugar energy drinks. That decision being, giving the kids, especially the triplets, weapons.
Early that morning, he pulled down the hiding box before the children woke up. The week before, he had hidden the five weapons that suited the children the best in a way that deterred Purple and Blue from snooping in it. He figured a good time to show it to the children after lunch, when the kids were full.
It was only 5:30 in the morning, but the triplets were already up, Purple was reading, Blue was Mimicking moves from the last Lou Jitsu movie they watched, (One of Lou's more enjoyable roles) and White was playing with a modified flying disk. Lou tried to sidestep them without being heard, but all three heads snapped to Lou in an instant.
"Good morning papá!"
"Hi daddy!"
"Morning dad!"
For a split second, Lou thought he could get away, but then the triplets took on a demonic tone and asked.
"What weapons are in the box?" It was a frightening sight to say the least.
Breakfast was, as per usual, loud and energetic, Donnie was babbling on about the shell covers he was creating for himself and Lily, Leo and Raph were arguing about what movie they wanted to watch later, Mikey was playing with his squeaky toy that he got for his birthday, and Lily was drumming little rhythms she made up on the table.
After the dishes had been cleaned, Donnie ran off to his little lab to tinker on old cans and other things, Leo, Raph, and Mikey went to the living room to watch movies, and Lily asked Dad if she could join him on the next scavenging trip.
"We are low on supplies," He mused, "But no."
"Okay Dad, maybe next time," Lily said, rubbing her feet against each other.
"Also no."
Lily frowned at this once dad was out of sight, both in disappointment and in thought.
But her thoughts were interrupted by Donnie yelling, "Lily! I require you presence and assistance!"
She called back, "Coming Dee!"
She held still while Donnie measured her shell and compared it to the sculpt he had built already.
Lunch was a quick affair, with just toast sandwiches and rice. Afterwards, Dad had layed out the weapons; a pair of sai, a bō staff, a katana, a fistful of shuriken, and a pair of nunchaku. He was planning to teach them about the weapons and how they were used, but just as he started talking, his show started back up, and he ran out of the room, quick as a bullet. The boys put their heads together and decided to play with the weapons, while Lily grabbed the shuriken. The boys had no clue how to properly use the weapons that they grabbed, ending up with lots of bruises and scratches, while Lily had okay aim with the shuriken. The week before, while Dad and Raph were scavenging, Lily saw the weapons in the box, and asked Donnie to make her practice shurikens to train herself to be comfortable with them. When Dad came running back into the room during the commercial, talking about a short window of time to teach them about discipline, and Leo crashed into him. He got mad at them for touching the 'sacred weapons' and Leo rebutted by pointing out the fact that Dad ate most of what was left of their Halloween candy, and Dad's case wasn't helped by the fact that he had a lollipop in his mouth. It looked like he was beginning to apologize, but his show started up again, and he started run out once more, but with a bit of luck, Lily managed to throw a shuriken to Dad's tail, not close enough to stick into it, but close enough to make it bleed slightly.
"WHITE!" Dad roared, as the boys backed up in fear.
Lily's face was partially fearful, but also slightly confident, "Leaving the weapons alone with children and assuming that they would leave them alone was not a smart idea Dad," She said, voice shaking slightly.
Dad was slightly impressed with her words, and ran out quickly once more.
While they boys played hero and villain, Lily smiled to herself as she placed the shuriken in a small lock-box under her dresser.

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