Lily's room

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April was over and she was watching Spirited away with Lily. It was nice, but she didn't understand why her friend watched it on repeat for hours. Apparently, Lily was starting the third repeat when she came over. Halfway through, the boys ran in and began to drag Lily out in excitement.
"Whatchya doing?" April asked, pausing the movie and following her friends.
"Her room's ready!" Mikey cheered, bounching on his heels and his tail a blur.
"Really!?" Lily asked, her face lighting up.
"Yes!" Donnie exclaimed, clearly excited to show off.
"Awesome," April said as the boys ran to the tunnel that looked much less empty than the last time she visited.
The formerly empty tunnel had fairy lights lining it and a handful of fuzzy cushions scattered around. The area that the tunnel opened into was lined with the same fairy lights along the walls. In one corner was a mass of blankets and pillows, with a bookshelf right next to it. On the wall across from it was a small wardrobe with a half broken mirror above it. But the main thing was a deep pool lined with white tiles and filled with water.
Lily let out a shriek of joy and dived in. She sank down to the bottom for a few moments before rising back to the surface.
"Wait," April said, noticing something was missing in the furnishing, "Where is Lily gonna sleep?"
"In here!" Lily chirped, spreading her arms out and inadvertently splashing the others.
"In a pool?" April asked, confused.
"Yes, look out," Was all the warning April got before Leo and Donnie jumped into the water, soaking her.
April sputtered, spitting out the water that got in her mouth, her hair stuck to her face.
"Sorry April," Donnie stated, poking his head out of the water, "Lily what do you- where'd she go?"
She was swimming near the floor of the pool, twisting in a spiral with a grin on her face.
"I think she likes it," Leo said as he climbed out of the pool.
"I love it, I love it, I love it!" Lily cheered, rocketing to the surface.
Mikey sped over to the door and grabbed a deflated pool float, dragging it to Raph.
"What's that for?" April asked.
"For Lily to sleep on," Raph said as he began to inflate the float.
"'Cuz I can't breathe underwater, the fish breathe underwater, and I'm not a fish, Imma turtle!" Lily explained, still in the pool.
"Yeah, what she said," Donnie stated while Raph plugged the tube in the float and tossed it in the water.
Lily scrambled onto it and smushed her face into the vinyl pillow.
"We just got one rule," Leo said with false seriousness, "Don and I get to sleep in here once a week."
"Ok!" Lily chirped.
Lily was lounging at the bottom of her pool with her earbuds plugged into her phone and music from her favorite playlist in her ears. Two large splashes interrupted her train of thought. Pausing her music, she saw it was her triplets. Rather than swim to the surface and use more conventional language, Lily switched to her more native tongue.
"Is that really the best way to announce your presence?" Lily asked with what sounded like the chirping of birds to anyone but them.
"Is there any other way?" Leo asked with his characteristic dramatic flair.
"I have a ladder for a reason," Lily said, beginning to braid her hair.
"Is that reason to ruin our fun?" Donnie asked with a false offended tone.
"No, our collective idea of fun is to have swim races and to try and play board games underwater to see what happens," Lily replied, "My personal idea of fun is to watch musicals, read, or listen to my music. You like to jump into my bed."
"Speaking of which, I got Clue, Sorry, and Uno attack," Leo said as he pulled the games from somewhere.
"Where do you keep those?" Donnie asked, holding his arms out in exasperation.
"That's my secret," Leo said while Lily pinned her braids to her scalp.
"Can we have some snacks?" Donnie asked, helping Leo set up the Sorry board.
"Us. Underwater. Food. Crumbs," Lily responded.
"Boo," Leo complained, "I'm hungry!"
Lily gave him an unamused look and said, "We have a kitchen, use it."
"I wanna be lazy, that is what these sleepovers are for, to be lazy and indulge our aquatic sides," Leo said, placing his hands behind his head and crossing one leg over the other.
The three began to play the games, Lily was the champion in Sorry, Donnie won all but one round of Clue, and Leo maintained his title as the best Uno attack player. Afterwards, they raced a few laps round the pool, with occasional pauses to resurface for air. Lily began to yawn and swam to the surface to get one last breath before going to sleep.
"C'mon sis, just one more race!" Donnie requested.
"No," Lily paused to yawn again before continuing, "Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired, and it's my room."
"Can Don and I keep up?" Leo asked.
"Be somewhat quiet and sure," Lily answered, yawning one last time before sinking to the bottom of the pool and pulling up her weighted blanket, "G'night."
"Night sis," Donnie and Leo said.
"Bet I can go faster than you," Leo said.
"You're on!" Donnie exclaimed quietly as he could.

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