First-yay birthdays

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After a year together, Red and the triptlets could walk and talk in basic sentences, though Orange was still trying to stand upright without falling. The triplets still mix in sign language and teach Orange simple phrases too. A few months back, in September, dad taught them about birthdays, and let them pick their own. Orange picked July 15th, Red picked October 21st, and the triplets picked May 8th, in correlation to the fibonacci sequence. Today was the triplets birthday
"Wakey wakey," Red babbled, gently tapping each of the triplets on the shoulders, "Guess what 'oday is."
White stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes, "Uhm, I 'unno, your birthay?"
"No, buh your close."
Blue guessed, "Owange biwfday?"
"I giup, jus tell! I wanna know!" Blue whined.
"Is your birfday!" Red exclaimed, clapping his chubby hands.
"It is?! Oh! Pwerple, up-up!" White babbled, her short tail wagging.
"What time is it?" Purple asked, already awake.
"I don care, it our biwfday! Ge up!" Blue whined, ready for birthdays and food, he was hungry.
"Okay, I'm hungry anyway," Purple said, grabbing his and Blue's bandanas. White tied her strip of cloth around her left wrist. "Now we shall travel to the kitchen!"
When they entered the kitchen, there was a salty, fishy smell. Dad and Orange were sitting at the table, and on it was a nice, small spread, with miso soup, rice, grilled sardines, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Red grabbed bacon, eggs, and a few sardines, Purple selected rice, miso soup, and toast, Blue picked bacon, eggs, and toast, White chose miso, rice, and as many sardines as dad would let her (11 to be specific), and Orange wanted toast with eggs, so that is what he got.
It was quiet until Blue got bored of waiting for his triplets to drink their soup that had just cooled.
"Soup's sutpid!" Blue said, bringing glares from his triplets.
"Salty 'n tasty!" White retorted, attempting to look menacing, though ruining the effect by crunching on a sardine and kicking her little legs in joy.
"Plus, miso soup is a common part of the Japanese diet," Purple stated, and under his breath said, "poopy-head."
"Purple, apologize to your brother," Dad said, "And Blue, Miso is not stupid."
"Mosu is too sutpid!" Blue argued.
Before Purple could give a retort, White said, "You can't say either though."
The roon fell silent. White looked around, realizing what she said. Someone else spoke before she could apologize.
"OHHHHHHHH!" Purple yelled, with White attempting to hide under the table in embarrassment. It was clear that dad was trying to hold back his laughter. Blue looked more like a red with how flushed in anger his face was. With a hiss, he tried to pounce on White, but ended up hitting the wall and getting covered in warm soup.
"Awww, my soup," Purple groaned. Blue crossed his arms, angry to have missed White's bowl.
"What else we do on birthays?" White asked, pushing away her bowl of soup.
"We will watch movies and play games," Dad replied, "What movie do you want to watch?"
White gave an owlish blink before her face crinkled and her eyes crossed. After a minute, she quietly said, "Spirited away."
"Then that is what we will watch first."
"HEY!" "WHY DOES SHE GET FIRST PICK?!" Blue and Purple complained.
"I'm not sure," White said, "What do you wanna watch?"
"You can have your movie go before White's, if you can come to an agreement," Dad said.
"Purple always picks nerd fingies," Blue complained, "I'm not wa'ching tha!"
"Then I guess White goes first," Dad calmly said.
"Mo'e, mo'e!" Orange gurgled, bapping his tiny, plump fists on the tray, a grin etching his tiny face.
"Wha he said!" Red exclaimed, excited as well.
Soon they were in the living room, with White's movie about to begin. As the intro music started up, she closed her eyes and bathed in the sound. Her favorite part of it every time was the simple details, like the soft noises in the background, or the way the scenery looked. Though she still loved the music the best.
After the last movie, Orange began to wind down for his nap, giving the triplets the signal that dad and Red were about to leave, and mischief was ripe for the making.
"Blue, Purple, White, be good while Red and I are scavenging. Do not wake up Orange," Dad said sternly, with Red nodding along behind him.
"Otay Papa, we be goo'," White babbled, as the most trusted triplet, "Wuv u!"
The triplets waved in unison, waiting until they heard the telltale scraping of the sewer hole cover. Once they were certain they were alone, they rushed to a wall of the living room. Up at the top, on a pipe hidden from view, was a box of presents and other things the triplets weren't allowed to play with, like matches and super glue.
"Ready little sister?" Purple asked, pillows set on the floor.
"Yep," White said, popping the P, "Let's 'o this!"
Closing her eyes, White reached up for the pipe, willing something to happen. Within moments, a pink ribbon appeared with a muffled sound similar to a medly of bells. The ribbon seemed to be alive, working its way around the pipe and White's torso, tying itself in a tight knot. After giving it a few tugs to check that it's secure, White climbed up to the box with practiced efficiency. When she planted her feet atop the pipe, the ribbon secured her to it.
"Wah do you see!?" Blue asked, bounching up and down, "Wah di you see!?"
"Our pwesents are awesome!" White exclaimed quietly, dropping down from the pipe. Once she landed, the bell medly played in reverse, and the ribbon currled up into a ball before poofing away.
When Dad and Red came back, Orange had woken up and was playing with Blue and White while Purple read. After dinner and a few rounds of monopoly, it was time for cake and presents. Purple got a kid's chemistry set, Blue got a few action figures, and White got an assortment of little floral soaps.

The triplets will never tell about the ribbon.

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