Chapter 71

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Kyameron relentlessly chases Ohtani along the path, wildly swinging his arms at the bird like a cat. Ohtani desperately weaves through the air while narrowly dodging his doom, "CAW!!! I'm sorry master Kamado but your duty calls!! CAW!!" He yelps while accelerating far beyond the supposed top speed of Kasugai Crows.

Kyameron's face has not changed through the entire chase, remaining locked onto Ohtani's minuscule frame with precision any of the other hashira would envy. "You ruined it, you stupid bird! Ruined it!!" He bellows, jumping after his bird like a rabid jaguar in a food shortage. Sense and logic keep him from pulling out his blade, but desire and anger are devils in his ear.

Ohtani continues to scramble and squawk loudly, unable to shake the closely pursuing hashira. Then, he thinks, "Wait, I'm a bird. Why am I not flying higher?" Ohtani shakes his head and pulls up, flying hundreds of feet into the air and leaving his chasing master grounded.

"Hey!" Kyameron yells, "Come back here, bird!"

Ohtani does not return. He flies high and spreads his wings, gliding off and beyond the horizon. "Fine! Whatever, bird, you'll have to come back soon. Bastard." He scoffs, shaking his head and continuing along the path. He's unsure how far he's run in the pursuit of Ohtani, but at least he's farther along than he would've been. Perhaps that whole fiasco was a blessing in disguise?

Hello no! Ohtani stopped him from kissing Shinobu. That may as well be a cardinal sin! A deep breath chases the thought from his mind, and he continues. Travelling has always been a norm for him. Throughout all his years he's been walking from point A to point B, just like any regular person but with the added challenge of going up and down mountains almost daily. Of course, he was rarely alone in those walks, which used to be a point of dissatisfaction. In recent times, with time spent away from family and others in general, walking alone is no longer an issue, but rather the norm. His thoughts run wild, varying from random bath thoughts to fantasies about slaughtering demons and Kibutsuji, and fantasies about...

...other things.

"Argh!" He shouts, giving his head a good shake, "Fuckin' bird..."

Paths split apart and lead to junctions that split off. Signs are non-existant, and where they do exist there's paint all over them. Kids. Kyameron is again left shaking his head, heading off on the left side of the path. It's dirty, uneven and unkept, a stark contrast to the paths he was walking on prior. Scratching his head, he reaches another junction and heads right. Again, nothing changes. Foiliage is getting thicker by the minute and the sun is practically already set, meaning he's supposed to be in the entertainment district. Instead, he's...

"Where the hell am I?!" He finally screams, peircing the previously calm and tranquil air with his powerful screech. Then it hits him; Ohtani was leading him to the entertainment district. The annoying bird who ruined his chances to kiss Shinobu, and the bird who was guiding him. The feeling of "Oh shit!" washes over and he quickly cups his hands over his mouth, looking to the sky, "OHTANI!!! COME BACK!!!"

Of course, no bird comes.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He laments, running his hands through his long hair, "Ohtani, please, I need you!" He yells again. And again, no bird comes.

As darkness covers the forest, Kyameron shouts again and leans against a tree, contemplating the entire situation. On one hand, Ohtani was guiding him to the entertainment district and was instrumental to the mission. But on the other, he stopped Kyameron from kissing the woman of his dreams. "Seems even to me." He says, trying to rationalize his crazed rampage yet failing miserably. He slumps down and sits on an exposed root.

"Excuse me, sir," someone says from the distance.

Kyameron immediately jumps up, "Oh, thank god! Sir, can you tell me where the entertainment district is?"

"Uhhhh... what?" The man replies.

Kyameron's hope audibly shatters, "The entertainment district...? You know, the big city with all the... uh..."

"Never heard of it," The man says, igniting a lantern on his side. He's slightly shorter than Kyameron with much shorter green hair. A stiched scar adorns his right pec, and he's wearing a yellow shirt with dark green pants. A matching green tournequit is wrapped around his left arm, and he carries three swords with him, "Do you know the way to the nearest port?"

"No...?" Kyameron replies, greatly confused by this man, "Are you a slayer?"

"What's a slayer? I'm a pirate."

"The hell? Pirates actually still exist?

"Yeah, we do, but I'm lost. You don't know the way?"

"No, I don't. I haven't even been to a port or a harbour in my entire life. Anyways, you should watch out for demons if you're not a slayer."

"Demons? Those exist?"

"Yeah, man. They'll eat you during nighttime, so be on guard."

"Wait... have you ever heard of the strawhats?"


"Devil fruits?"




There's a long pause. "... I'm in a different universe. Shit." The man says, scratching his green hair.

"Are you on mushrooms, dude?"

"No, no, I- Uh..." He stutters, losing his train of thought, "Look, I'm... uh... I gotta go, bye!"

And with that, the man takes off running, huffing and puffing like a boar. Kyameron stares at him slack-jawed, "What a kook," he says, unable to make sense of anything that nutjob said, "Pirates? Devil fruits? Guy must've smoked so much tobacco he's hallucinating. Give me whatever that whacko is smoking, good god. Also, green hair? Really?"

His ramblings go on for a few minutes before remembering he's actually in quite a predicament. He once again calls out for Ohtani, "Please, I'm sorry, I need you!"

Finally, after a full hour of relentlessly calling for his winged companion, Ohtani's caws fill the air as he lands on an adjacent branch, "Caw!! You called?"

"Yes! I'm lost and I need to get there now! I'm sorry for chasing you, just please, get me to the district!"

Ohtani eyes him, obviously resentful for his treatment earlier that day. But, feelings for Kasugai Crow must come second to duty, as does anyone in the field of demon hunting. Reluctantly, he caws and takes to the sky, leading his master in the opposite direction said master was travelling.


Hi, everyone, I'm back again!

For real this time!! Maybe. I don't know. Life is so unpredictable.

But, I'm done my first year of college now and will have plenty of spare time to work on the story. Chapters will no longer become rarer than a Maple Leafs stanley cup win (kill me please the misery wont end) and will be more common.

And yeah, this is kind of a filler chapter but hey, it's something, right? And everyone needs a laugh every now and then. If it was funny. I don't know.

Alright, no more rambling. Love you all! :)

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 26 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon