Chapter 32.

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Sliding the door open, Kyameron laid his eyes on the most beautiful thing he had seen in years. It was his family, all together and, above all, alive. He wanted to cry, but for some reason, he couldn't. All he could do was smile the brightest smile he'd ever smiled. His mother looked up at him, beaming as well. Stepping into the room with Tanjiro behind him, his mother stood up to greet him. The two embraced, Kyameron's six-foot frame towering over her as he engulfed her in his arms, "Mother," He whispered, "It's been too long,"

"Yes, Kyameron. A whole night without you is far too long," His mother said softly. The two partially broke apart as Tanjiro stepped forward, their mother embracing both of them, "A whole night without both of you is too long," the two brothers felt their mother's embrace for the first time in what seemed like forever. Before long, the rest of the family gathered, joining the hug, "Are you two alright? The others were telling me about how you both were acting strange,"

Kyameron looked to Tanjiro, the two smiling at each other, "Yes, we're fine, mom. Sorry to make you all worry," Kyameron said, making the entire room beam.

The day went by with smiles shared and stories passed. The topic of Kyameron's "Dream" about the demon slayers was very hot. Whenever asked, he detailed it greatly. His battles against massive demons that he defeated, Tanjiro dancing with fire, his master Rengoku and his training, Nezuko being a demon, all of it, "That's a very well remembered dream, Kyameron," his mother said.

"Hehe, yeah. It felt real, to be honest. I kind of wish it was," he said, rubbing his neck as Hanako and Shigeru hung from his shoulders, "Is there anything I can do around the house?"

His mother pondered for a time, "I suppose you could help Tanjiro gather water from the creek since there isn't much to do around here today," she replied.

"Sure, sounds good to me. But first-" Kyameron said, reaching across his shoulders and grabbing a sibling in each arm, "It's spin-o-Rama time!" he shouted, much to Shigeru and Hanako's disapproval. With siblings in each hand, he spun as fast as he could. The young Kamado's shouted, screamed and laughed as they were flung around. Finally letting go, he set them both down on the floor as his mother chuckled.

"I don't know how you do it, Kyameron," she said.

"Haha! Never underestimate the power of an older brother!" he joked, stepping out of the room. Walking the short distance to the front door and sliding it open, he was met with Nezuko and Tanjiro chatting, "What are you two gossiping about?" he asked.

Tanjiro jumped in response, "Ack! N-nothing! Just. Uh. Nothing," he said.

"Hm. Doesn't sound like nothing to me," Kyameron inquired, stepping right behind his younger brother, "What is it?"

"You don't need to know!" Tanjiro shouted.

"But I do! As your older brother, it's my responsibility to know every embarrassing thing about you," Kyameron said, inching closer, "So. What is it?" Tanjiro curled his lip and squeezed his eyes shut, much to Nezuko's laughter, "Alright, fine. I'm coming with you to the stream, anyways, I'll just dunk your head underwater until you tell me," Kyameron said with a menacing grin.

"Hey! You can't-"

"Relax, I'm only joking," Kyameron said, stepping in front of him, "Or am I?" he said, jerking his head back.

"Are you?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes. No. Yesn't. Noes," Kyameron said, smiling at his brother's terror.

"Yes or no?!"

Kyameron turned back in the direction of the path, "We'd better get going before it gets late,"

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