Chapter 49.

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The Butterfly Mansion, an absolutely majestic and gigantic building created for the Kochou family. The area was covered in greenery, mainly the massive forest surrounding it from the south, east, and west. The enormous pine trees filled the gaps between towering deciduous oaks, all as tall as a skyscraper. The bark was as solid as steel; taking an axe to it seemed pointless. All it would be is wasted time. The courtyard within the tall walls was covered with flowers and relatively minuscule trees, several of which served training purposes. Many gardens filled the space, hosting the most gorgeous flower formations you'd see anywhere in Japan. Naturally, insects loved this area. Inside the mansion itself was a labyrinth of hallways and corridors, each one leading to something of interest. Whether it be the medical ward, where Tanjiro and his company had set up once again, a training room, Lady Kochou's laboratory and office, a cafeteria, or even just an empty room for training; no matter how long, they all led somewhere.

One corridor, in particular, was extra dark. It was linear, with one window on either side of it, both covered by shudders. The door at the end of the hallway was scuffed, unlike the other doors, which were nearly spotless. Beyond its veil was a large bedroom, featuring several counters and shelves, a dresser, a queen-sized bed, and a few windows to boot. All of them were closed, however, and the room was lit only by candles. Kyameron was the sole occupant of this room, with no one else aware of their presence.

His sword was jabbed into the wall, and his blankets and pillows were strewn about the room, with fluff from within them lying everywhere. Writing utensils, wood chips, and broken glass littered the hardwood flooring. Kyameron sat on the edge of his bed, his mind racing. Thoughts of grief, vengeance, guilt, and confusion cycled every three seconds, unable to settle on one for more than that time frame. Hyperventilation followed soon after, followed by dizziness and nausea. He quickly threw up in a nearby trash can, but nothing changed. Unsure of what to do and getting angrier because of it, he ripped open the shudders, pulled the window open, and leaped to the courtyard. Landing next to a makeshift extension workout tool, he loaded as much weight as possible and gripped the ropes.

Usually this would be an impossible weight, but the combination of anger, grief, and desire creates so much adrenaline and endorphins that all five rocks lifted off the ground and to the top. The pain in his arms and core was immense, but he had no idea what else to do to curb the furious sickness. He lifted them again, feeling a muscle in his left arm pop. Furthermore, his back cracked and his right arm popped.

Again. His ears began ringing even louder. Again. His vision became even more obscured. Still, he lifted them again, and again, and again, screaming in fury and pain until he collapsed in exhaustion. The commotion caught the attention of Zenitsu and Tanjiro, who heard the yelling and smelled the rage, respectively. Running through the corridors and to the front door, they burst into the corridor to see Kyameron on the grass, 'Brother!' Tanjiro yelled. He'd not seen him since the Kakushi dropped them off hours before.

'What the hell was he doing?' Zenitsu asked, checking if Kyameron still had a pulse at all. He certainly did, his heart was pumping blood at extreme levels. Zenitsu didn't even have to put his fingers on Kyameron's neck, he could see the veins popping and pulsing from where he stood.

'Get him to the medical wing,' a stern, familiar voice said. The two boys spun around, seeing Shinobu Kochou standing over them. They'd not heard her at all until then. What was more surprising than that, however, was her face; she wasn't smiling. A look of concern replaced the usual smile that they'd all gotten used to by this point. Knowing not to protest or question her, the two lifted Kyameron by the shoulders and legs, hauling him to the medical ward.

Hours passed without Kyameron waking. His pulse remained strong, and his vitals were all normal, but he wouldn't awaken. To Tanjiro, this was eerily familiar, as Nezuko had slept for nearly two years not all that long ago. During that time, Shinobu was in and out of the room, constantly checking on her newest patient, 'What are you checking him for?' Zenitsu asked, 'He seems fine to me.'

'Well, first of all, I'm monitoring his heart. You never know what will happen when it's in a state like this for this long.' Shinobu replied, 'Also, if he wakes up in a panic, the three of you would likely be in danger.'

'Why's that? He's my brother; he wouldn't attack me.' Tanjiro questioned.

'Not while in a calm state of mind, he wouldn't. In a state of panic, confusion, and possibly rage, no amount of personal attachment will protect you.'

Tanjiro gulped. His head slumped below his shoulders, staring at the sheets of his bed, 'He'll be okay..., right?' he asked, his voice cracking midway through the sentence.

Flashing her smile, Shinobu replied, 'I'm sure he'll be okay. Why don't the three of you train for some time? You could use some.'

Tanjiro and the others agreed sheepishly as they slid out of bed and started off to their training rooms. The entire mansion was dim at this point. Not only from the dropping sun but also from the weight on everyone there.

More time passed until it was late at night. Kyameron finally opened his eyes, and they were wide open from the start. As suspected, he awoke in a state of panic and confusion, looking around. Soon, he realised where he was, and his face sank. He wanted to return to sleep; return to his dreams. With no one around, he slipped out the window and climbed up to the highest roof of the building, where he used to relax. Whether we like it or not, darkness falls one way or another. The moon will always replace the sun at the end of the day. But to Kyameron, it felt as though the bright embrace of daylight would never return. The peaceful twilight around the butterfly mansion was something he adored, bathing in the soothing moonlight like a hot spring while counting the stars in the sky, making wishes on the odd shooting star as well. But tonight, clouds had the audacity to obscure the sky, denying him this comfort. Nothing seemed to be giving him anything. At least that's how he saw it.

Suddenly, a deafening 'CAW!!!' broke the silent night. "Orders! Orders!" cried Kyameron's Kasugai Crow as he landed on the roof next to him, "You must go north! A powerful demon is laying waste to a village! You must save them! Save! Save!'

A twisted, sadistic, and disturbing smile spread across Kyameron's face from ear to ear. If there was one way to get rid of the constant anger and lust for revenge plaguing him, it was to get that revenge. Slipping into his room and retrieving his katana from the wall, pulling some woodchips and paint out with it, he shoved the door open. Stepping into the corridor and whisking his way through the mansion, he dodged any and all contact with anyone who still happened to be awake, avoiding even Tanjiro, who was up for a glass of water. The front doors came within his sight, and he pushed them open with a mighty shove with that sick grin still plastered on his face. The clouds, which before seemed like a curse, were now his blessing as they politely masked his exit into the forest.

'North. Head North.' Kyameron repeated in his head. The whirlwind of thoughts from before was pushed to the back of his head because now, he only had one thing on his mind; tearing whatever demon he met at his destination limb from limb. The mansion fell out of his view as he stepped below the horizon.

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now