Chapter 8.

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"Yes, indeed. However, Tengen himself cannot train you due to his commitments. Although he has requested that you be trained by a Hashira, meaning you would immediately become a Tsuguko. Do you agree to this?"

"Yes, sir, I do."

"Wonderful. Tengen had forwarded our former Water Hashira, Sakonji Urokodaki, words to me. He speaks highly of your passion and deep love for your family, is that correct?"

"I would hope so, sir,"

"Splendid! Now, we have to pick a Hashira for you to be trained by..."

"Master!" The man with the scars called. Kyameron heard his name was Sanemi.

"I'm sorry to intrude, Master, but how can we know this boy is worthy of taking up a Hashira's time?! There are better options than someone of our skill level teaching a newbie!" He said. Kyameron had never heard someone with such a threatening tone of voice before.

"You bring up a good point, Sanemi. Although, someone here does have first-hand experience in seeing this boy fight," the master said, looking over at a far-off tree.

In the shade stood Giyuu Tomioka, the swordsman Kyameron "fought" back home, "Yes. I've seen the kid fight," He said, "Not for long, but he was able to coordinate an attack and formulate a plan with his brother with no words. He also has heightened senses and a good heart,"

Kyameron bowed his head towards Tomioka before looking back to the master, "Thank you, Giyuu. Now, who will volunteer to train this boy?" He asked

"No way in hell am I training him!" Sanemi said, which didn't surprise Kyameron at all

"I also can't, master. I already have someone lined up to be my Tsuguko," The girl said, Kyameron remembering her name was Shinobu. He let out a disappointed grunt as he found her quite pretty.

"As I said, I cannot train the boy, though I would certainly like to!" Tengen said

"Aw, damn, man! But you seemed so awesome and flashy, are you sure?" Kyameron asked

"Ha! I know I am, thank you! But yes, I cannot train you. I apologize," Tengen said, which saddened Kyameron.

"What about you, Rengoku? I don't remember you saying you had someone lined up to be your Tsuguko," The master said, looking toward the man with the flaming hair.

"I am a very busy man, Master! Training this boy would take much time out of my schedule!" Rengoku said, "Although, I am curious about his ability! I shall test him! if he passes, I'd be willing to take him on as my student!"

"Really!?" Kyameron said

"Of course! I just said so! Hahaha!" Rengoku said

Kyameron was jumping for joy on the inside, "Oh yeah, this guy is definitely my style," He thought.

"I warn you! Training with a Hashira is very punishing! You'll have to work extremely hard under our teachings. You are 100% sure you want this?!"

"Yes, sir, I'm positive!"

"Great! Master, I'll be taking the boy as my student!"

"Wonderful. Thank you, Rengoku." The master said, "All dismissed, thank you for coming on such short notice," The master said, as each hashira bowed their heads and left. The only ones that remained were Sanemi, Shinobu, and Rengoku, along with Kyameron, "You're wasting your time, Rengoku," Sanemi said.

"You may think so, Sanemi! But I see potential in this boy! I believe one day, he will prove you wrong!" Rengoku said

Hearing his words, Kyameron immediately had a lot of respect for Rengoku. Hearing that he saw potential in him was very uplifting, and he knew from now on that he would become as strong as he could live up to his expectations.

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