Chapter 47.

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The countdown till dawn finally reaches zero. Akaza's face sank into the marina trench as the blue stripes seemingly disappeared from his face, leaving only pale fear behind. Panicking, he attempted to wrench his arm from Rengoku's stomach but was unable to. The hashira was somehow keeping his arm locked, while also clamping down on his other wrist. Screaming and shaking, changing his footing, and shifting around all did not affect Rengoku, who was determined to keep him in the deadly crosshairs of nature's greatest weapon against demons. Every time he shifted, Rengoku's sword drove itself deeper and deeper into his neck, lodging itself against his very bone.

Rengoku and Akaza struggled for what seemed like hours, with Kyameron, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu forced to watch on. Inosuke had hopped over the wreckage, but he was far too late to help now. All he could do was watch, as well.

In full desperation mode, Akaza ripped his forearm off in Rengoku's stomach, pulling off his wrist. Blood sprayed everywhere from his open wounds, coating the ground with even more wine. The blade of Rengoku's sword was still lodged in his neck, and the sun finally peaked over the mountains, bathing the area in bright sunlight.

Akaza's eyes grew wide as the sun's rays touched him. His flesh immediately began to sizzle and burn, as he made a desperate dash toward the treeline. More sunlight singed his skin, melting away the blue tattoos on his body.

Kyameron, opening his eyes after fainting from lack of oxygen, immediately looked at Tanjiro. He saw his brother was fine, but when he looked at his master his eyes grew wide. On his knees, Rengoku looked like a ghost. Again turning his eyes and head, he caught a glimpse of Akaza running into the forest. His wide eyes became laser-focused, turning from their usual wine red into burning crimson with a washed-over look to them. 'His eyes...,' Tanjiro thought, looking at his brother, 'I've seen this before. Those were his eyes went he lost his mind at miss Tamayo's!' Yelling out for him was no use; Kyameron had tuned out the world entirely. His only focus was on his target; Akaza. His body heat rose to extreme levels; it was a godsend his blood wasn't literally boiling.

Picking up his discarded sword, he broke into a full sprint, relentlessly chasing Akaza through the tree line. Miraculously, he caught up to the demon, Tears flew off his cheeks as he ran, some evaporating as they touched them. "HEY YOU MOTHER FUCKER! DON'T RUN FROM ME!" He shouted as Akaza's outline appeared ahead.

The demon, looking over his shoulder, noticed the Slayer chasing after him, "Do these cockroaches ever give up?! Does he not know I'll kill him in an instant?!" He thought. Looking through the canopy above, he calculated he had about 30 seconds before the sun reached his position. He then turned and dove at the charging demon slayer.

"YOU'RE A COWARD! FIGHT ME!!!!" Kyameron screamed. Akaza wound up a punch, preparing to gut Kyameron just like he did Rengoku. Just then, a glint from his right caught his attention. A steering pain erupted from his chest, blood flying from his new wound and splitting on nearby trees. Looking down, a sword had pierced him directly through the chest. "STOP RUNNING YOU COWARD!" Tanjiro shouted from the clearing.

Akaza gazed back at him, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to jump back to the clearing and tear that boy limb from limb, then bring his earings to Kibutsuji. But he couldn't focus on Tanjiro for long, Kyameron was barrelling at him like a locomotive, two hands on his katana.

"DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" Kyameron bellowed, winding up his sword with all his might. "Flame Breathing, first form, unknowing fire!!!!" He shouted, swinging his blade forth with everything he had.

The combination of the oncoming attack and the sword buried in his side prevented Akaza from getting out of the way, taking the slash full-force to the neck. Kyameron's blade stopped dead as it hit Akaza's neck. Shocked, his face drooped for half a second, before returning to his furious rage.

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