Chapter 70

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A light and brief round of applause fills the air before silence returns. Kyameron rises to his feet, looking over his shoulders to see his newly minted peers, "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to give a speech or something," he jokes.

"No. We've burned enough time already," Shinazugawa says through gritted teeth.

"Well, because you're in such a hurry," Kyameron replies, flashing a nasty smirk that hasn't graced his face in years, "I'll make it a semi-quick one."

Sanemi snarls and growls at the new hashira, who laughs in his face. "Gentlemen, please," Shinobu says, "let's not go making enemies out of one another right away, yes?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll make it quick."

All Shinobu can do is rub her forehead and sigh as the rest of the hashira, besides Sanemi, Obanai and Muichiro, turn their attention to Kyameron, "Ladies, gentlemen, it was nearly two and a half years ago that I stood before you a mere child. In that time long since gone, many of you doubted me. But, here I am; the living embodiment of resiliency-,"

"Let's not go lying now. If it weren't for the efforts of many people, you still would've been wallowing away in your bedroom," Shinobu says, making the rest of the hashira chuckle and Kyameron go red.

"A-alright, fine, I wasn't much of a hashira at all up until a few days ago-,"

"You weren't a hashira at all until five minutes ago!" Mitsuri chirps, enciting another round of chuckles. Even the master cracks up; as much as he can, that is.

Turning red again, Kyameron hides his face for a moment before turning back, "Alright, alright, I get it. You guys won't let me give my big, dramatic speech after conquering adversity. I get it. Damn, I wish Tengen were here..."

"Speaking of Mr. Uzui," the master says. Every hashira again lines up and kneels at his words, "him and his team, including our newest hashira's little brother, have uncovered the whereabouts of and are likely currently battling an upper-rank demon."

Shock falls onto the group, swiftly chasing off the joy of Kyameron's corronation. Every looks to the master with bated breath, eagerly awaiting his next word, "If we are to ensure success on this mission, I believe extra hands are required. I am going to dispatch one of you to the entertainment district to support their efforts. Are there any volunteers?"

Much to no-one's surprise, Kyameron's hand shoots high into the air, "Yes, master. I will gladly go, should you permit it," he says, keeping his head down in respect while his tone follows suit.

"I needn't have asked," the master says, "but, my child, you are newly minted. I understand your desire to help your brother, but this may be too heavy a task for your first mission. Instead, I believe-,"

"Master," Kyameron cuts off the master, drawing the shock and ire of the rest of the Hashira, "I apologize for overstepping, if I am. But this is more than a mission or a dispatch to me," he begins, looking up at Ubayashiki, "this isn't duty of rank. This isn't duty of job. This; this is a duty of family. Of promises made to those closest to my heart. I've failed to protect countless people over the years, and only recently have I come to accept that there are some people that cannot be saved. But, I will not allow my brother and sister to become one of those. I will defend and protect them until my blood dries up and boils away. I'll keep them safe until I draw my last breath. I'l fight until my body breaks beneath my will. It isn't just personal to me..." he says, standing up, "It's everything."

Everyone stares at Kyameron, who's face has an intensity seen only on Sanemi's, and even then it's extraordinary. All gazes are locked to him as Ubayashiki smiles, "Well, there's little I can say to match your words, my child," he says, smiling, "if this truly is as important to you as you say, then I've no issue letting you go. Are there any objections amongst your peers?" He asks, looking to the remaining Hashira. None say a word; they're all aghast by his speech, "then it's settled. Be on your way, and be safe, my child."

"Thank you, master," Kyameron says, bowing deeply, "I shall return to you once my promise is fulfilled." And with that, Kyameron turns his back to the group and heads out the way Mitsuri took him in. His crow, Ohtani, soon joins to guide him to the entertainment district.

Some Hashira stare at his back while he walks away, casting silent judgement onto him. Whether or not it's good or bad depends on the person, ranging from awe at his passion and will or rage at his candidness and speaking over the master. "Well, he's a piece of work if I've ever seen one," Iguro says.

"Perhaps so, but he was trained by Rengoku," Shinobu says.

"True. I shudder to think how much of a nightmare he would've been had Uzui been the one to take him," Iguro replies as Kyameron leaves their line of sight, exiting the mansion and beginning his journey to the entertainment district.

"My children, again, I appreciate you taking time to appear before me on such short notice. As you know, our next meeting will be in three months time," the master says, "so, I wish you all the utmost luck, and grant you my utmost love until them. Be safe, and be strong. You are dismissed."

The hashira all clear out quickly, some quicker than others. Sanemi, Iguro, Gyomei, Muichiro, and Giyuu are all gone right after being dismissed, while Mitsuri and Shinobu hang about for a few extra seconds to exchange pleasantries before leaving. Once they do, Mitsuri heads for the opposite exit she entered from, while Shinobu heads to in the direction Kyameron is going. It doesn't take long, five minutes to be exact, for her to catch up with him. 

Kyameron turns his head to see her, "jeez, am I really that interesting?"

"Oh, no. I'd leave you in a ditch if I could," she chirps, "I wont hold you long. I just wanted to give you a proper welcome to our ranks, without any of the others around."

"What do you mean-," he blurts before Shinobu is giving him a firm hug. Though confused for a brief moment, he returns the hug.

It's short but sweet as she lets go, looking into his wine-red eyes while they sparkle into her deep purple, seeing the stars and the night sky within them. Despite her immense intelligence, she couldn't tell you anything about this. New things rarely appear to her, but here, it's not only different; it's paranormal. When he's nearby, her rage seems to slip away. When he's nearby, the world seems like it's on pause. When they're together, it feels like they're the only people on the planet. A feeling in the deepest pit of her soul springs forward, spurring her forward at a slow pace.

As he peers into her approaching midnight violet eyes, a similar feeling rises within him. When she's around, the weight he carries is lifted. When she's around, he's reminded what it's like to care for someone outside his family. When they're together, it feels like they're the only people on the planet. His heart pumps ungodly amounts of blood to his face, lighting him up like a christmas tree while it steers him forwards. Both their eyes close as they inch ever closer, acting on pure instinct but knowing this is right. It has to be-

"CAAAAW!!! NO TIME TO WASTE!!!!" Ohtani screeches, pecking at the back of Kyameron's head, "YOU'RE NEEDED AT THE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT!!!!!"

Shinobu's face lights up just like Kyameron's did. Speaking of whom, he spins to face his bird. Ohtani gulps and quivers upon seeing his face; twisted, contorted, and crunched into the most terrifying, fear-inducing, bone-shaking stare ever mustered by a living organsim. Demon or not, "You better hope you can fly faster than I can run, you son of a bitch," he says, his voice deeper than even Gyomei's and more pyschotic than Sanemi.

Ohtani caws in horror as Kyameron begins chasing after his bird, sprinting off towards the horizon while Shinobu stands dumbstruck. If she didn't know what was happening before, she knew even less now.


Haha, not yet! Be patient, ya jabronis. ;)

Love you all!! 

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