Chapter 7.

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A beaten and bruised Tanjiro returned from his training. His knees were weak, and his arms were heavy. Blood was also leaking from a cut he suffered on the way down the mountain. Struggling to stay conscious, he slid the door to the home open, seeing Urokodaki sitting next to Kyameron, who was barely awake himself, "I... Made it... Down..." Tanjiro said, just as his legs gave out.

Urokodaki sat silently, thinking back to what Tomioka sent him about these boys.

"Urokodaki, Sir. I apologize for the intrusion. Two boys are coming your way. They both wish to join the core. They were brave enough to try and attack me unarmed. A demon killed their family, and their sister has turned. But I'm positive she will never harm an innocent person. These three are different. I can sense something about them. The younger one, Tanjiro, has a keen sense of smell, just like yourself. The older one seems to have all his senses heightened, not to the extent of the younger one's nose. However, If you can't take them both, at least train the younger one. I will find someone for the older one if you cannot. It may seem out of the blue, but it will make sense someday. Take care of yourself. Yours truly, Giyuu Tomioka."

"Giyu may have been right about you," Urokodaki said, standing over the collapsed boy, "You are now my new student, Tanjiro Kamado,"

"N-no... fair..." Kyameron said as he finally passed out for good.

Several days passed, and Tanjiro began training with Urokodaki as Kyameron healed his leg wound. Urokodaki had sent the message to his contact about training Kyameron and was awaiting a reply. As the days went by, Urokodaki gave Kyameron a couple of rehabilitation exercises to return him to full strength. Every day, Tanjiro would return exhausted. Kyameron would greet him and make small-talk, making sure his brother felt supported and trying to keep his, and his own, mind off of the fact Nezuko still hadn't woken up.

Next morning, Tanjiro woke up bright and early before Kyameron's brain had even considered waking him up. Urokodaki came into the room to collect Tanjiro. Also, give Kyameron a message, "Kyameron. Wake up," He said.

"Hmmm... five more minutes, mom..." Kyameron stammered while slurring his words

"Kyameron!" Tanjiro yelled

"ACK! What the hell?! Yeesh, Tanjiro!"

"Urokodaki has a message for you,"

"For me? Aww, you're too thoughtful, sir,"

Urokodaki handed him the message, "Read it out loud. I haven't read it myself," he said

"Alright, *Ahem*. Dear Mister Urokodaki. I haven't heard from you for years! Glad to hear you're still doing well. I received your request about training the young Kamado boy, and I thank you for asking me for this role. Unfortunately, I am much too busy to undertake this task. I have three wives and am also a Hashira. Hashira? What's that?"

"Question for later, keep reading."

"So my schedule doesn't permit me to take on a student. However, there may be another Hashira willing to train the boy, and if his attitude is as you say it is, he will be a suitable replacement! I have informed the master of this, and he expects the boy here as soon as possible! Someone will pick him up very shortly. Signed, Lord Tengen Uzui,"

Urokodaki shook his head, "It's unfortunate Tengen isn't able to take you on. He would have been the perfect instructor for you..."

"Okay, great, but what's a Hashira exactly?" Kyameron asked

Urokodaki looked to Tanjiro, "Go ahead and start your thousand swings. I will be out soon to join you."

"Yes, sir!" Tanjiro said, taking his blade and stepping outside

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