Chapter 51.

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The blizzard clouds began rolling over the land, dumping astronomical amounts of white powder onto everything encompassing the massive storm system. Traversing darkness is already challenging for most, but walking in the absence of light with a snowstorm raging above is trouble for anyone—even those with hyper-advanced eyesight like Kyameron. Speaking of whom, he'd already left the Hayakawa village and was back on the countryside path leading back to the butterfly mansion. While he despised going to places, the journey back was more unsatisfactory, in his opinion. He was shielding his face with his arm to keep snow from entering his uniform, having to keep stopping to shrug off all the snow accumulating on his shoulders and shaking his hair to cast off any snowflakes that had lodged themselves in it. Overall, it wasn't a gratifying walk in any sense.

After nearly three hours of battling against the elements, the bright lights of the butterfly mansion appeared on the horizon through the massive oak trees and the odd wisteria tree. Normally Kyameron would've smiled at this sight, but not here. His cold gaze, literally and metaphorically, set upon the massive building and up at his window. Isolation was all he craved at the moment.

His boots crunched freshly-fallen snow as he pushed open the massive wooden door separating the outside from the courtyard, stepping inside and feeling the serene air soothe his aching leg muscles. Wintertime, while beautiful to look at from a certain angle, also brought with it the absence of many creatures. It was apparent in the courtyard, usually teeming with unique and flourishing insects, now a ghost town with only a lone snowy owl making up natural life. Following the vague outline of the stone path, Kyameron made his way to the main mansion's doors, stepping inside and immediately feeling the tremendous and oh-so-welcoming heat circulate through his body. He cracked a minuscule smile; the irony of a Flame-breathing user being cold hadn't failed to dawn on him. 

But even with all the pleasantries the mansion brought; heat, serenity, isolation, and training, combined with the mission he'd just carried out, he couldn't stop himself from feeling melancholy and overwhelming frustration. His thoughts pranced around a field of rage and obsession while he seemingly traipsed through the hallways in search of his bedroom. His mind trapped itself in a corner of erroneous thoughts as windows provided visitation to the outside world, which itself was being imprisoned underneath a consolidated layer of countless snowflakes. Trouncing to the windowsill, he peered out the window, watching the snowflakes flutter down and into the massive collection of them on the floor. Despite only staring for five minutes, he still pulled his gaze away as if he'd been hypnotized. Continuing on and about to round one of the last corners until the safety of his bedroom, Tanjiro rounded the corner simultaneously, bumping him. 'Oh, hey, Kyameron! Sorry, I didn't see you there!' he said in an upbeat tone.

'Mhm.' Kyameron grumbled, trying to step around Tanjiro.

He wouldn't allow this, however, subtly cutting off his brother's exit path, 'You just went on a mission, right? Tell me about it!' He asked, smiling brightly. 

Kyameron gave a disgruntled sigh, 'Fine. The demon is dead. Done and done.' He said drearily, still trying to step around his brother.

'What was the demon like? What was its blood demon art?' Tanjiro emplored.

'It was nothing to write home about, okay? I have work to do.' Kyameron snapped, forcing his way past Tanjiro and down the hallway to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him and creating a thunderous crack of wood starkly contrasting the calm exterior blizzard. The sound pierced Tanjiro's eardrums like a knife, as did the fact he'd been practically ignored by his brother, who'd never done this before. Shocked, crushed and heartbroken, he wandered off in the direction Kyameron had come from and back to the medical ward where Zenitsu and Inosuke were hanging out.

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