Chapter 6.

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After running all the way until evening and barely being able to keep up with Urokodaki in the process, the siblings arrived at their destination; Urokodaki's residence. It was a quaint home with a yard to the side. It was small but constructed well with stone and wood. Inside were only three rooms; The main area with a cooking pot in the middle and a collection of masks on the wall. The other two were sleeping rooms, one belonging to Urokodaki himself and the other for the three siblings.

After stepping inside, Tanjiro threw Kyameron to the floor and started gasping for air, "Jeez, I've still got a slashed leg, y'know! Could have set me down gently..." Kyameron said.

"*Pant, pant* Have I...*pant* passed the test?" Tanjiro asked

"Your test begins now. Were going to climb a mountain," Urokodaki said, much to the chagrin of Tanjiro

Urokodaki set Nezuko down in their bedroom, making her a cot to sleep. After lying down, she fell asleep almost instantly. Kyameron sat in the corner of his room, rubbing the slash on his leg, "I wonder what the scar is going to look like..." he thought, "I hope it's something cool, not just a lame line. I hope it looks like it's breaking out everywhere!"

Urokodaki handed him some ointment, "That will cauterize the wound faster. Pour it on the gash slightly. Be aware, it will sting, so put the lid back on the bottle right after you pour it to avoid getting it everywhere," he said

"Yes, sir,"

Kyameron opened the bottle, took off his bandages and poured the ointment onto his leg. He put the cap back on the bottle, "I thought you said this would sting?" He said

Urokodaki stared at him before snapping his fingers. When he did, pain shot through his leg like a hundred bees swarming one single area. Kyameron shrieked, holding his leg in pain, "I see what you mean now!" He yelled.

Tanjiro chuckled at his brother before following Urokodaki outside, his trials set to begin.

Inside, Kyameron struggled with the pain for almost 15 minutes, tossing and turning while shouting profanities. Through his bombardment of noise, Nezuko somehow stayed asleep, which worried Kyameron since she had been a light sleeper since she was born. With the pain restricting his movements, All he could do was think back to the happy times.

Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, Nezuko and Tanjiro all stood in a line. They looked ahead to see their opponent, Kyameron. Compared to them all, minus Tanjiro, Kyameron may as well have been their father as he towered over them all. Their mother sat with the newborn Rokuta in her arms, watching her children play as the sun set, "Ready?" Kyameron asked

"When you are, big brother!" Takeo said

"I'm ready!" Shigeru said

"We're gonna get you this time, Kyameron!" Nezuko said

"Yeah, you're going down, big bro!" Hanako shouted

"Remember the plan, guys. We can get him this time!" Tanjiro said

"Alright then, let's go!" Kyameron shouted

The five younger siblings ran at the oldest with one goal, take him down. Takeo took the lead, followed by Hanako and Shigeru, with Nezuko and Tanjiro following behind them. Takeo lept into the air with all his might, only to be caught by Kyameron with one hand. He held onto his arm as tight as he could as Hanako leaped. Instead of grabbing her, Kyameron sidestepped as Hanako flew face-first into the snow, causing their mother to chuckle. Instead of jumping, Shigeru dove for Kyameron's leg. He managed to grab it, holding on for dear life as Kyameron tried to shake him off.  Nezuko ran straight at Kyameron and grabbed his other arm, just as Hanako managed to crawl back and take hold of his other leg. With one sibling on each of his limbs, Kyameron started to laugh, "You guys made a plan to beat me this time?" He said with a smile.

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora