Chapter 46.

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With every ounce of power remaining in his broken, tattered body, Rengoku swung his sword at Akaza. The burning heat of his katana sliced straight through the outstretched fist of Akaza, splitting his arm like a cheese string. The combat masochist laughed at this, though, using his opposite hand to repel the blade from reaching his torso and flinging it in the air. Rengoku kept the katana in his hands, carrying the momentum of Akaza's shove above his head. Twisting his upper body, he brought the blade back into a stabbing position, dodging one of Akaza's punches in the process. With a scream of desperation, he plunged the sword deep into Akaza's intestines, piercing him. The blade now fully through Akaza, guard against his blue stomach, Rengoku pulled up with another shout of spirit. Blood flew through the air as the fiery ninth form reached its meltdown stage, or flash over as firefighters would say.

The flames vanished, making a terrific crescendo to the epic ballad of this battle. Another cloud of dust created a veil around the fighters, obscuring the spectators' vision. It faded quickly, as did the heat in the air. The entire wreckage site turned cold, frozen, and fearful.

Both fighters remained standing, but something was not right. Akaza's knees were bent with Rengoku's sword high in the air. The dust cleared, revealing the full scene, with Kyameron and Tanjiro's eyes promptly opening wide.

Although Rengoku had split Akaza in two with his blade, that wound had healed itself. All that remained of his last desperate assault was a splash of blood on Akaza's left pectoral muscle. Rengoku, however, stood quivering. His face was full of emotions Kyameron had never seen from him before; pain, confusion, and most of all; fear. Akaza's right hand protruded from Rengoku's back, a chunk of flesh gripped tightly in its hand.

'MASTER RENGOKU!!!!!' Kyameron screamed, his mind going to war with his body to make it move. His heart pumped round after round of adrenaline into his veins, but still, his muscles and bones refused to stand.

'Do you see now, Kyojuro?!' Akaza asked, 'Do you see the flaws of humanity?! You are bound to die now; think about it! Become a demon and you'll live forever! You are one of the few blessed with the gift of strength, one of the much fewer blessed with strength such as yours! Talent from birth, it was meant to be! Do not throw that all away for measly humanity, Kyojuro! Remain one of the strong, remain one of the chosen ones!!!!!' he begged, his face stained with blood and desperation.

Understandably, Rengoku struggled to respond; as anyone who'd been pierced through the stomach would. But he managed to find his voice, saying, 'Natural... talent?' he asked, 'I've got none of that... every day I worked my ass off to get where I am. And if that makes me someone chosen... then I most certainly was not.' he said, 'I'm not like you...'


'AND I'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU! BEING HUMAN IS WHAT MAKES ME STRONG!' Rengoku exclaimed, raising his sword with a massive battle cry and with one hand on his hilt, slashed into Akaza's neck. The demon was caught off-guard, taking a clean hit to his only vital area. He threw a punch aimed at Rengoku's working eye, but the Hashirs caught it in his offhand. The blade powered deeper into his neck all the while.

Elsewhere, Kyameron was still attempting to get to his feet. Out of stamina and strength, all he could do was think quickly. He looked up at his stunned brother, 'Tanjiro!' he said. Tanjiro turned his head in response, 'Go find Zenitsu, now! And hurry!'

Tanjiro didn't ask any questions, he simply ran for Zenitsu. Kyameron's body screamed at him to remain down, to salvage whatever bone wasn't broken; but he refused. He refused his own brain. His willpower took control as he powered himself up to one knee, then two. He struggled and twisted in agony, shouting as he finally got to a foot and up on two feet again. 'What is it, Kyameron-, OH MY GOD IS THAT RENGOKU?!' Zenitsu screamed.

'Shut up for now!' Kyameron said, 'Listen to me. Hold your sword flat, like this,' Kyameron said, shakily holding his sword horizontally. 'Charge an attack and press the sword on my chest. It should give me enough energy to save him!'

'THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!' Zenitsu shouted in terror.

'We don't have a choice now! Do it!!!!' Kyameron screamed. Hesitantly, and shakily, Zenitsu drew his sword and held it horizontally. Lightly charging his thunderclap and flash, he ran at Kyameron and planted the sword across his chest. The lightning from the blade went zipping into his chest, causing a great deal of pain but also of energy. The attack ended with Kyameron on his feet, adrenaline pumping so hard you could see his veins shaking from his skin. His sword gripped tightly in his hand, he jumped high into the air with the blade raised.

Akaza, struggling against Rengoku who was powering his katana into his neck, looked up at the sky. Firstly, he saw the crack of dawn appearing over the faraway Japanese mountains, meaning his time was limited. Secondly, a figure appeared in front of the sky. It looked awfully familiar, but it was just a silhouette in front of the sun. As it got closer, a katana came into view, along with the face of the insect from earlier. 'How are you standing?!' an enraged Akaza asked.

Kyameron didn't answer with words, he yelled out a deep, bellowing cry. Bringing the sword behind his head, he swung at Akaza's neck with all his might. 'THIRD FORM, BLAZING UNIVERSE!!!!'

The katana went up in flames right before it reached the target. It seemed like the attack would land a clean hit.

But at the very last moment, a blast of kinetic energy flew from Akaza's trapped arm. It wasn't anywhere near full power but it was enough to knock Kyameron back and deter his attack, sending the katana flying out of his hand as he slammed into the ground.

With the wind knocked out of him, Kyameron couldn't get to his feet.

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