Chapter 40.

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The fresh air flowing past the duo would generally be clear, alluring, and tranquil. Unfortunately, tonight the usual air was befouled by the vicious scents of blood, malice, and lust for both those things. The brothers stood defiant in the face of this intimidation tactic, wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Despite being brothers, these two were far from twins. Although, they did share one thing at this moment; an immense hatred for what resided at the head of this train.

"I'm not waiting for another second, Tanjiro. If you can't keep up with me, that's your problem," The elder brother said.

"Aren't we supposed to be fighting together-"

The younger sibling tried to reply, but the former firmly cut him off by shouting, "I couldn't give less of a damn if I tried! All that matters is this demon dies. Either keep up or stay back. Have you got that?!" Kyameron shouted, prompting a subtle nod from Tanjiro. Keeping his word, the former began hurdling towards the conductors' cabin, "Was I too rough?" he wondered, "I've been getting sloppy recently. Is it because I never told anyone about it- no! Thats' not for anyone to know!" he thought, driving away any thought that didn't revolve around murder.

The conductors' cabin approached quickly, his immense speed vastly outclassing Tanjiro, who was still a fair ways behind. Looking inside the engine area, only a lone person stood. Kyameron, jumping down and standing at the very end, spoke, "You there, it's not safe here. Go to the back of the train, or you'll get hurt,"

The conductor, who was pale and overall soulless, turned around. His gaunt face now on full display to the rather disturbed Kyameron, "Why must people like you get in the way," he mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Kyameron replied, a bit flustered by the response.

"You've been ruining everything all night. All we want are peaceful dreams, and you rob us of that?!" The conductor shouted.

"Sir, I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, but you know your conspiring with a demon, right?" Kyameron replied, trying to stay calm.

"Who cares?!" The conductor yelled as Tanjiro lept down from above, joining Kyameron, "I don't care who it is! As long as I can escape this hell, I'll take any route to heaven!"

"Reaching heaven with the help of a demon. Sir, I'm sorry, but that's absurd."

"How would you know?!"

"Well, first of all, they're called demons for a reason. Second, you're sacrificing however many people inside this train for your desires. Is that not a cardinal sin? I beg you, sir, go to the back of the train where it's safe."

The conductor looked down, shadows covering his eyes due to his elongated cheekbones. Fidgeting with his pockets, he looked up, "I refuse! I'll do whatever it takes to dream happy dreams!!!" he shouted, pulling a needle from his pocket and thrusting it towards Tanjiro. A flash of red metal and needle clanging on the ground followed. The conductor winced and recoiled. Opening his eyes, he saw a bloody katana inches from his face.

"Conspiring with a demon, condemning hundreds to die, attempted murder, all for your selfish desires," a stone-face angry Kyameron growled, "You deserve nothing but the lowest part of hell," Kyameron said, prepared to end the conductor.

A hand on his shoulder spun him around, seeing Tanjiro, "What are you doing?!" he shouted.

Kyameron, still stone-faced, turned back to the conductor, "He tried to kill you and has endangered the lives of hundreds. This man is more a demon than Nezuko is,"

"Don't kill him! You know how desperate people can be. You saw it first-hand earlier!"

Kyamerons' eyes narrowed on the conductor, "Those people also didn't directly endanger the lives of over two hundred people, Tanjiro. Your forgiving nature makes you soft sometimes,"

"It doesn't matter, Kyameron! Unless those people die, this man is innocent!" Tanjiro pleaded to his still emotionless brother, "If it makes you feel better, don't do it for his sake! Do it for mine!"

Kyameron curled his lip and closed his eyes, slightly shaking. He slowly lowered his katana, opening his red eyes and staring at the conductor, "You're lucky my brother is more reasonable than I am, sir. I suggest you leave now," he said, motioning for the door. The conductor stood up, still wobbling and shaking, fumbling with the handle before finally opening it and entering the cabin.

"Tanjiro, you really shouldn't have done that. That man was far beyond redemption. He didn't deserve a second chance,"

"I think everyone deserves a second chance, asides from the demon here and Muzan, of course,"

Kyameron chuckled a bit, "At least you know the important ones. Now, sniff this demon out, wonder-nose,"

Tanjiro slightly recoiled from the sudden insult, "Huh?"

"Oh for god- sniff the demon out!"

"Right," Tanjiro replied. He began to sniff but stopped imminently, bombarded by a horrendous scent right below their feet, "There!" He shouted, "It's right below us! I'm positive of it!"

"I'm positive! You're standing on it! But how do we get to it?" Tanjiro questioned.

Kyameron pondered for a few seconds before snapping his fingers, "Here, take my sword," Kyameron said, handing it to him, "I'll throw you up high, then use the waterfall basin technique to open a hole!"

Tanjiro's face brightened, "Great idea! But I think I only need one sword," he replied.

Kyameron scowled, "Fine. It'd look cooler if had two, though..."

"And I can jump, too. You don't have to throw me-"

"No! I at least get that!" Kyameron shouted.

Tanjiro smiled, "Fine, just this once,"

Kyameron bent down and laid out his arms, gesturing Tanjiro to stand on them. He obeyed, bending his knees and pushing off as Kyameron flung him into the air. At the apex of his jump, he repositioned himself, Katana above his head, "Water breathing, sixth form!" The metallic floor approached quickly as he put all his momentum into the blade, "Waterfall basin!" he shouted, powering it into the floor.

As the effects of the impact cleared, a new hole in the floor revealed a very strange bone.

"Its neckbone!" Kyameron thought, "Flame breathing, third form, blazing universe!" He shouted, slashing his fiery blade down at the bone.

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now