Chapter 58

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'What's it going to take?'

'What's what going to take?'

'What's it going to take for me to finally understand?'

'What's there not to understand? I laid it out pretty clearly.'

'No, you didn't. You left out certain things I feel like I should know.'

'What kind of things? I told you everything you need to have a basic grasp on it.'

'Well, first of all you left out how one competes and wins.'

'I told you that!'

'You most certainly did not! And if you did, you were extremely vague!'

'What's vague about saying the puck has to go in the net for someone to score?!'

'This is western nonsense.'

Kyameron and Shinobu bickered back and forth towards their approaching destination, the massive village located at the head and main entrance to the valley. 'We can put that aside for now. I have to ask, why aren't we going to take care of that demon activity ourselves? It's active during the day and we're right there.'

'We're not supposed to engage with things if not directly ordered. It's part of being a Hashira.'

'But people died. You saw it happen.'

'We have to leave it to the lower ranks. Dusk is right around the corner and they need to get stronger somehow.'

'I get that. But we're standing idly by while people are dying! I don't care about orders; why wait when we can take action?'

'Ah, reversing this on me are you?' Shinobu said, 'You tell me this vague malarkey of some strange western sport made for savages, then make me explain something I've already explained?' She joked.

'Of course not, I just don't understand WHY it's the way it is.'

'If you don't get it after I explain it twice, you never will unless you figure it out yourself.'

'Oh, whatever. That's just spite.'

'Not at all, I'm just sick of wasting my breath trying to tell you things you refuse to understand, or accept. I've been doing it for over a month now, you know.'


'Don't. We're nearly there, focus on your training.'

He scowled, staring at his shoes, 'Yes, Lady Kochou.' he relented.

The approaching village was vastly different from the previous. Instead of walls made of wood and looking rather flimsy, these walls were made from solid concrete and cinder blocks. Nearly no chips could be seen along the nearly mile-long wall, with very little evidence of any tampering aside from the odd rough bit of white paint. If he hadn't seen the marvels of big city settlements, he would've thought this impressive. 'So now what?'

Shinobu looked up at him, 'Same thing as last time. We go in, investigate, report our findings.'

'And after that?'

'We explore the forest until nighttime falls. Then we head back and do it again in a separate part of our territory.'

'That's not too bad. Will these people treat me like a demon?' He asked.

A chuckling Shinobu replied with, 'Oh no, that village is an outlier. They're much more accustomed to visitors here. And, they're not nervous of a large man entering.'

'Great.' He commented, 'This is better already.'

'Good to hear.' Shinobu said, taking the lead and taking him into the village.

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now