Chapter 45.

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Akaza's presence was intimidating enough. It was like facing down Gustavo the crocodile except he could hurl blasts of air directly at your face. But now, with his face contorted into a mess of negative emotion highlighted by rage and irritation, the level had gone from 10 to 11. 'You impudent little insect!' he spouted, 'How dare you intervene in a fair, honest duel?!'

Kyameron, though still locked up and winded from his attack, replied, 'Fair duel? You've been hurling dirty attacks this whole time, dumbass!'

'No attack is dirty!' spewed Akaza, 'Besides, if my attacks are dirty, what do you call THAT?' He questioned, referencing Kyameron's blazing multiverse attack.

'I thought all attacks were fair game?' he taunted, planting his feet right as he finished. Expectedly, Akaza ran forward, lunging at Kyameron with breakneck speed. Sidestepping, Kyameron followed through with the motion with his arms while sitting opposite Akaza. In his rage, he'd overstepped and gotten too aggressive; a miscalculation. Kyameron's sword made solid contact with Akaza's kidneys, leaving a large gash once the blade was exonerated from his side. Looking down at the gushing wound, Akaza's rage only compiled.

'Insolent rat-' he tried to say before being cut off by Rengoku, who attempted to stab him in the back. His compass saved him at the last possible moment, as Akaza sidestepped him just as he thrust. Flipping through the air, he yelled out again, 'A fair attempt, Kyojuro!'

'Oh, so that's fair.' Kyameron mocked, coating Akaza on. However, he found himself being ignored again. 'Get over here and fight me, coward!!' He screamed.

The ground blew apart. A crater was all that remained following such a devastating kick. In the epicenter lay Kyameron, clutching his chest to attempt to keep his would within his body. Clinging to life with all the strength he had left. This time, there was no getting up. Trying only caused a deep, gut-rupturing, brain-destroying pain. All he could do was lie in the crater, hoping for a miracle. 'There. Now that the termite is out of the way, how about we get back t the Aardvark, hmmm?' Akaza asked Rengoku, smirking again.

'How dare you!!' Rengoku shouted, 'Innocents have perished because of you. Good people, probably in the hundreds if not thousands of good people!'

'Over five hundred. Haha,' Akaza snickered, 'I'll give you one last chance, Kyojuro; join me. Become a demon.'

'I told you before, never!! I'll never join someone as vile as you!!' Rengoku yelled, assuming his battle pose.

Akaza sighed, 'Well, you're wasting your potential. But, battle me! One-on-one, a classic battle! No interference, either.'

'I accept your challenge!! I shall defeat you and claim this victory in the name of all the innocents you've ended!' Rengoku replied, 'And especially for my trainee. I shall not let you go out that way. Not on my terms.' He said, steering himself towards the crater. Jumping down inside, he pulled Kyameron up onto his shoulders, 'You've fought valiantly, my student.' He said, leaping out and to where Tanjiro stood, 'But your fight is over. Allow me to finish this.'

'But Mr. Rengoku!' Spoke Tanjiro, 'You can't do this alone, can you?'

Rengoku's face sank ever so slightly. His eyes were still fiery, but Kyameron could see them flicker for a millisecond. He merely smiled at the two of them before turning around, cape billowing in his wake, and walking towards Akaza, 'Finally! We can fight unabated. Unbothered by miserable ants.' the demon said.

'This is not to fulfill your desires. I do this not for myself, either.' Rengoku said, gripping his sword tightly.

'Have it your way, then.' Akaza spat, planting his foot and activating his compass once again, 'No matter what you do, I shall get my way.'

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now