I instantly dropped his arm in realization that he's actually upset.

Something's really wrong.

"I failed you. I was supposed to protect you- I-"

"Nico, he didn't hit me. Believe it or not we actually love each other." I snickered trying to lighten the mood. "Plus if he had hurt me don't you think he'll have a matching scar?"

Nicos eyes fell down to his feet. "I talked to dad.. he told me- you were assaulted?" My breath hitched to my throat.

Why was dad telling him this?

"I really don't want to-" can he stop cutting me off?

"I was supposed to protect you, Zaliah. You devoted yourself to taking care of this fucked up family only to get stabbed in the fucking back." Letting out a sigh I wrapped my arms around Nico.

"It's okay. It's not your job to protect me." I can protect myself.

He shook his head. "Someone has to

"The man you just accused of hurting me does." Nico lifted his head from my shoulder frowning.

"So where the hell did the scar come from?" I might as well tell him the truth now.

"I had a seizure.. I hit my head." I explained shortly.

"What?!! Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay? When was this?" The worry that I wanted to avoid.

I simply just shrugged. "Just know I'm all better now. I don't want to talk about the past and I don't want you to worry."

Nico placed his head in his palm shaking his head. "I feel like an asshole. I'm so sorry. Tell Marcelo I'm so sorry."

"He'll be okay, why were you talking to dad anyways?" I asked as we began walking towards my car. Bringing up dad I wanted to steer the conversation away from

The thing I love about my brother is he doesn't push. He didn't push the subject anymore. And I'm glad.

"He calls every now and then... he said he's trying to change." Nico shrugged.

"I hope he changes for you" I whispered more so to myself..

If I wasn't enough, I pray Nico is.


"I should get home" I mumbled standing up. Using the table to steady myself up. I'm stuffed. I had to unbutton my pants. If I knew we were gonna stuff our faces I would've worn something more flexible....

Oh who am I kidding! I would've worn the same thing.

I rarely wear sweatpants..

"It's been fun. Felt like old times" A familiar feeling settled in my stomach... old times..

"I'm sorry Nico.. I know that we don't hangout like we used to." I grabbed my purse as we made our way out.

"It's fine we're busy now... that's a good thing." He nudged my shoulder with his. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's okay. You know if Marcelo were to ever hurt me I would do something about it." I nudged a rock with my heel.

"I know. I just don't want to miss anything"

"You'll be the first to know"

Nico stopped walking, causing me to stop in my tracks. "I just want you to be happy after everything."

"I'm really happy with Marcelo." I said truthfully. Looking over at Nico he dug something out of his pocket. Soon the streetlight gave me a view of the blunt he was holding.

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