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Izuku's breath came in ragged gasps as he stood hunched over in front of the bar, the neon lights casting a surreal glow on the scene before him. He couldn't quite fathom how or why he ended up here, but the universe's vague directions had led him to this spot, and his surprise, it bore the unmistakable signage of a "gay bar."

He pushed open the heavy doors with a hesitant hand, the creaking hinges announcing his arrival. Inside, the dimly lit interior was a whirlwind of activity. Two attractive men, clad in tight vests and revealing booty shorts, sauntered past him with trays balanced expertly on one hand. The scent of alcohol and sweat hung heavy in the air, mingling with the pulsating beat of the music.

As Izuku scanned the room, a thought flickered through his mind. Maybe this was his new coping mechanism, a way to numb the pain that gnawed at his insides. Instead of inflicting physical harm upon himself, why not seek solace in the temporary oblivion of alcohol? He knew that Katsuki might be searching for him, wondering where he had disappeared to, but for now, he craved the numbing embrace of intoxication. It was a reprieve from his mother's betrayal and the crushing burden of his perceived shortcomings.

Izuku felt a pair of eyes boring into him from across the bar, their gaze practically undressing him with every lingering look. The hunger and desire plastered on the man's face were impossible to miss, making it abundantly clear that he was interested in Izuku. At first, Izuku's discomfort prickled beneath his skin, unfamiliar with this level of attention directed his way.

Despite his initial unease, Izuku couldn't help but feel a faint flicker of confidence stirring within him. He had never considered himself particularly attractive or alluring, never the type to flirt or engage in such encounters. The mere fact that he had managed to capture Katsuki's attention and affection still seemed like a stroke of pure luck to him. Yet, here he was, being eyed up by a stranger in a bar, a testament to his newfound confidence in a loving relationship.

As Izuku subtly signaled his openness with a smirk and a casual leg cross, the man wasted no time closing the distance between them. His approach was confident, exuding an air of familiarity as if he owned the place. "Haven't seen you around here before," he remarked with a sly grin, his gaze lingering on Izuku's features with an appreciative gleam.

The bartender, seemingly accustomed to the man's charm, responded promptly to his unspoken request, preparing their drinks with practiced efficiency before placing them on the counter in front of them. This man was regular, comfortable in his surroundings, and accustomed to making newcomers feel welcome in his domain.

Izuku reclined in his seat, his body language oozing with confidence. A sly grin spread across his features, and he locked gazes with the elegant man across from him. "You know what they say about new experiences," he quipped, his words dripping with playful sarcasm. Despite his calm exterior, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that coursed through him. Was this suave stranger genuinely interested in him?

The man chuckled, a charming twinkle in his eyes as he leaned closer. "Oh, I'm well aware," he responded, his voice smooth and dripping with charisma. "But there's always room for someone new to shake things up." Despite his confident demeanor, his tone hinted at neediness, as if he craved the attention and validation Izuku's presence offered.

Izuku's hand wrapped around the glass, the excellent surface contrasting with the warmth of his touch. With a playful smirk, he tilted his head, silently challenging the man before him. As he downed his drink smoothly, the man's eyes followed every movement, a mixture of admiration and intrigue dancing in their depths.

Once Izuku finished, he slid the glass back onto the counter, his expression unyielding as he met the man's gaze. Unbeknownst to him, the man shifted closer, his body fully turning toward Izuku. A gentle graze of his hand against Izuku's thigh went unnoticed, lost in the haze of the potent drink Izuku had consumed.

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