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Izuku felt conflicted. He contemplated calling Katsuki but couldn't shake off the unease that washed over him every time he thought about his former partner. Memories of their past would flood his mind. He would often zone out, reliving the moments that led to their fallout.

Despite the two-month separation, Izuku couldn't determine his next move. He knew his relationship with Katsuki had only lasted slightly over a month, but it felt like it had encompassed everything he needed. For the first time in his life, he had felt understood and accepted for who he was, and he couldn't help but yearn for that again.

All that was once unclear to him had become clear, and he longed for Katsuki to be back in his life more than anything else. However, he also knew that he needed to be cautious. He didn't want to repeat the same mistakes that had led them down this path in the first place. He needed to figure out how to make things work and couldn't do it alone.

On a bright, sunny day, Izuku strolled past the building where he had initially met the couple, Jirou and Momo, on his way to work. He remembered promising to return and paint more with them. Still, various obligations had piled up, making it difficult for him to do good in his word—his mother's influence was a significant factor in keeping him away. Upon revisiting, he was warmly greeted with embraces and open arms as if he had never been gone.

"Wow, it's so good to see you!" exclaimed Momo, her arms wide open in welcome. She embraced Izuku tightly, momentarily lifting him off his feet before releasing him with a beaming smile. Jirou stood nearby, watching with a warm expression.

"It's great to see you both," Izuku smiled. He glanced at Jirou and nodded, noticing that she wasn't inclined to offer a hug. Nonetheless, Izuku didn't mind; his main goal was to stop by and say hello before heading off to work. "I apologize for not coming sooner. Everything just seemed to pile up all at once,"

"It's okay, Izuku. We understand," Jirou responded with a reassuring smile. "So, are you here to showcase your skills?" she nudged Izuku's shoulder as they walked toward the central hub. 

"I wish I could, but I have to head to work. My shift starts in fifteen minutes," Izuku replied, halting his steps alongside them with a hint of disappointment. "I'd love to come back another time, though,"

"Aw, that's too bad! I was hoping to show you some of our art pieces and hear your thoughts on them, but I guess another time will have to suffice," Momo expressed, her tone tinged with a hint of sadness as she had been eager to showcase her latest art projects, along with Jirou's.

Izuku said his goodbyes to his friends with a smile and a nod, making his way out of the building and onto the busy sidewalk. He walked towards the bus station, lost in thought about how to handle the situation with his mother.

As he walked, Izuku couldn't help but feel anxious and uncertain. He knew going to the police was the best solution, but he still feared the consequences. For years, he had been the victim of abuse at the hands of his mother, Inko. He had endured physical and emotional abuse, but he was too afraid to speak up. The fear of making his life even more unbearable than it already was had kept him silent. And, despite Iida's offer to stay at his place when needed, Izuku still felt guilty and overwhelmed. 

Izuku boarded the bus, sat, plugged in his headphones, and started playing The Strokes. The familiar tunes provided him with a sense of comfort and stability. Resting his arm on the edge of the window, he sighed softly as the bus began to move. Glancing out the window, he fixed his gaze on the passing scenery. Meanwhile, he found himself repeatedly scrolling through his phone, revisiting his conversations with Katsuki, his thumb hesitating over the keyboard as he debated whether to send a message.

In frustration, he turned off his phone and rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "You're so pathetic," he murmured, letting his head fall back against the headrest while he gazed lazily out the window.

After a while, his stop arrived, but he remained seated, lost in thought, as he lazily gazed out the window. Then, unexpectedly—acting out of character—he pushed back his headphones and approached the bus driver. He inquired whether the bus would take him to the police station, and upon receiving confirmation, he settled into a seat near the door, gripping the pole by the stairs tightly.

As Izuku's bus drew closer to the police station, his anxiety began to build up. His heart was pounding as he tried to steady his breathing. He knew what he would do would change his life forever. 

When the bus finally stopped, he took a deep breath and stepped off, his eyes fixed on the imposing building in front of him. The police station stood tall and intimidating, but Izuku was determined to overcome his fear. He walked towards the entrance, feeling a sense of purpose he had never felt before. He was ready to seek help and put an end to the cycle of abuse that had plagued him for so long. His determination grew more robust with each step, and he felt a small glimmer of hope that things might finally get better.

Izuku was seated before a police officer, his heart pounding. He knew he had to speak up, even though it was difficult. He began pouring out his story with trembling hands, trying to remember every detail he could. Each memory stirred up a mix of vivid and fuzzy recollections, causing tears to stream down his face.

The police officer listened intently, offering a comforting squeeze on his arm and encouraging him to continue. Izuku felt relieved by the officer's kindness and understanding.

Eventually, Izuku shared that, as an adult, he had the right to the apartment under his mother's name. He just needed to sign some paperwork to make it official. The officer felt pity and pride for Izuku, admiring his bravery in speaking up after twelve years. After collecting his information, the officer assured Izuku that they would process it in the system before taking action against his mother.

"The arrest of your mother will take place immediately," the police officer informed Izuku upon returning with a set of files. "Do you have anyone we can contact?"

"No, it's just me and my mom," Izuku replied with a slight chuckle. He reached out for the papers in the officer's hands and signed where necessary. 

After completing his obligations, the police informed Izuku that he could leave. As the arrest occurred that evening, the police officer asked about a place for Izuku to stay for the night. Izuku nodded and stepped out of the building. Outside, he felt a sense of relief and decided to call Todoroki. 

He pulled out his phone with newfound courage and dialed Todoroki's number. "Hey, are you free tonight?" he asked.

 "Hey, are you free tonight?" he asked

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