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"DON'T YOU DARE RAISE THAT TONE WITH ME!" Inko yelled at his son after slapping her hand across his cheek. "You do as I say, or I will beat you to the ground, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Izuku replied, his voice quaking with a hint of fear as it lingered in his throat. He has gotten used to his mother's slaps and punches, so he thought if he didn't show effect, she would know he understood. 

"You are grounded!" Inko yelled again at her son before throwing him her bottle of empty wine, causing it to shatter on the floor. Izuku sighed before kneeling to clean up the mess before his mother barked at him again. 

"It's not like I go anywhere anyway..." Izuku muttered as he left the living room after tossing the bag full of glass shards in the trash can. He walks into his room, angry at his mother and how little he cares for him. 

Izuku closed the door behind him and couldn't help but slide down onto the floor, pulling his legs to his chest and resting his crossed arms on his knees before digging his head into the small crook to cry. He can't help but cry over the fact that the cards he was dealt weren't in his favor. He hated every moment of being at his house, every single moment. 

He can't even remember the last time he saw his mother happy. For so long, he has forgotten her smile, kindes...her laughter. The only sound that would make him more comfortable than ever. Every night he prays to himself that tomorrow will be a better day and that it only gets better from there, but no matter how many times he tries to believe in himself, he lets himself down every time. 

Izuku knew that cutting himself, harming himself with razor blades or knives wasn't the answer, nor was it the way to cope with the pain; he knew this, yet all those negative thoughts seemed to cloud his mind. All he wanted to do was go into his bathroom, lean over the bathtub, and cut himself, letting the blood fall into the tub so it could be easier to clean than the sink. But the more he thought about it, the more painful and disappointed he was with himself. 

"I have to hang in there...I can't let this happen to me," Izuku told himself as he found an ounce of courage to get up from the floor and walk toward his bed. He had to crawl toward his bed as he left drops of tears behind him. 

"I can't cry anymore; I can't let her see how weak I am..." He tells himself, over and over and over again, constantly repeating the same saying because that is a way for him to move forward. To show the world who Izuku Midoriya was. 

Izuku collapsed onto his bed with tears streaming out of his eyes as he snuggled into his bed sheets. He didn't even bother changing clothes because he'll have to wake up again and go to work in a few hours. He worked the afternoon shift, but his mother kept him busy all afternoon and evening, so he hasn't had time to relax, and his change tomorrow is at six in the morning. As of right now, it's two o'clock in the morning. 

He fell into a deep sleep, wrapped in his covers, and snuggled against his favorite plushie. 

The next day came around the corner, and Izuku got up to work. Meanwhile, Katsuki arrived again at Kaminari's house and waited for him outside with a bouquet of roses for his mother to allow him to see his boyfriend. 

Instead of ringing the doorbell, he knocked several times before Kaminari's father opened the door to receive Katsuki. He gave him the flowers and a kind smile, making Kaminari's father step aside to let the boy into their home. 

When Katsuki walks in and kicks off his shoes, he turns to his right when he hears footsteps come down the stairs; he looks over with a smile as he sees his boyfriend. 

"Hey, you," Katsuki said as he approached his boyfriend at the end of the stairs. Kaminari looked over his head to see if his dad said anything, but he walked off to let them be together. 

Kaminari quickly pulled his boyfriend up the stairs and guided him to his bedroom, where he soonly closed the door and leaned against it. Katsuki smirks before he leans in and gives him a long, lasting kiss on the lips while his hands rest on the side of his face. Kaminari moved his hands from the door and ruffled Katsuki's hair as he enjoyed the kiss. 

"Babe, we have to go," Katsuki told his boyfriend the time as he pulled away and bent over to grab his boyfriend's things to hand them to him. "We can kiss on the way," he continued, giving him a cheeky smile. 

"Alright, let's go," Kaminari replied as he grabbed his things from Katsuki's hand and left the room. 

They both walk down the steps towards the front door, and while Katsuki slides on his shoes, Kaminari's father gestures for him to walk over to him. Katsuki looked over his shoulder, trailing Kaminari, and looked at the two in the living room how his father kissed Kaminar's forehead before ruffling his hair. I guess his father is okay with us going out, Bakugou thought before Kaminari rushed toward him. 

"Did you buy the tickets for the dance?" Kaminari asked his boyfriend after walking a few minutes from his house. Katsuki intertwined his hand with his and kissed his cheek before replying. 

"You beat your ass, I did," Katsuki replied, causing Kaminari to laugh at how he delivered the message. 

Both men go toward Kaminari's college and say their goodbyes before Katsuki rushes back to his college and runs into his first class, all eyes on him, twenty minutes late to class...again. In front of Kirishima, Katsuki took a seat at his regular spot, and as he started taking out his laptop to take notes, a knock was heard at the classroom door. 

"Oh, that's right! Everyone, please warmly welcome our newest student Shoto Todoroki," The professor announced the new student's name, walked into the classroom, and bowed toward everyone if he were in the queue. 

Katsuki met Todoroki's eyes but couldn't read him at all. Something was off about the teen, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, let alone did he want to befriend him. All Katsuki could think about was a night to remember with his boyfriend in just five days to come. 


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