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Katsuki spent two weeks making life miserable for everyone around him. He would camp outside Izuku's apartment building every day, waiting for him to return home and hoping for a chance to talk. However, Izuku remained resolute and kept ignoring him completely. He repeated phrases like a broken record: "I can't see you anymore" and "This is for the best." But to Katsuki, it all seemed like utter nonsense.

Even after waiting at Izuku's apartment for hours, Katsuki didn't give up. He lingered outside Izuku's workplace, hoping to catch a glimpse of him after his shift. But whenever Izuku spotted him waiting, he slipped out the back door before Katsuki could catch up. It was exhausting for the blonde, chasing after someone who refused to offer any explanation beyond the letter he found by his bedside that fateful morning.

The letter stated: 

Dear Kachaan,

I'm sorry for leaving abruptly without saying goodbye. I'm going through a hard time and need to find closure alone. Please don't come looking for me. When I'm ready, I'll see you if you'll have me. I hope you can understand.

Love, Izuku. 

After reading that letter that morning, Katsuki felt a self-reproach wash over him. How foolish he had been, oblivious to Izuku's struggles with an abusive mother, and two weeks of fruitless pursuit had led to nothing. With a heavy heart, Katsuki finally relented, abandoning his quest for answers.

But as he caught one last glimpse of Izuku leaving work one evening, something snapped within him. Pushing aside his doubts and fears, Katsuki approached Izuku and cornered him against the wall, his grip firm as he locked eyes with him, silently demanding answers.

As Katsuki raised his voice, Izuku pleaded with him more desperately. The argument lasted for an eternity until tears welled in Izuku's eyes. Realizing the futility of his efforts, Katsuki finally let go of Izuku, allowing him to slip away. With a heavy heart, Katsuki steadied himself and convinced himself he didn't need Izuku. He believed that he was stronger alone and that when the time came, if Izuku ever sought him out, Katsuki would be ready to face him and seek his closure.

As time passed, Katsuki became increasingly distant from his friends. He struggled with the lingering emotions he had for Izuku, his ex-boyfriend. The memories of the joy Izuku had once brought him and the happiness he felt when he saw Izuku's smile on the couch were still fresh in his mind. Though Kirishima and Sero visited him occasionally after the breakup, Katsuki remained sad and depressed, battling a sense of melancholy. He couldn't help feeling foolish for ever getting involved with Izuku.

Spring break had ended before he knew it, and it was time to return to attending classes and studying. Fortunately, Izuku and Katsuki attended different colleges, so they wouldn't have to see each other soon. This was a relief for Katsuki, as the mere thought of running into Izuku in the same hallways made him uncomfortable. He didn't think he would react well to such an encounter.

Kirishima was deeply concerned about his best friend, Katsuki. He couldn't understand how one person could profoundly impact Katsuki, transforming him into someone almost unrecognizable. Although Kirishima had always known Katsuki to be a fiery and sometimes brash individual, lately, he felt he couldn't reach him. With no other recourse, Kirishima decided to have a heart-to-heart with Izuku. After classes, he said goodbye to his friends and headed to WOS Burgers, hoping to find the boy who had seemingly altered his best friend's demeanor.

"Hi, welcome in!" Izuku's cheerful greeting rang out as he focused on taking another customer's order, oblivious to Kirishima's arrival. With his attention occupied by the activity at the counter, Izuku remained unaware of the new arrival. 

Seizing the opportunity when the line at the counter finally settled, Kirishima stepped forward, approaching Izuku from behind. "I'd like to place an order with the cashier," he announced in a low, determined voice. Startled, Izuku blinked and turned over his shoulder to meet Kirishima's gaze.

"Oh, Kirishima," Izuku responded, clearing his throat and smoothing his hands over his apron. "What brings you here?"

"You," Kirishima declared firmly. When you get your break, find me in the crowd. We need to have a conversation," he instructed before stepping away from the counter to find a seat.

Izuku's unease grew as he observed Katsuki's best friend making his way to a table and settling into a seat, his gaze lingering on Izuku from across the establishment. Letting out a long sigh, Izuku forced himself to focus on his tasks, but the tension remained palpable. 

When his break finally arrived, Izuku wasted no time excusing himself from the break room. Removing his apron, he went to the designated meeting spot in the back. Sitting across from Kirishima, Izuku felt his palms grow clammy, sweat trickling down his forehead despite the room's coolness.

"I'll keep this brief and to the point. So pay attention," Kirishima began, leaning back in his chair and briefly surveying his surroundings before locking eyes with Izuku, who looked on with concern. "I don't know what went down between you two, but my best friend is in pieces,"

Izuku felt a knot in his throat as he absorbed the weight of Katsuki's devastation. He never intended to cause him such pain, not even in a million years. Everything had felt perfect with Katsuki except for himself. Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that he was the flawed one in their relationship, destined to disappoint. How could a broken boy like himself aspire to be with someone as seemingly flawless as Katsuki? All he could think about was how he might let him down and drag Katsuki down if they remained together.

"I... I never meant to hurt him," Izuku began, his voice wavering with emotion. "I thought I was doing what was best for both of us, but I see now that I only caused more pain. Katsuki deserves so much better than me. I'm... I'm just not good enough for him."

"Don't feed me this pity-party nonsense," Kirishima retorted, his tone laced with fury. "You brought joy to my friend's life. I didn't even think that was possible. But ditching him because you think you're not good enough? That's utter nonsense, and I'm not buying it."

"I understand how it may seem that way," Izuku replied regretfully. "But I couldn't bear the thought of dragging him down. He deserves someone who can lift him, not hold him back. I thought leaving was the best thing for him."

Kirishima hesitated momentarily, unsure whether to believe Izuku's words or remain skeptical. However, he couldn't ignore the fact that Katsuki deserved better. Despite this, Kirishima also observed how happy Katsuki seemed to be with Izuku, which made him pause. He didn't want Katsuki's life to turn for the worse because of Izuku's insecurities.

"Listen, I'm with you on the fact that Bakugou deserves the best," Kirishima replied, hesitating to say the rest of his mind. "But you, somehow, you make him happy. I don't understand it, but it's there. So, get your shit in order and be there for him. Have you ever stopped to ask him how he's doing, or is it all about you?"  With that, Kirishima pushed himself up from the table, fixing Izuku with a pointed stare.

Izuku considered answering Kirishima's question but decided to stay silent instead. Kirishima seemed to understand Izuku's silence as an answer and left without another word. The sound of the door chime marked the end of Izuku's break. He wiped away the tears in his eyes and composed himself, running his hand through his hair. He steeled himself with determination to finish the rest of his shift, forcing a smile on his face. He planned to endure the day before returning to his less-than-ideal living situation.

 He planned to endure the day before returning to his less-than-ideal living situation

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