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The dance floor's energy pulsed around Izuku and Bakugou as they moved together, the music and laughter enveloping them in a world of shared joy. Their connection had deepened through the night, and every step seemed to bring them closer. However, a storm of tension was brewing on the periphery.

Kaminari's presence was an unwelcome interruption to their newfound harmony. As he approached, his jealousy and frustration cast a shadow over the moment. Izuku watched as the scene unfolded, his brow furrowing with concern. He could feel the weight of Kaminari's emotions, a mix of resentment and longing.

Bakugous' expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of exasperation and discomfort. Kaminari's bickering was an unexpected disruption to a carefree evening. Izuku's hand remained loosely intertwined with the blonds', his grip tightening subtly in solidarity.

"Look, Kaminari, I thought we were over all this," Bakugou said, his tone a mix of frustration and weariness.

Kaminari's response was heated, a swirl of emotions building beneath the surface. His words carried the pain of past hurt, and Izuku could feel the tension in the air as the situation escalated.

Meanwhile, the repercussions of Kaminari's actions were felt elsewhere on the dance floor. Kaminari's date, Sero, was upset about being neglected for Kaminari's attention. The ripple effect of his jealousy was starting to impact those around him.

As the scene unfolded, Izuku's gaze shifted between Bakugou and Kaminari, his concern evident. He wanted to support the blondie, to stand by his side as the storm raged, but he couldn't ignore his worries. The clock seemed to taunt him, a reminder that his situation at home remained unresolved.

The tension in the air grew thicker; Bakugou squared his shoulders and met Kaminari's gaze head-on. "Oi, sparks. Cut this shit out; we've both moved on."

Kaminair's voice crackled with bitterness. "Moved on, huh? Seems like you've moved on pretty fast. Can't believe you're here with this guy instead of me."

Izuku felt a twinge of discomfort at being referred to as "this guy," but he focused on Bakugou and Kaminari. The blond's patience was thin, his jaw clenched as he responded, "You don't get to dictate who I spend my damn time with, dude."

Izuku caught Bakugous' eye amid the chaos, silently communicating his unease. He knew that leaving the dance early might be the best choice given his circumstances, but he didn't want to abandon him amid this turmoil.

Sero, watching from a distance, finally stepped in, his voice tinged with frustration. "Kami, you invited me here but barely paid attention to me all night. It's like you're more focused on your ex than me."

Kaminari's face contorted with mixed emotions—regret, frustration, and a lingering attachment. He seemed torn between his pride and his unresolved feelings. "I... I didn't mean for things to turn out like this."

Izuku watched the exchange, his heart going out to Bakugou and Kaminari. He knew that confronting past relationships could be difficult, and it was clear that the wounds were still raw for Kaminari.

As Bakugou observed Kaminari's regretful demeanor, a mixture of emotions swirled within him. He couldn't help but empathize with the pain that lingered within his ex-boyfriend. The blond knew firsthand the tumultuous nature of emotions that arose from past relationships. His feelings were complex—anger at Kaminari for disrupting their evening, yet a degree of understanding.

Taking a deep breath, Bakugou turned his attention back to the dance floor, trying to shift his focus from the lingering tension. He wasn't sure how to approach Kaminari, whether to offer him a moment of understanding or keep his distance.

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