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Regarding romance, Katsuki is oblivious, nor does he know how to respond to a confession other than yelling curses at the ladies. It was Valentine's Day, and Katsuki desperately needed a date to the dance because his ex-boyfriend, Kaminari, had a date. 

Normally Katsuki could give two shits about a stupid dance, but his pride was rising, and not even his best friend could help control his need to win. And so, the day began. 

"Bakugou, tell me you're not going to go through this," Kirishima asks Bakugou as he follows the blond down the hallway that leads to their classroom. 

"You're damn right I am. I'm going to show that bastard who he messed with," Katsuki replies as he cuts the corner too quickly and bumps into one of his classmates; they fall to the ground, and their notes fly in the air.

Katsuki rubbed his temple before opening his eyes to see Ochaco scratching her head before she realized her stuff was all over the place. The entire classroom looked over at them. They saw neither Katsuki nor Kirishima was doing anything, so they got up to help the girl; eventually, Bakugou moved to the side. 

"Listen to me," Kirishima grabs Katsuki's arm and pulls him toward him. "What Kaminari did to you was messed up, yes, but getting revenge isn't going to take that pain away from you..." he continues as he softens his grip on Katsuki's arm. 

Katsuki stays silent for a few seconds before jerking his arm away from Kirishima and walking toward his desk to take a seat. Kirishima rolls his eyes at his best friend before walking behind him and taking a seat. 

For the rest of the day, Katsuki sought a date, but no one seemed to meet his standards. The dance was tonight, and Katsuki had two tickets in his hand. He sighed, angry at the fact that his ex would be grinding himself up against another man while he watched. The simple solution was not to attend and think of the best, but that isn't Bakugou. 

Katsuki shoved the tickets into his front pocket and slouched his way out of the premises, back arched and feet shuffled. Once outside, he pulled his skateboard out of his backpack and ran towards the sidewalk before hopping on. 

"Eyo! This is Mitsuki; leave your message after the beep unless you don't want me to call you back!" Bakugou's phone said before the beep. Katsuki sighed before pulling his phone down to his eyes and hanging up. 

Before he knew it, he was home. He is standing in front of the front door, his hand reaching for the knob, when he suddenly stops. Katsuki looks up at the house and scoffs before turning away and walking back to the sidewalk. 

"Screw this..." Katsuki muttered under his breath. He pulls his gray hoodie from his backpack and throws it over his head, tossing his hood and shoving his hands in his pockets before skating away. 

Katsuki decided to go to the burger joint ten minutes from his house for dinner since he knew his mom wouldn't be back in time. He pushed on the door and tossed his hood back to look where he was going. He approached the line and looked above the cash register to look at the menu while he waited his turn. 

"Are you ready?" A male's voice calls Bakugou, who is buried in his phone. Katsuki looked up and walked toward the green-haired boy to order. "Hi, welcome to WOS Burgers. What can I get you today?" he greets Bakugou with a bright smile that blinded and bothered Katsuki.

"Um, number six in a large combo with three chocolate chip cookies," Katsuki replies. "Oh, and a vanilla milkshake," he finalized. The boy before him smiled as he punched the buttons.

"Anything else?" The boy asked. His green curls covering slightly one of his eyes while his green eyes peer through the curtains. A color combination Katsuki had yet to come across. 

"No...Izuku?" Katsuki asked when he peered over the counter to look closer at his nametag. 

"Yes, that's me!" Izuku yells back with a cheeky smile. "Cash or card?"

"Card," Katsuki responded as he slid his card into the machine and waited for the green check mark to appear. 

"Alright, here is your number and your soda cup. They'll bring you food shortly," Izuku says with another smile. 

Katsuki doesn't say anything else. He nods before grabbing his stuff and walking to the soda fountain to fill his cup with Diet Coke. He heads to the table by the window and sips on his soda as he looks out the window, watching how the sky turns a shade of gray and how gently the rain splashes against the window. 

After a while, the joint became more empty as the hours passed. Katsuki kept looking at his phone to read the time, and he'd get more anxious every time he saw the minute click. It was the dance in two hours, and he still couldn't find a date. 

"Um, excuse me?" Izuku approached Katsuki. He looks up from his phone and looks at the boy. "We are closing in five minutes," Izuku says with another smile. 

Katsuki acknowledged what the boy said but didn't want to leave the joint for some reason. He looked at Izuku and saw him sweeping the floor while some of his coworkers were leaving the building. It raised his eyebrow as to why the youngest worker must stay close up. 

"Oi, Izuku," Katsuki yells at the boy. He turns around and nods at the blond as he approaches him. "What are you doing later tonight?"

"Mmm, nothing. I'll probably go home and read a book," Izuku replies. Katsuki smirks before getting up and throwing his trash away before approaching the greenhead. 

"Let's go to my Valentine's themed dance tonight," Katsuki said.

"Huh?" Izuku replied. 


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