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Katsuki, feeling proud of his recent academic achievements, was chatting with his group of friends at a house party when one of them, heavily intoxicated, stumbled over and congratulated him on earning multiple honors degrees. Despite the drunken slur, Katsuki appreciated the gesture and acknowledged him.

The party was in full swing, with everyone taking shots and playing the classic party game, Seven Minutes in Heaven. The living room was crowded with people laughing and talking loudly, the air thick with the smell of alcohol. Katsuki couldn't help but feel glad he had decided to come to the party and celebrate his academic success with his friends.

"So, what's the plan?" Kirishima shouted over the music in Katsuki's direction. When he didn't seem to hear, Kirishima leaned closer, repeating his question directly into Katsuki's ear. Meanwhile, Ochaco and Mina chatted nearby, their voices blending with the rhythm of the music.

Katsuki's voice echoed loudly through the crowded room, drowning out the sounds of chattering and laughter. "Pfft, care about the important stuff later. Tonight, we party hard!" he exclaimed; his words met with a chorus of howls and cheers from the revelers around him. Despite the noise, Katsuki's voice cut through the air like a knife, commanding attention and setting the tone for the night ahead.

Kirishima's concern for his best friend weighed heavily on his mind. Despite Katsuki's two-month visit to Izuku, Kirishima sensed more weighing on him than he let on. Emotions clouded Katsuki's judgment and hardened his heart, leading him to seek solace in reckless behavior, such as partying with a newfound intensity. 

Kirishima was determined to help him regain his composure, but Katsuki stubbornly refused assistance. Instead, he insisted that tonight was the night he'd find comfort in the arms of someone new, a decision that left Kirishima uneasy, especially after learning about Izuku's past struggles. Even the presence of their female friends did little to alleviate the tension, as they, too, were focused on their desires for the evening.

"Son of a bitch," Kirishima muttered under his breath, his gaze fixed on Katsuki as he danced provocatively with another man. Disappointment etched across his features, Kirishima reached for his empty cup, intending to refill it as he continued to watch his best friend.

Kaminari and Sero showed up at the party as if things couldn't get any worse. Mina and Ochaco immediately noticed their arrival and quickly sobered up. They remembered the pain Kaminari had caused Katsuki in the past and were determined to shield him from any further hurt tonight.

Meanwhile, Kirishima focused on caring for his friend, resisting the urge to confront Katsuki's dance partner. Instead, he wanted to pull everyone close and dance with them, a distraction from the chaos around them. And Kirishima wasn't having it tonight. 

"Bakubro, that's it. Don't do something you'll regret," Kirishima urged Katsuki, speaking into his ear over the pounding music. Glancing down, he noticed the apparent arousal Katsuki was provoking, prompting him to quickly intervene by pulling Katsuki away from the man he was grinding against.

"For fuck sake, asshole. Back off!" Katsuki snapped, his words slurred and his actions clumsy, indicating he wasn't thinking clearly. Just as Kirishima moved to intervene, the man Katsuki had been dancing with steadied him, preventing further confrontation. Kirishima exchanged a tense glare with the man before Kaminari's arrival diverted their attention, his expression one of confusion.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Kaminari purred, adopting a seductive tone as he strolled to the man holding onto Katsuki. With a subtle gesture, Kaminari's touch prompted the man to release Katsuki and follow Kaminari's lead, leaving Kirishima to take charge.

Yes, Maybe, No | BakuDeku ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें