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The following day, it arrived faster than he had anticipated. Izuku had been lying in bed, wrapped up in his boyfriend's embrace, feeling safe and loved, but before he knew it, he found himself standing in front of the imposing prison walls. The stark contrast between the warmth and comfort of his bed and the cold, grey concrete of the prison was jarring, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety and dread creeping up on him.

Izuku's heart was heavy as he said goodbye to his boyfriend, who had decided to wait in the car. He felt a sense of dread as he approached the prison, its imposing facade looming before him. With each step he took, his mind consumed the weight of the impending visit. The thought of seeing his mother behind bars filled him with a mix of emotions, ranging from anger to sadness and everything in between.

Izuku was met with security checks as he entered the facility. He had to surrender all his belongings and undergo a thorough screening process, which only added to his anxiety. Once cleared, a guard directed him to a waiting area, where he was instructed to pick up a phone and dial a specific extension to request a visit with his mother.

Moments later, another guard escorted him through several corridors, each amplifying his apprehension. The atmosphere was tense, and Izuku could feel his heart pounding in his chest as they made their way toward the visitation area.

Finally, Izuku reached the stark room divided by a thick pane of glass. Izuku was directed to sit on one side, and his mother sat on the other. He couldn't help but feel emotional as he waited for her arrival. Despite the legal actions he had taken against her, he still yearned for closure, a resolution to the painful chapter of his life. He hoped this visit would bring him closer to finding that peace.

The sudden, shrill sound of the door buzzer shattered the silence in the visitation room, causing Izuku's heart to skip a beat. He could feel a heavy sense of foreboding weigh down on him as he watched a guard lead a figure toward him. Shadows obscured the visitor's features until they stepped into the dim light of the room, revealing Izuku's mother.

However, the woman who stood before him was a stark contrast to the mother he once knew. Her face was pale and haggard, with dark circles underscoring her eyes. Her hair was messy, and her clothes were rumpled, giving her a disarrayed appearance. Her expression was cold and unreadable, adding to the tension in the room and causing Izuku's heart to hammer in his chest.

As Inko approached him, every movement seemed magnified, and with each step closer to the phone, a slow, deliberate advance filled Izuku with a creeping sense of dread. With each passing moment, the tension in the room grew thicker, suffocating him in its grip and making it difficult for him to breathe. His fingers trembled with apprehension as he tried to steady himself and brace for whatever was to come.

Izuku was feeling anxious as he looked at his mother. "Hi, Mom." He couldn't help but notice the dull, grey-colored concrete walls that seemed to be the only thing the prison was adorned with. It made him feel uneasy and claustrophobic. 

Trying to break the awkward silence, he asked, "Are they feeding you well? Are you okay?" His mother's face softened, and she replied.

"Yes, the food is alright, and I'm doing fine. Don't worry about me, Izuku." Izuku nodded, but he wasn't convinced. He sensed something was off but didn't want to push her. He knew she was struggling and didn't want to add to her worries. So, they sat there in silence, looking at each other, lost in their thoughts.

Izuku's voice was firm and direct as he spoke, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. "I came here to hear your apology," he said, his eyes fixed on his mother. "For the years of mental and physical abuse that I suffered at your hands. I want to hear your apology." His words hung in the air, the weight of his pain and suffering palpable.

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