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As the weeks passed, Izuku found solace in the support of his closest friends—Iida, Todoroki, and Katsuki—after opening up about the troubles at home. His crush on Katsuki had evolved into something more, and they had started dating, sharing secret moments away from the prying eyes of Izuku's tumultuous household. They navigated the delicate balance of enjoying their newfound connection while keeping it hidden from Izuku's mother, who would undoubtedly react with fury if she found out.

One sunny afternoon, as Izuku finished his shift at work, he greeted Katsuki with a warm greeting, sealing it with a sweet kiss. They shared a tender moment before Izuku took his place in the co-pilot seat, with the blond behind the wheel. As the car engine hummed to life, Katsuki's hand naturally found its place on Izuku's thigh, a subtle but reassuring gesture of protection that enveloped Izuku in a comforting sense of safety.

The two embarked on their journey, the car gliding through the streets as they shared snippets of conversation and laughter. Izuku couldn't help but feel a profound sense of contentment with Katsuki by his side, the touch of Katsuki's hand on his thigh becoming a silent affirmation of care and support.

"So, what do you feel like having for dinner?" Katsuki announced as he approached the limit line, bringing the car to a halt as the traffic light turned red. He glanced at Izuku, a playful smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Um, nothing to do with burgers. I'm getting sick of the smell..." Izuku chuckled, breaking eye contact as he felt the intensity of the blonde's gaze.

Katsuki laughed along, enjoying the banter. "Fair enough. Let's switch it up tonight. How about some Italian? Pasta, maybe?" he suggested, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint.

Izuku's face brightened at the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds great. Italian it is," he agreed, his smile matching the enthusiasm in his eyes. 

The traffic light turned green, signaling the continuation of their journey and the anticipation of a delightful dinner ahead. As they drove towards the restaurant, the playful exchange and shared laughter created a lively atmosphere, turning a routine decision into a moment of shared joy between Izuku and Katsuki.

Once Katsuki parked the car, Izuku began to unbuckle his seatbelt, but Katsuki gently stopped him. He placed his hand on Izuku's and took a deep breath. "Before we go in, there's something I have to tell you," he said, his voice carrying a weight that caught Izuku's attention.

Izuku, a mix of worry and curiosity on his face, nodded. "Okay, what is it?" he inquired, sensing the seriousness in Katsuki's tone.

"It's nothing bad, but I feel like I need to tell you this," Katsuki began, looking up at the boy, their gazes locking. "This is the first time I'll be going on a date... with a man," he admitted, a hint of embarrassment lacing his words as he observed Izuku's reaction.

Izuku couldn't help but snort at the visible embarrassment on Katsuki's face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh," he apologized, a warm smile on his face. "I'll make sure this is the best date you've ever been on, then," he promised, his smile widening. As a playful gesture, Izuku leaned in to kiss Katsuki's rosy cheeks, the affectionate act breaking the tension and adding a touch of sweetness to the moment.

Izuku tapped on Katsuki's hand, signaling him to remove it so Izuku could unbuckle his seatbelt and exit the car. As he stepped out, Katsuki followed closely behind. The two walked into the restaurant hand in hand, immersed in the shared warmth of their connection.

Guided toward their table for the evening, they reveled in the anticipation of a delightful dinner. However, their attention was suddenly diverted when Katsuki's name was yelled from behind them. They turned to behold a beautiful woman walking towards them, her presence adding an unexpected twist to the evening.

"Bakugou!" The women called out and walked over to them. Izuku gasped as the woman's gaze shifted to him. "Holy crap, Midoriya? Hi!" She lunged towards him, catching Izuku off guard and prompting Katsuki to release his hand.

The unexpected hug from the women left Izuku momentarily surprised, but he quickly reciprocated, embracing the reunion. As they let each other go, Katsuki is left with his mouth gaping. 

"Toga, it's great to see you. Are you back in town?" Izuku initiated the conversation, a mix of surprise and delight in his voice as he caught up with her after a long time. Katsuki stood between them, his arms crossed, observing the exchange with a subtle sense of curiosity and perhaps a hint of protective concern. 

She smiled. "Only for the holiday. I can't believe you know Bakugou; he and I go way back," Toga said as she shifted her gaze to the blond and went for a hug. However, he stepped back, looking at her with disgust.

"Are you here alone?" Izuku asked with a friendly smile. Katsuki nudged him, subtly expressing his discomfort with Toga joining them for the meal. Izuku quickly caught on, offering his crush a reassuring smile before returning to Toga.

"I'm waiting on a friend of mine, but she seems to be arriving a little later than planned," Toga explained after glancing at her watch. She looked back up at the couple, her expression warm. "Do you mind if I wait with you guys until she arrives?" she asked, extending the invitation with a friendly smile. The situation added a layer of complexity to the evening, leaving Izuku to navigate the evolving dynamics between the three of them.

"We are kind of in the middle of something, short stack. Can you be a dear and wait at the bar?" Katsuki said coldly, his tone carrying a hint of irritation. He pulled out a chair for Izuku, purposefully turning away from Toga's gaze to meet Izuku's.

Izuku glanced over at Katsuki, surprised by the coldness in his tone and the directness of his request toward Toga. Despite the surprise, a realization settled in Izuku's mind—he knew Katsuki well enough to recognize the signs. The blond wasn't intimidated by Toga's presence; instead, he displayed jealousy.

"Katsuki... I know we've only started dating, but I wanted you to know something," Izuku began, his fingers grazing the menu as he spoke. Katsuki gazed toward him, silently urging Izuku to continue. "It's hard for me to show intimacy," Izuku admitted, opening up about a vulnerability lingering beneath the surface.

"Why don't we just enjoy each other's company and have a nice meal? We can discuss... intimacy when the time is right," Katsuki suggested, comforting Izuku. Izuku nodded in agreement, appreciating the blond's understanding and the suggestion to focus on the present. 

They both redirected their attention to the menu, easing the atmosphere back to the shared enjoyment of the evening and the anticipation of a delightful meal together. But occasionally, Izuku would glimpse at Katsuki, and he couldn't help but let a smile curve to his lips. He knew this relationship was just getting started, but his mother's reaction boggled his mind. 


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