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That same day, he went to the police station; that evening, Izuku received a call from the police, which immediately made him feel nervous. The reason for the call was not apparent, and the uncertainty of the situation added to his anxiety. However, as the conversation progressed, he felt a sense of happiness creeping in, which he found somewhat conflicting. Despite the mixed emotions, he knew he had to prepare for the worst and asked Iida if he could stay at his place for the night. 

Iida quickly offered his help and provided Izuku with a safe place to stay for the night. The call was due to a thorough investigation of Izuku's apartment, which meant he couldn't enter until the inspection was completed. This news further confirmed the importance of finding a temporary place to stay. 

Before the call, Izuku contemplated meeting with Todoroki, feeling he owed him an explanation since that night. Todoroki arrived five minutes early at their designated meeting spot, a restaurant. Just as Todoroki settled in to wait, Izuku rushed in seconds later. Without a word, Izuku threw himself into his friend's arms, burying his face in the crook of his shoulder, holding onto every tear that escaped his eyes.

"Thank goodness you're alright; I was worried sick," Todoroki said, gently stroking Izuku's hair as he pulled back slightly from the hug. Izuku nodded, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand to clear away the tears before meeting Todoroki's sincere gaze.

"I know, and I'm sorry for worrying you. It's just a lot to process," Izuku replied. Todoroki nodded understandingly and gestured for Izuku to sit across from him.

"It's okay, Zuku. I'm here for you," Todoroki said softly, offering a comforting smile as he gently reached across the table to squeeze Izuku's hand in reassurance.

"So, what brings you back to Tokyo all of a sudden? Last I heard, you were heading to London for a wedding," Izuku asked, trying to lighten the mood as he noticed the concern in Todoroki's expression. He knew he needed to tell Todoroki about his mother's arrest but wanted to find the right moment.

"Heh, that wedding was a disaster. Turns out, the groom was having an affair with someone of the same sex," Todoroki recounted in disbelief, prompting Izuku to burst into laughter, surprising Todoroki.

Izuku laughed and wiped the last of his tears away. "That sounds like it's straight out of a soap opera," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

"After returning to Tokyo, I opted to finish my studies here rather than study abroad. I felt the need to reconnect with my roots," Todoroki explained as he signaled to the waiter on the terrace corner, prompting the waiter to approach them to take their order.

"Yeah, I get that," Izuku nodded, feeling guilty for keeping the conversation light instead of addressing his mother's incarceration. He sighed heavily. "Hey Todoroki, I have some important information to share with you. Can you please listen carefully?" 

Izuku began to share his story with Todoroki, starting from the beginning since summer school and going up to the present. Todoroki listened intently, taking in every word as Izuku recounted the various sad and depressing moments he had experienced with his mother. As they waited for their food to arrive, Todoroki gently took Izuku's hand to offer comfort, which Izuku gratefully accepted.

Izuku also shared about his past struggles with self-harm and showed Todoroki the visible scars on his arms as proof of the difficult times he had gone through. As he spoke about it, Todoroki listened attentively, offering support and understanding. By cutting himself, he believed he could release all his pent-up emotions and find relief in being able to breathe again; it became a desperate habit, and all Izuku could do was continue to cut himself. 

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