cacoon of darkness

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Everyone stood up in confusion. Harper and Victoria looked terrified. Victoria then had a vision that hit her hard with realization she then stepped back Alanah, then appeared in front of the cocoon.

And you two are calling my baby girl stupid?! Alanah asked

Alanah, shut the hell up! Harper yelled

Harper, I'm the reason why no one could find you and could not remember your face for 5 years. I erased your image from their minds. That's how much I hate you, don't forget that. Alanah said as the smile on Harper's face faded.

Do that shit again. Harper said

Harper are you fucking slow?! Victoria asked

Victoria get the fuck out of my face! Harper yelled

What did I do? That's all her. Victoria said, pointing to Alanah.

I can't breathe.. move. Harper said, pushing Victoria to walk forward and dovey follow behind her.

Dovey... Harper said

Hm? Dovey asked before Harper could even say a word she fell to the ground with a loud whimper. Her forehead was bleeding. Dovey leaned down next to Harper, wiping the blood off when Victoria ran over, pulling dovey back as a cocoon half black half white that covered her body. Victoria was crying, then she started hyperventilating, and dovey had to calm her down.

Hey.. you need to calm down it'll be ualright. Dovey said with a sweet smile

This is all my fault. Victoria said

No, it's not it's Alanah's fault she knows those cocoons only activate when one of you is very upset. Dovey said

Wait, what? Victoria asked

It's obviously you and Harper made Carly very upset and the cocoon of darkness activated same with Harper Alanah made her very upset by saying you all don't care about her and how she's the reason you all forgot her she couldn't breathe though that's what I'm confused about. Dovey said as Victoria looked at her on awe.

Sorry, was I talking too much? Dovey asked, looking to the ground.

No, it's just that you're very... insightful you see things most of us missed. Victoria said

I.. can't control it. Dovey said

It's not a bad thing. Victoria said

Oh. Dovey said, dusting off her dress

Move. Alanah said, pushing dovey. Victoria, then got up to walk away from Alanah

Do you seriously think I'm letting you walk away from me?! Alanah yelled, pushing Victoria to a big tree she immediately began crying, unlike the others. Alanah knew Victoria wouldn't use her magic on her.

Get up! Alanah yelled

I can't! Victoria yelled

You useless piece of shit! Alanah yelled. Victoria cried more

You don't know when to quit? Lesso asked, pushing Alanah away from Victoria

If you ever touch me again, I will crush your spirit literally, then leave you here to die without a spirit. You lose your purpose in life. Alanah said

Vicky, are you alright? Beverly asked Victoria just shock her head no she then cried in Beverly's chest.

This is all my fault. Victoria cried

No, it's not she's feeding off the fact that you wouldn't dare to use your magic against her out of respect for her being your mother. Beverly said, rubbing Victoria's back. Alanah scoffed she then started making Victoria see her worst fear as a vision.

are you serious? Lesso asked the gray color, returning to one eye

Your little unlocked power won't allow you to hurt me it doesn't care about anyone out here! You dumb bitch! Alanah yelled as lesso kicked her to the ground.

That was smooth. Alanah said, appearing behind lesso

This'll probably hurt... Alanah taunted, stabbing lesso through the stomach lesso started laughing

Your a very stupid whore. Lesso said

Excuse me? Alanah said

I called you a stupid whore. Lesso said

Goodnight. Alanah said, putting lesso to sleep, sending her mind to a nightmare.

Vicky, you're pulling my shirt too tight. I can't breathe. Beverly said

S-s-sorry. Victoria said, crying uncontrollably

Hey...hey... look at me open your eyes. Beverly said as Victoria looked at Beverly her eyes were glowing blue, meaning she was in the middle of a vision.

Wait right here for a moment, love. Beverly said as she stood up and summoned pearl, destiny, goldy, and Evelyn.

Keep your rage in check, or else you'll be trapped in a cocoon of darkness or light. Beverly said

Got it. Evelyn said

That statement was intended for you. Beverly said

This'll be very easy.. I can make stupid poor Evelyn upset in seconds. Alanah said. Evelyn closed her eyes and breathed in and out

Yes, inhale exhale stupid. Alanah said

You must be out of your fucking mind! Cause if you think I give a shit about the "cocoon of darkness," then you're wrong I'm not a pussy ass bitch whose just going to let you "bully" me into crying and apologizing to you I hate you! And I can say it with my whole chest! Evelyn yelled

Oh, is that so? Alanah said

Yep. Evelyn said

Well then, Alanah said as she activated her power as it flowed through her body she picked up Victoria, who was still seeing her "vision."

Apologize. Alanah said

How about no. Evelyn said

Eve swallow your pride and apologizing! Destiny yelled

Now! Or I'm keeping her! Alanah yelled

Nope. Evelyn said

Eve... please... Victoria said her lips were quivering, and she's was crying inconsolably.

Suck it up! You can take her Alanah because I'm not apologizing. Evelyn said

Wait! Don't take Vicky! Take me! Beverly yelled

Beverly no.. Goldy said

No because Evelyn wants to be a selfish bitch and Victoria is not going with her. Beverly said tears filled her eyes

You've never cried before. Alanah mumbled, throwing Victoria over to them, taking Beverly instead.

We had already lost you to her before. Please stay! Don't go! Destiny yelled, running towards her, but Evelyn held her back

Stay back tiny. Beverly said

Let me go! Let me go! Destiny yelled through tears.

She's gone tiny! Evelyn yelled

I hate you, Evelyn! All you had to do was apologize! But you couldn't swallow your stupid pride to save your sister's! What?! Your pride was too big to swallow for you to save your sister! I hate you! Destiny yelled

Back the hell up, destiny! Evelyn yelled, pushing destiny back. Now I do not like the rest of you! I can only stand Carly Harper Sydney and gold, so the rest of you, I could care less about what happens to you! She yelled,

So a Meer apology was a price too big to pay, huh? Fuck you! Destiny yelled as she teleported back to the safe house. The rest of them soon did the same.

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