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You thought I would really let you get away from me? Beverly said, grabbing them from behind Carly head butted Beverly

Run! Carly yelled

Destiny, if you take one more step, I'll ro what I did in that cave before Carly came and saved you. Beverly said as Destiny stooped dead in her tracks

W-What did you say. Destiny said

I'm 100% sure you heard me. Beverly said as Destiny threw a big ball of magic at her with shaky hands as tears flew down her face as she ran towards Carly, as they kept running.

Do you want me to do it now? Lesso asked

Yes, do it. Beverly said as lesso knocked Carly and Destiny out.

Here ya go! Lesso said, handing Beverly a pair of magic dampening cuffs.

Thank you... Beverly said

Mhm sure. Lesso said, putting Carly over her shoulder as Beverly did the same with Destiny


Chain Carly to the wall, then put the cuffs on her. The rest of them will be out all day searching for these two. Beverly said

Ok, I'm assuming you're doing the same thing to Destiny. Lesso said

Yes and more, this brat keeps pissing me off. Beverly said as they tied them up and put the cuffs on them. They both woke up screaming.

Beverly, please take these shits off of us. Destiny said

Why should I? Give me a good fucking reason I don't like you at all so good luck finding a good reason. Beverly said

Not for me for Carly! Evidently, I'll be perfectly fine she won't. Destiny said

Destiny is right. Carly will go into a state of shock and won't wake up for a week. Lesso said

A risk I'm willing to take. Beverly said as someone walked in.

We're back! We didn't find them. Evelyn said

Yeah, I know. Beverly said

How? Goldy said as she walked in and saw Carly's state

Because I found them, duh. Beverly said

Technical we did, but I'm leaving now. Lesso said as teleported away.

A-Are t-those m-magic d-dampening c-cuffs. Goldy asked, her voice shaky

Aww goldy your stumbling over all your words. I wouldn't dare put them on you. You're my favorite sibling. Beverly said as she put the cuffs on Sydney and evelyn.

At least let Carly go. You know what this will do to her! Sydney yelled as Carly's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and a black beem of light shot out her eyes

No, I think I'm good. I'm gonna head out bye losers. Beverly said as a black liquid fell down Carly's face. With that, Beverly teleported away

Goldy untie Carly now! Evelyn yelled,

B-But i-i c-can't she'll be back. Goldy said, stumbling on her words as the same black liquid falling from Carly's eyes came out of her mouth.

Fuck.. Evelyn said as she passed out.

That bitch is driving me nuts. Lesso said as she walked over to Carly

What are you doing? Get away from her! Sydney yelled as her eyes began feeling heavy

Shut up! I'm trying to help her! Lesso yelled back as she took the cuffs off of Carly, picked her up, headed towards Camelot,

Bye, sweetie. Lesso said as she walked inside, leaving Carly on the ground, then teleported to dovey's room.

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