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She called me a whore! Lesso yelled

Your not a whore my love. Mia said softly

I know I'm not a whore! Lesso yelled

Anemone is a bitch don't let her words affect you also everyone is on your side. Mia said softly

I know. Lesso said as she calmed down, laying on the bed.

Nora.. how did you find your way as a student here who graduated earlier than her whole first year class? Mia asked

I was brought here because refal saw an evil in me I didn't know I had so he brought me here to cherish that evil we got married and had kids then broke up when I went soft for my kids. Lesso said, a hurt look in her eyes them. Mia took lesso's hand, giving her a reassuring smile.

Just get some rest. Mia said, kissing lesso than leaving the room lesso laid back feeling really tired she fell asleep.


I don't have the desire to help you, so I need you to make it worth my while. Dovey said, sitting on her bed reading a horror book

What do you want? Anemone asked, looking at refal.

I want Mia and lesso to forget each other ever existed. Mia is making lesso soft. Dovey said

Works for me. Refal said

Why are you reading that book? Anemone asked

I actually like horror, unlike the rest of you boring. Evers you all put me to sleep talking about your "bad days." Dovey said the last part sarcastically as she began laughing. refal laughed also.

Whatever. Anemone said, rolling her eyes

Aww, are you upset... that all u⁰0you ever teacher's aren't as hot... or me... dovey said in a low Seducive tone, then held her head back hand slightly above her mouth as she exhaled.

Whatever bitch. Anemone said

I am a bitch! Dovey cooed happily

She's supposed to be a never leonora is to be an ever. We switched their stories we saw never potential inside lesso's cold black heart...evil isn't born its made..we made lesso. Refal said

You failed turning me into a whiny bitch! Dovey yelled, and anemone tried to slap dovey across the face

Too slow..? Dovey said, holding anemones wrist. dovey held her wrist tightly

Hurt..? Dovey said her head still tilted eyes closed, knitting her eyebrows

A little bit.. let me go dovey. Anemone said as dovey opened her eyes

Why did you do what you did? Why did you bring us here? Dovey asked as she let go of Emma's wrist to smoke a cigarette.

You... we're never supposed to come here it was supposed to be leonora because of who her mother is. We didn't originally know who your mother or father was. Refal said as dovey blew smoke in refal's face.

Aww? Hard to find evil queen? Not even I can find her... such a...tragedy. dovey said as she was obviously high.

Good night, Dovey. Refal said

Wait... stay.. please? Dovey said in a Seducive but genuinely sad tone.

Fine. Refal said

What the fuck? Are you two dating? Anemone asked

Uhm.. dovey mumbled

Is it that obvious? Refal asked

Yes, very. anemone said

Where's my alcohol...? Dovey mumbled

You've had enough adult things shorty. Refal said

Obviously not if I'm still awake. Where are my drugs. Dovey mumbled dovey, took two drugs, and then a shot of alcohol before passing out.

Dove... refal mumbled as he picked dovey up, laying her on the bed kissing her forehead.

Refal, what was your goal in dating lesso? Anemone asked

Power. Refal said

What do you mean? Anemone asked

Whenever I'm around lesso, I sense a big magical energy coming from inside her, but it's locked, packed tightly deep within her and the funny thing is...she doesn't know it's there I've read her mind and went through her memories multiple times she's never even known about her locked power. Refal said

That's fucked up..who would keep such a big thing a secret let alone not even know about such secret.

I would. Mal said, appearing at the door frame

What? Why? anemone asked

Lesso will not only destroy herself using that magic, but she will destroy everything and everyone around her. Mal said

How do you know? Refal asked

One. I'm lesso's guardian, her God, mother.. and I'm the one who locked that magic. I don't plan on unlocking it until a life-threatening situation or until she's old enough to obtain it. Mal said

How old are you? Anemone asked

I'm 30. Mal said Also why are you two stupid bitch's letting dovey do her little attempts at suicide?

She's not attempting suicide! Anemone yelled

Then why... is she currently passed out due too a alcohol over dose oh and and drug over dose? She's drunk and high! Leonora would never and she's 20. Mal said

Are you serious? Lesso goes into my office to get bottles of whiskey every Saturday. Anemone said

Is lesso drunk or high attempting to kill herself with alcohol and drugs? No. Mal said

She isn't trying to kill herself! why would she do that? Rafal asked

She's tired! Rafal you're so stupid! You claim to love her but can see that behind this whole show she's putting on there's just a child who wants this performance to come to an overdue ending! Mal yelled

That's not true! Rafal yelled

Your blind and stupid! Once she successfully kills herself don't say shit! Because i warned your stupid ass! Mal yelled as she turned around and left out the room.

The Path To Happiness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora