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Lesso's pov:

I woke up feeling really drained and light headed how much blood did he take? I wondered to myself.

He must have been planning to drain me for all of it. I'm an idiot for kissing him.

I stood up after I took all the blankets and heating pads off me. I limped to my cane. The door then burst opened. And anemone walked in, pinning lesso to the ground, her knee pressed into lesso's stomach. Lesso couldn't even fight back because she was so light-headed that her vision began to blur.

Your refal's little bitch whether you admit it or not but your not going to keep running away like a weak bitch! Refal owns you! Or have you forgotten? Anemone said

You mind letting go of my girlfriend? You can obviously see she's not in a position to defend herself. Mia said as anemone let lesso's arms go, and she turned around to mia after kicking lesso to the side.

What did you say bitch? Anemone asked

She asked you very politely to let lesso go. Dovey said her whole body was shaking as she spoke, looking right into anemones' eyes.

If you are going to speak to me, then at least don't shake every word you speak. Anemone said, looking dovey up and down.

Leave Dovey alone. At least she's not helping a pure evil man, and the only payment she's getting is to suck his dick. Mia said

So after all she's done, you all forgive her? Pathetic. Do you even know how many things she's tried helping us with? Anemone said as Dovey looked down, shaking.

Well, we didn't at first until the night she almost died. Mia said

She was literally pregnant with refal's baby.. until me and refal took... care of it. Anemone said as dovey collapsed to her knees, crying uncontrollably. Dovey had just been relieved of that trauma only to be reminded of it.

You cruel fucks gave dovey a miscarriage?! Mia yelled

Yes we did refal doesn't want more kids. Anemone said

You two bitch's disgust me! Why would you do that to someone against their will! I hate people like you two! The fact that you would even associate with refal is horrendous! Mia yelled

We didn't realize she was pregnant until after it was done. I was drunk and bored she was quieter than normally and me and refal felt like making her cry so while she was reading her stupid book we made a potion that would make her feel like she was being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly and made her drink it. She was crying a lot, and we were laughing until she passed out and wouldn't wake up. Anemone said

You think torturing someone who was just minding their business is funny, then I will personally tie you up in the doom room, torture you for hours on end, and see if it's still funny. Now get away from lesso and leave while I'm still allowing you to. Mia said

Like I need your permission. Anemone said as her and lesso disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Dovey? Mia said

Yes. Dovey said as she just stared off into space.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Mia said softly, offering a hand to dovey as she took it.

Stop apologizing for something you had nothing to do with! I hate when people do that! It's like saying you feel sorry for me! Dovey yelled

Well damn. Mia said

Now come on, we're having a meeting in the library. Dovey said as she wiped her tears and retouched her make-up. They then left.


Where is Lady lesso?! Pollux yelled

Anemone took her! Mia yelled as someone barged in.

And your bitch ass let her! Carly yelled with Harper trying to pull her out.

HARPER FUCK OFF! Carly yelled her eyes glowed black instead of their normal purple grey swirl.

You're not in your right mind, so you're leaving. Harper said calmly Carly then threw ball of magic energy.

Bitch are you serious? Dovey asked

Dovey, you just... Mia said Dovey ignored everyone's shock and went to go help Harper.

Stop, don't touch me. Harper said

Your bleeding. Dovey said

Ok..? I'm a nurse.. what do I look like being afraid of blood. Get Carly out
Harper said. Dovey walked over to Carly, placing a hand on Carly. Dovey then used her magic to send a white light through Carly's body.

Dovey, what the hell did you just do?! Harper asked

I canceled out Alanah's mind control spell. Dovey said

Where the hell am i? Carly asked as she collapsed to the floor dovey then teleported Harper and Carly to Harper's office. As she took her seat again.

I know where lesso is. Dovey said

I think I should kick your ass. Mia said

Carly might have been under mind control, but she was right. You did let anemone take lesso, so shut up. Dovey said

You used to help them. I don't want to hear shit from you. Dovey said

You just said used to as in past tense please tell me who lacked enough brain cells to hire you, I don't know how lesso stands you all the time Dovey said

Can you two shut up? A never teacher crystal said.

Unknown voices do not speak. Therefore, you do not have the floor cryptonite. Mia said as crystal stood up.

I get it you let a power hungry cunt take your girlfriend actually no I don't but I'm gonna continue, dovey did nothing to you but say I know where she is which makes it easier for us to go and retrieve her before they drain all of her blood and bring those sick shadow monsters here. And yeah dovey did help them at a time, but that time is over she only helped them because they made her dip-shit, so if you're going to speak on something next time I hope you got your facts straight. My name is Crystal, stupid. Crystal said, retaking her seat. Everyone was silent for a few minutes because the only other person to ever go off on someone was Lady lesso.

So dovey, where do you think lesso is? Riley asked

The cave deep inside the blue forest whenever they kidnap us that's the go-to spot. Dovey said

We go at night fall. Riley said

Ok. Dovey said

You all can leave now. I need to talk to Crystal alone. So get out! Riley yelled as everyone began walking out. As soon as everyone left, Riley began speaking.

Lesso is going to be more than pissed when she comes back. But the way you spoke to mia was very impressive and bold. Riley said as her and Crystal stood 3 feet away from each other.

Do you actually need something? Crystal asked in a teasing tone

I need you, actually. Riley responded, locking the door with her magic.

So we're doing this? In a conference room? Riley, let's go to my... Crystal said before Riley began attacking her neck with kisses. Crystal let out moans of satisfaction. Crystal slowly moved her hands to Unbutton riley's top, then removed her bra as well. Crystal began massaging her breast. Riley let out moans of satisfaction as she kissed Crystal's lips, her tongue exploring Crystal's mouth.

Now we can go to your room. Riley said, putting her bra and top back on. 

That's not fair! Why did you turn me on and then leave me on a Clift hanger! Crystal pouted.

We have to find lesso at night fall anyways, so let's get ready to go inside the blue forest at night fall. Riley said

Fine. Crystal said as they left to get ready.

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