The kidnapping

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Riley woke up tied to a chair next to lesso as they both began blinking their eyes open to see cruella Mal and gothel talking to each other like they grew up together.

Whenever I see rapunzel again , I shave her head because no one told your stupid boyfriend to survive when I pushed him out that window. Gothel said

Yeah... sure you will. Mal said

How's your mom? Gother said

Why should I know? Mal asked

Are you two awake yet? Cruella asked, mixing her tea.

How many times have I told you? Even if they are awake, I don't think their dumb enough to respond. Gothel said

We're awake. Riley said

Dumb bitch! Lesso yelled

Is she dumb? Cruella asked

My mistake I gave them too much credit. Gothel said

Leonardo, why is your friend so dumb. Mal asked

Um no were not doing that. I picked her  name, so address her by it or simply say Lesso easy fix. Cruella said

Shut the hell up your a fucking hypocrite once second your telling us were gonna torture them for fun next second your defending your stupid daughter. Mal pouted.

You're sexy when you pout, so stop doing it because I'm supposed to be the prettiest her. Cruella said

Sorry, love, but leonora stole that title from you. Mal said teasingly

Fuck you. Cruella said

Please do. Mal said

Maybe I will later. Cruella said

I was joking. But- Mal said

Your not fucking my daughter. Cruella said

I'll take your son too they look the same. Mal said, shrugging her shoulders.

Enough of this of this whole conversation, it's making me uncomfortable. Cruella said

Alright, fine. Mal said

Here you go. Gothel said, handing Mal and Cruella a tray of cupcakes with white and black swirled frosting. Cruella looked at lesso with amusement, athen she picked up a cupcake

Nora? Do you like cupcakes? Cruella asked

Ew. No, I hate anything sweet. Lesso said as she looked at the cupcakes with a disgusted face.

Good. Cruella said, shoving a cupcake in her mouth. Lesso began choking when cruella's heart softened as she grabbed a bowl and held it under lesso's face.

Spit it out now. Cruella said, rolling her eyes with an annoyed expression on her face. As lesso spat out the cupcake, she coughed for a second before she inhaled swiftly. Cruella then left the room

Buzz kill. Mal said, picking up a cupcake and rubbing it all over lesso's face.

Mal? What are you doing? This wasn't a part of the plan. Gothel said

I don't care. I'm drunk and hard lock the door. I don't need her mother to come in here ruining things. Mal said as gothel locked the door. Mal sat on lesso's lap facing her as she licked the frosting off lesso's face while rubbing the outside of her pussy.

I fucking hate gay people this shit is disgusting. Gothel said

Shut your bitchass up. Mal said

Open the fucking door! Cruella yelled

No, we're good! Mal yelled

Mal I'm going to fucking kill you if I find out your hard and trying to fuck my daughter while she's tied up! Cruella yelled, kicking the door.

Too fucking late! Mal yelled as she gave lesso's dark hickeys on her neck. Mal continued to lick lesso's face until she reached her lips.

Open your mouth. Mal said as lesso shook her head, no spitting on mal's face.

Jokes on you whore I liked that shit do it again. Mal said as cruelly blasted down the door.

Mal, you have two seconds to get off her before I beat your ass. Cruella said as Mal got off lesso.

Cruella- gothel said

Gothel, shut your bitchass up because you sat over here and watched her do that nasty ass shit both of you get the fuck out of my house. now! Cruella yelled

Check leonora's shoulders that's Mal holding onto her while I tried getting her off of leonora. She's a disgusting whore and I'm just realizing I touched her I'm gonna go wash my hands. Gothel said, leaving to go wash her hands she came back with a bucket of water and a rag.

What's this for? Cruella asked

So you can wash the saliva off lesso's face. Gothel said

What are you talking about? Cruella said as she put 2 and 2 together. She then turned to look at Mal with hatred in her eyes

Wait! Cruella, stop! Gothel yelled as she was pushed to the ground by cruella. Cruella and Mal began fighting.

Your over reacting it's not that bad. Mal said

I don't give a fuck! Your a whore you look at her and you got hard on top of that you drunk my whiskey. Cruella said

Grow the fuck up leonora's legal! She drinks like she 21 every other night! So get the fuck out your feelings! Mal yelled

Can you two stop! Gothel yelled

Shut the fuck up! Cruella yelled as Mal's eyes glowed green

Cruella, close your eyes! Gothel yelled as cruella closed her eyes.

I don't need you to look at me for me to control your mind stupid! Mal said as she kicked cruella over her on the wall as she passed out.

I'm tired of taking your directions. You're not the boss of me, cruella devil. Mal said, dragging cruella's body out of the room.

Gothel are you that fucking useless?! Go help my mother! Now! Lesso yelled

How about I untie you and you can go do it. Gothel said

You're a fake ass best friend. I hope you know that! Lesso yelled

You need to calm down and remember were villains. Fake is kinda our whole brand. Gothel said, untying lesso.

Get a new fucking brand then. Lesso said as lesso dunked her head in the bucket of water, and then someone held her head down in it as she screamed

Mal move! You're taking it too far now! Gothel yelled

She'll be fine. Just a little bit longer when she stops fighting my grasp. Mal said

Mal, you're going to drown her! Gothel yelled

Boo hoo! Mal yelled

Mal move! Gothel yelled as she pulled Mal of lesso.

Either way, she had already passed out. Mal said

I was really hoping for cruella to whop your ass. Gothel mumbled

I'm still trying to find the whop in my ass. Mal said

Shut up you weird whore. Gothel said

I only need a week of back to back orgasms to make leonora my little whore. Mal said

Eww. What the fuck is wrong with you she has a girlfriend. Riley said

Mia doesn't qualify as a girlfriend. She's jealous of a fairy godmother. Cinderella's fairy godmother at that. Mal said

Dovey's actually a tolerant hero. Riley said

What the fuck did you just say? Gothel asked

None of these "heros" are tolerant I bet her whole class is still alive mine isn't their either dead in prisoned or their trapped as something like a fucking tree so shut the fuck up about a damn tolerance. Mal said as she stormed out. gothel just let a tear fall down her face before leaving

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