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You woke up and got ready for lessons. The lessons flew by, and before you knew it, it was lunchtime. You sat down next to lesso, who noticed you were staring into space and kept looking at her.

Uhm, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're staring at lesso. Dovey snickered

Why can't she look at me? Lesso asked

It's weird. Dovey said

It's fine lesso dovey's a bitch anyways. I just got a little lost in thought, that's all. You said

About what? Lesso asked with a small smile

About tonight, the blue forest isn't the safest place to take a walk in at night. You said

Oh yeah both you bitch's are gonna die I'm so glad. Dovey said

Dovey, please shut up. Rhian said

Whatever. Dovey said as she got up linking arms with ava and walked off

So, no one is gonna talk about how dovey is under the effects of mind control? Yuba said

Exactly, we need to discuss that because in the end dovey is gonna end up killing Lady lesso or Professor y/n. Anemone said

Yeah right that delusional cunt isn't going to kill me or y/n. Lesso said

Lesso! Rhian said

Sorry. Lesso said

And she can only mentally kill me. I'm immortal. Lesso said

Lesso, you can still be killed by your true love's hand! Rhian yelled

Good thing I don't believe in love! Lesso yelled back

You're...lying everyone...believes in love.. anemone said

I don't! His brother ruined that! Lesso yelled

Your a fucking liar! Dovey said, sitting back down. You do believe in love. You just don't want to admit it!

Dovey fuck off! why is it such a big deal I don't believe in love! Lesso yelled

The girl sitting next to you is damn near tears lesso take a fucking hint! Anemone said

Fuck..y/n I'm sorry. Lesso said as you got up and ran out of the lunch room. lesso ran after you.

Lesso is as clueless as an ever prince! Anemone said

Wait, y/n, I'm sorry. Lesso said as she grabbed your arm

Lesso, why didn't you tell me you don't believe in love! I'm over here falling in love with someone who doesn't believe in it! You said

Would you believe in love after all I've been through? No! So don't judge why I don't believe in love because I've gone through so much abuse in relationships that I'm emotionally drained. I'm emotionally numb! Lesso yelled as tears clouded her eyes.

So what you want me to feel bad for you because you've been leading you on I hate to break it to you but I don't feel bad for you because you knew what the fuck you were doing! You yelled

I'm not asking for you fucking forgiveness I'm asking you to understand why I don't believe in love! Lesso yelled

Lesso, calm down. Anemone said

No! Lesso yelled

We both know you believe in love. What   are you so afraid of! You yelled, causing lesso to break down, and then she was lead away by Yuba and Professor mia.

Why are all of you on her side! You yelled

We're not on anyone's side! You might be hurt at the fact that lesso doesn't believe in love, but you don't know why! So it's not lesso's fault! It's refal, dovey, ava, Mal, the list goes on, but having your heart played with will do that to you! Anemone yelled


Lesso, are you ok? Yuba asked Lesso just shook her head no slowly as her face showed no emotion.

She just doesn't understand it'll be ok. Mia said

When will it be ok people have told me for 7 fucking years "oh it hurts now but over time it'll get better" WHEN THE FUCK DOES IT GET BETTER! lesso screamed as she turned into a raven and flew out the window.

You done fucked up that girl will try to kill herself! Yuba said

Lesso flew into her room and grabbed a blade, and without thinking, she cut her arm and kept cutting until she felt something.

You look pathetic. Dovey said

Shut up, dovey. I don't have the patience. Lesso said

Your lover is broken she feels as if you were playing with her heart. Dovey said

Yeah, I know that feeling all too well. Lesso said

I broke it. Dovey said.

Broke, what? Lesso asked

I broke the mind control spell because of what happened tonight. Dovey said, letting out a calm sigh

Wait for real, that's amazing! Lesso said

Lesso, stop cutting yourself. Please. Dovey said

I want to feel something! Lesso yelled as tears flowed down her face freely,

Leo, you are my best friend, but we have no romantic future together. I'm sorry I hurt you when I was being mind controlled, but I don't want you to stop loving because I'm an idiot I was reckless and dumb but please clean yourself up and go back to talk to Yuba and mia. Dovey said

Ok. Lesso said as she healed her arm. Lesso and dovey flew out the window dovey as a dove lesso as a raven.

Hi old friends. Dovey said to mia and Yuba

Someone's back to normal. Mia said

I guess for now, at least. Dovey said as she fell back, holding her head she was mumbling the words "No not yet. it's too soon." 

Hell no, we just got her back! Lesso yelled,

Dovey, fight it! Mia said

I'm not strong enough! Dovey yelled

You are just try. Yuba yelled

I can't.. dovey said as her eyes flashed red.

We lost her! Again! Mia yelled

I have to go.. lesso said as she went to find you and anemone

Anemone Get out of my face. You said

Ask lesso to go through her memories of the last 4-7 years of her life. You might be surprised at what you find. And another thing, don't become one of Lesso's ex lovers. Anemone said

You ran into lesso who looked pale as she looked for you.

Lesso, I wanna see your memories from the last 4-7 years of your life. You asked

No..in order for you to see my memories, I have to relive what happened to me. Lesso said

Don't be a baby. You said

I'm not being a baby. I just don't want to relive any of those moments, but if you really want to, then we can. Lesso said hesitantly.

I'm sorry for calling you a baby. I was just teasing. You said

You've been warned entering my memories is like entering a panic room. Lesso said as she went to go mix the potion.

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