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Why are you like this? Sydney asked

Like what? Beverly asked

So mean and rude. You used to be nicer. Sydney said

Being stuck in the body of a man hungry for power, willing to do literally anything for that power, will do that to you. Beverly said

But you don't have to live in his legacy live how we used to. Sydney said

I don't remember anything from 400 years ago I don't even remember when Carly and Destiny were born I only remember being trapped in a white room In that man's mind while he continued constantly using my fucking magic and when I finally got to see the outside world it was only because she killed him! Beverly yelled, pointing at lesso

You ungrateful bitch! You should be happy she killed him! Sydney yelled

No, I shouldn't because I don't want to be out here! That's why I tempted him with my power in the first place! Beverly yelled

Sucks to suck! You're out here, and you can't do anything about it! Sydney yelled

Yes the fuck I can that's why there here! Beverly yelled again

You're not doing anything until you release Evelyn and Destiny, oh and goldy, their fading! Sydney yelled

How the fuck is goldy fading i didn't tie her up! Beverly yelled

Pure good cannot exist without pure evil the in between is fading right now as well seeing as if they both are gone she's not in between of anything. Sydney said

Beverly won't listen to reason it's alright well untie them. A voice said

Fuck off Victoria. Beverly said in an annoyed voice

How about you "fuck off" what does that even mean pearl? Victoria said

I haven't the slightest idea. Pearl said

It means leave it/me alone. Sydney said

Thank you, Sydney. Victoria said as she snapped her fingers, releasing everyone. As soon as Sydney hit the ground, she passed out.

Stupid Sydney, I hope fighting the cuffs was worth it because now you're not waking up for a very long time! Beverly yelled as Victoria's eyes glowed blue.

Incorrect she's gonna wake up in 5 minutes her power. However, it is a different story. She knew what she would lose when she started fighting those cuffs. Victoria said

You're gonna be facing a big punishment for almost destroying the balance. Especially if Sydney doesn't wake up, you're going to face big punishments for disturbing the balance. What are humans without developed spirts? Pearl said

I don't care about what's going to happen to me, seeing as I don't want my powers and don't want to be here, so I don't care. Beverly said

Stop talking, please. Your voices are hurting my ears. Sydney said weakly

Sweetie, I believe that's called a concussion. Victoria said as she offered a hand out to Sydney.

I can't move my limbs they feel numb. Sydney said.

I'm not asking you to move. I'm trying to figure out how I can carry you. Victoria said

It's happening!!! Beverly yelled, sitting in a chair she made appear next to her.

What's happening? Victoria asked as goldy, and evelyn started floating while unconscious their eyes glowed black for evelyn White for goldy.

What the fuck? Destiny said

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