i'm sorry?

2 0 0

Beverly soon opened her eyes slowly, but surely she was still light-headed.

Bev? Victoria asked

Huh? Beverly asked, rubbing her pupils, trying to get rid of the light headedness in her head.

Are you alright? Goldy asked

Who's that Victoria? Beverly asked

Our sister, goldy. Victoria said

Can you stop calling your imaginary friends our sister? She's not mine. Beverly said goldy heard the last part, and she fell to the ground her heart felt as if it was shattering goldy had already lost Evelyn she didn't wanna lose Beverly as well.

Goldy s-she doesn't mean it. Victoria said

Yes, I do. Beverly said

What's going on? Sydney asked Alanah, then ran in, grabbing Beverly by the wrist.

Mom?! Get off! Beverly yelled, causing Alanah's head to spin as she began to feel dizzy she held onto the door for support.

Beverly, what did you just call me? Alanah asked as she let Beverly go.

I called you mom because you're my mother. Beverly said Alanah's eyes soon filled with tears as she left the room silently.


I need to get my shit together! Alanah yelled as she woke the prisoners up.

What do you want you selfish cunt? Lesso asked

The real question is, do you wanna die? Alanah asked

I would enjoy watching you try to kill me. Lesso said

How about I kill your two daughters and your girlfriend. Leonora your a fucking whore. The way you let those teenage boys and that man shut you out when you were only 13 is disgusting. Alanah said I mean bitch were you that desperate they even took turns fucking you until you passed out even after you passed out they kept going which landed you in the nurse on bed rest for a month because you couldn't walk properly after that.

What the fuck-? Lesso asked

Lesso, what the hell is she talking about? Dovey asked

A whole lot of shit i don't feel like explaining right now.  Lesso said

I'll explain, your best friend is a whore. Who let 17 year old dirty boys take turns fucking her until she came. Whilst she was still 13. Alanah said in a taunting tone.

That's actually not what happened. Lesso said

Then what happened? You "didn't want to get fucked senseless?" Alanah taunted 

Leonora lesso of gavolden why aren't you responding back to me..? Alanah asked

Maybe she's pissed off. I would be. Mia said

Nobody was talking to you, Mya. Alanah said

For the last time, it's mia.

Mya, what are you gonna do? Huh? You're tied to the wall. Alanah snickered

Untie me now. Mia said using her sonic hypnosis.

Ok. Alanah said as she untied mia. Mia then untied everyone else.

What the fuck did you just do? Alanah asked, pulling a dagger from her boot, pinning Mia to the wall holding the dagger on her throat.

Get the fuck off her. Lesso said, pulling Alanah backward off mia.

I'm sending an attack to the schools you cherish so much. Next week you bitch's won't have time to rest. Leonora, if you touch me again, I will take you back to when you were 13 so I can find out what really happened. Alanah said as they all ran out.

She's probably bluffing. Dovey said

She's not. Mia said as she opened the exit but then heard a scream they then ran to it, opening a door to see Alanah beating the shit out of Beverly while she just screamed and cried.

Please stop! Beverly yelled through tears

No I fucking hate you! You can either help me with my plan, or I'm going to beat this shit out of you until you pass out. Alanah yelled

What's going on? Sydney asked as she looked around the room to see everyone  doing their own thing she saw Beverly and immediately jumped up,

What the fuck?! Get off her! Sydney yelled, running over to stand in front of Beverly, taking Alanah's hits she turned around to check on Beverly.

Hun are you ok? Sydney asked

I'm alright now, thank you, Sydney. Beverly said, giving Sydney a big hug. Sydney hugged her back and then turned around, pushing Alanah back off her.

Do you wanna know something, Alanah? I do still have a pace in my heart for you I still love you and I still want to be your daughter but the way you treat us is really fucked up were still your children at the end of the day whether we want to be but you need to be better I'm not the only daughter that still loves you. Sydney said as Alanah had tears forming in her eyes and her hands were shaking.

Excuse me. Alanah said softly as she walked out without another word.

Sydney, what did you do to Alanah? Victoria asked, just waking up.

I didn't do anything to her physically. I just hurt her spirit emotionally and mentally. Sydney said lesso, then opened the door to let them out the room.

Ah shit it's so bright out there. Goldy said

Cmon were leaving. Mia said Sydney helped Beverly stand. They all left out the room. After weeks of being missing, they walked outside, Sydney gave Beverly a huge hug before she fell to the ground, and she started groaning and whimpering on the floor

Sydney?! Please be ok! Beverly yelled as her Victoria and goldy dropped down to check on Sydney.

Stop! Please! I don't wanna help you! Sydney screamed, trying not to cry.

Sydney, who are you talking to?! Beverly asked, worried

A-alanah. Sydney stuttered

I'll help you push her out, alright? Victoria said as she squeezed Sydneys hand in a comforting way.

Ok-! Sydney said as she then screamed out in pain

I'm going to rip your mind a part if you don't agree to help me right now. Alanah said, appearing in front of Sydney. That stunt you pulled with my spirit was really smooth. I almost cried. But believe when I say you're about to pay for it.

Fine! Fine! I'll help you just get the hell out of my head! Sydney yelled as Alanah smiled and then took Sydney back inside the mansion, putting her in a cocoon of darkness.

Prepare for my attack cunts and whore. It's gonna be one you'll remember for..  the rest of your pathetic lives. Alanah said slamming the door

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