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Is that the best you got old hag? The real Beverly said(the fake Beverly's name is Alanah)

So you do want me to take more of your pathetic magic? Alanah said as she started taking more of Beverly's magic as she let out a scream, as the color in her eyes drained

I-If it's so pathetic, then stop taking it! You're so stupid! Beverly yelled

Bev get up. Victoria said, offering a hand to Beverly she took it and started walking away with Victoria when a strong force of magic pulled Beverly back so far she hit the wall hard. Alanah started walking towards Beverly with a dagger.

I can take whatever amount of magic I want from all your pathetic spirits! I'm your fucking mother so whatever I want I'll take! Are we clear! Alanah yelled, holding the dagger to Beverly's neck

No, Alanah, we're not clear. I don't consider you a mother, more of a boarding school teacher than a parent, I hate you! Beverly yelled

I'm little going to cut your tongue out if you keep talking to me stupid. Alanah said

Do it. Beverly said

What? Alanah asked

I said do it. Beverly said

I'll do something else. Alanah said as she gripped onto Beverly's hair and continuesly banging Beverly's head against the concrete wall.

Wait, stop! Victoria said

Come too close, and you're next. Alanah said

When Alanah was done banging Beverly's head against the wall, Beverly's head was bleeding, and she had a concussion.

I'm done now. Take her. Alanah said as she threw Beverly at Victoria's feet. Beverly was barely conscious, Alanah then smiled at Beverly's weak state and teleported out.

Fuck..I-I don't wanna touch her I'll probably drop her I'm shaking to much. Victoria said as Evelyn picked her up and then teleported all of them in their safe house.

Beverly, can you see me? Evelyn asked, walking inside Beverly's room, laying her on the bed.

Mhm. Beverly said, as Evelyn wrapped a bandage around Beverly's head and put bandages on her arms, and face.

How many fingers do I have up? Evelyn asked

4. Beverly said

No 2. You have a concussion. Evelyn stated Beverly started laughing uncontrollably until she began coughing up blood.

Whoa, stop laughing so hard. Evelyn said

Alanah's stupid lesson on crying doesn't work! Beverly said as she began crying.

I'm gonna go get goldy. Evelyn said as she went to get goldy

Bev, are you ok? Goldy said

Do I look ok? Beverly said, still crying.

You're right. I'm sorry. Goldy said as she started rubbing Beverly's back

Why are you crying? Goody asked

I'm embarrassed, I lost most of my magic, and I have a concussion, and I don't know what the heck a concussion is! Beverly yelled

A concussion is a brain injury. Goldy said

My eyes barely glow red when I yell or get mad. That's how much magic she took! Beverly yelled

How did she even take you? You're always such high alerted. Goldy said

Well.. I was at a bar looking really hot with some of my human friends when this girl offered me a drink. I said no, then she left, and then I was going to leave when this guy asked me to follow him and I did because he was super cute but when I walked into the bathroom Carly was tied to the wall with a gag on her mouth and the boy said he was going to kill Carly with this dagger that can kill an immortal if I didn't drink 2 bottles of alcohol I did because I was tired of being sober. After I drank both bottles of alcohol I was a giggling mess until I passed out. Before I passed out, I heard the boy say, "You do not handle alcohol well your my best mistake." That's when I realized that that wasn't a boy it was Mother. Beverly said

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