not well

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Lesso, how do you feel? Harper asked

She feels amazing get the fuck up lesso. Dovey said

Lesso, how do you feel? Harper asked again

I feel sick. Lesso said

I bet. You're sweating like crazy. Harper said

That's too damn bad. Get the fuck up! Dovey yelled as she pulled lesso out the bed

Ouch. Lesso said

She's pregnant, move! Harper yelled, pushing dovey away

If I don't see you at breakfast, I'm going to profusely stab you in the stomach. Dovey whispered in lesso's ear as lesso's eyes widened in shock. Then dovey left

I think I'm gonna go teach my classes. Lesso said in a shaky voice

I thought you didn't feel well. Harper said

I don't, but dovey said if I didn't, she would stab me in my stomach profusely, and I think she means it. Lesso said as she snapped her fingers, changing her outfit.

How are you feeling? Harper asked before lesso left

I'm just light-headed, I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I feel like I'm about to faint. Lesso said as she walked towards the teacher's breakfast dining area.

Dovey, it's 8:00am. Why are you so mad? You asked

I'm not mad. I'm thinking of all the ways I'm going to stab lesso if she doesn't get her in 1 minute exactly. Dovey said as lesso sat down next to mia. Who was weirdly silent.

Mia, are you ok? Lesso asked she shook her head no as tears fell down her face.

Mia were leaving. Lesso said as her and mia got up to leave, then walked out.

Mia, why are you crying? Lesso asked

Before you got in here, I kept asking dovey where you were she said, "Shouldn't I know, then I said Well I don't, then she said too damn bad then I kicked her out her chair then she made my corset tighter then she did yesterday. Mia explained

If you faint again, I'll be there in a heartbeat. Lesso said as she kissed mia softly.

Thanks. Mia said as they went there separate ways to their classrooms.

Ok, so last class, I said create a spell now. I want each of you to present that spell. Mia said as dovey pushed Carly through the door. Carly fell to her knees through the door.

Fuck you dovey I'm way fucking older then you! You cunt bitchass fuck! You put me in this fucking dumbass dress so I can't fight back weak bitch! Carly yelled.

Watch your mouth! Dovey yelled

I got a fucking spell for you bitch! Carly yelled as she floated in the air her eyes glowed black as she sent a beem of magic towards dovey but dovey responded with a beem of magic back at  Carly but Carly overpowered dovey cause dovey's lip started bleeding.

Yeah how you like that dumb bitch! Carly yelled, "Then dovey caught Carly off guard, and she threw a magical blast at Carly, but mia jumped up in front of the beem, protecting Carly in the process. As soon as the blast hit her, mia let out a loud scream of pure agony. That's when lesso walked in seeing what happened.

Mia! Lesso yelled as she ran in and then teleported Harper inside the room

What happened now? Harper said through gritted teeth.

It was fucking dovey like it always is! She tried throwing a magical blast at Carly, but mia jumped in front of it to protect Carly. Beatrix said

How do you know my name? Carly asked

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