behind closed doors

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We all wake up to see lesso's back against the door, her head in her knees.

Lesso, are you ok? Mia asked

Yes. Lesso said

Are you sure? You sound mad. Mia said

I'm fine. Lesso said

Ok. Mia said

Why are yall I here? Lesso asked

We chose your side instead of the schools side. Harper said

But to prevent suspicion, they let us out to do our jobs they've been waiting for you to wake up. I don't know why, though. Carly explains

What the fuck why are you here. Lesso asked

Oh, I told them if they don't let yall go, I'm gonna kill them from the inside out. Then those cunts injected me with a green liquid. Carly said

I made that fucking potion that's why I didn't immediately pass out. Lesso said

That's funny. Carly said

Shut up. Lesso said

Their devotion is funny , which I mean their trying to use us as weapons leo. Carly said

They are not using me for shit. Lesso said

They are making a potion to make us, but I doomed it to fail. Carly said as she laid on her black cloud.

Lesso, are you ok? Your breathing sounds a bit shaky. Carly asked

I'm fine. I just have a headache. Lesso said as someone started banging on the door. Lesso got up and immediately put her hands up to defend herself.

I told yall they were in here! Dot said

Yeah, I guess you were right. Mya said as lesso jumped up and hugged Dot, and Mya tightly

Mom I uh can't breathe. Dot said ad lesso let them go.

Another thing I thought I told yall two to stay in gavolden until I came back. Lesso said

We were in gavolden with aggie and Sophie, but then Hester and tedros came and got us to come here. Why did they say you've gone rogue? Mya asked

One I you shouldn't have came back without permission two I have not gone rogue that was simply a misunderstanding... Lesso said

How so? Dot asked

I simply threatened to blow the school up when Rhian refused to give me my magic back, and he told the whole school that I went rogue. Lesso said

That's all that happened?!? Harper said

Yes, I didn't kill Rhian or refal i put refal In a coma. Lesso said as she opened the portal to gavolden

Bye, mom! Mya said

Bye, mom! Dot yelled, walking in the portal with mya

Get off the bed. Lesso's said

Why? Actually, never mind. Harper said as her and mia got up lesso, put your sleeping body on the ground, giving you a kiss on the forehead. Then, lesso picked up the bed, throwing it off the balcony, breaking the glass in the process. A shard of glass scratched lesso's face. She showed no sense of pain as she walked over to the balcony sitting on the edge.

If your plan is to jump, then I'd rather stay here. Mia said

I'm not jumping. That room is suffocating.  I'm unable to think in there. Lesso said as blood dripped from her hands from the glass shards.

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