Lesso's/dovey's breakdown

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Lesso was done with the potion she gave you a black one and she had a blue one anemone and Professor mia were the only ones in the room. Lesso drunk, hers and immediately collapsed, but mia caught her and put her on the bed.

y/n she's never gonna wanna talk to you after this you done fucked up. Mia said

Whatever, it's probably not even that bad. You said

Yeah, keep that same energy when you don't come back until you've seen everything. Anemone said you rolled your eyes, laid on the bed, and drunk the potion. You were in a room lesso was in the bathroom getting ready for a shower when she heard a knock at the door. She went to answer it, and it was refal before she could say anything or shut the door he kicked her to the ground and chained to the wall.

Remind me why we broke up? Refal said

You already know why. Lesso said as refal forced kisses onto her, and when he was done, he grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the brick wall, which made her pass out 15 mins later Carly ran in picked lesso up and rushed her to the nurse.

Then you saw another memory of lesso in a braw and underwear, and refal was whipping her with a whip while lesso begged for her life. Then she fainted from exhaustion. refal let her go, and she fell to the ground dovey, then walked in.

Welcome to the panic room bitch! Dovey said as she kicked lesso in her ribs.

Then another memory was refal tied lesso on a bed, her hands over her head removing her clothes and raped her. This was a repeated memory

Then another one where dovey pushed lesso to a wall and kissed her against her will. Until lesso started hyperventilating and then passed out

Another one where ava climbed onto lesso's bed and kissed her against her will.

There were a lot of things they did they tortured lesso for 3 years every other night, and they sexually assaulted her to the point where she tried to kill herself and when you were done looking at those memories you woke up lesso also woke up frantically crying.

Lesso, I'm so sorry. You said, but it was as if she couldn't hear you.

What? Don't like what you saw? Dovey said

How could you do something like that? she's a person! You yelled

No shit! Dovey said

Lesso, calm down, please. Mia said, but it was as if she couldn't hear anyone.

Lesso, you need to calm down. Anemone said

I don't even care, but if you haven't noticed, she's in a state of shock, I call it the panic room. Dovey said as she approached lesso. She whispers in lesso's ear, "exiting the panic room,"

Lesso calmed down. When she calmed down, she hugged dovey and ran to her room.

Why did she hug me? Dovey said

You two are perfect for each other dovey! Because both you dipshits are clueless as a ever prince! Anemone said

I.. don't love lesso anymore. Dovey said

Oh. I was joking anyway. Anemone said

y/n you done fucked up bad, lesso is about to jump off the roof because she doesn't want to live with the fact someone saw her memories! The storian yelled

Fuck! You yelled as you flew to the roof

I'm not jumping, I'm thinking. Lesso said as she silently cried her knees up and her head in her knees.

Lesso, I'm sorry I pushed so hard to see your memories and that I invalidated your feelings. Because anemone told me you were uncomfortable showing me, but I still pushed to see them. I'm so sorry. You said, rubbing lesso's back, but she pushed you off.

So you knew you were it was making me uncomfortable to show you my memories, but you still pushed to see them? Don't touch me. lesso said as she scooted further away from you.

Yes, but I'm sorry. You said

Just because you throw a stone in water, you never know how deep it goes. Lesso said

Lesso, I truly am sorry. You said

Do you even know my first name? Lesso asked

No. You said

Yeah, and you won't get to until I'm laying on the ground, coughing up blood dying. Lesso said

Ok, I respect that. Can we go on our date yet? You asked

Only.....if you kiss me. Lesso said you then grabbed her face to look at you, and you then kissed her passionately

I heard from a quill that you two were on the roof. Dovey said as she grabbed lesso by her hair, holding her over the edge.

Wait! Dovey, what do you want! You yelled

Entertainment, let's see how fast you can react to catching your true love! Dovey yelled as she dropped lesso over the edge. You immediately flew to go catch lesso.

LESSO! you yelled as you barely caught lesso 1 inch from the ground.

Lesso laid there not talking she just cried silently

Lesso let's go. You said as it started raining but again. It was as if she couldn't hear you, so you went to get mia and anemone

Another pathetic scene lesso? Dovey said as she took out a syringe with a red liquid in it

You know what's about to happen, right? Dovey said

Yeah.. lesso said, chocking on tears

You know you deserve it you've been very disobedient. Dovey said

Yeah.. lesso said chocking on tears again as dovey injected the serum in lesso's arm and her eyes went white as blood dripped from her eyes and mouth. Dovey smirked, then disappeared in a puff of gold smoke.

She's over here. You said

What happened to her! Why are her eyes white and bleeding.

Mhm, the spell seems to be back firing magnificently. Refal said

Good job dovey! Ava said

Stop doing that. Dovey said

Stop what? Refal asked

Stop mind controlling me and making me forget! Stop mind controlling me and making me hurt the person I love! Stop treating me like a fucking dog! Stop making me do stuff for you that you can easily do yourself! Stop making me make these potions, then make me test them out on lesso! Stop hurting me every time I speak up! And stop hurting lesso! Dovey yelled as she fainted

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